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Ice Cream Truck

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:20 PM
This is from a blog, in light of Ft Hood it's good to share information that might stop other attacks...

"[...] At midday, I was in the back of the house in my office--blogging, of course. At some point, a noise entered my consciousness. It was a voice, a tinned one and, as I listened I became aware of three things: that the voice was male, that it was coming out of a bullhorn and that it was repeating the same phrase over and over again. However, I could not make out the words at first. [...]
The voice was coming from speakers attached to the type of truck that is sometimes used by ice cream vendors. The truck was spotlessly clean and gleaming white except for the design on the side: the huge blood-red star-and-crescent symbol of Islam.

The occupant had been exhorting the residents of this neighborhood using a two-sentence phrase, most of which I have blocked out of my memory. But I do remember one part and, really, it's the only relevant part. The occupant was advising us to...

"Embrace Islam."

Further, it kind of reminds me of some freeking future post-911 world with marshall law in the streets.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by JJay55

Well if you aren`t buying what he`s selling , what's the problem ?

I suppose if he was an American , he had the right to do so .I presume he wasn`t breaking any laws .

"Embrace Islam." ....... that`s it .
Sounds like he spent too much time doing up the truck instead of working on his presentation.

It could also be a load of B.S.
Its a possibility.

Islam and Ice-cream .

An Iragi ice-cream vendor was paid a visit by some armed thugs , they threatened to kill him if he did not stop selling his wares , as `there was no ice cream in the time of Muhammed `.

He stood back , eyed up their pick up truck and told them he would do as they asked , when they came back on camels .

[edit on 23-11-2009 by UmbraSumus]

[edit on 23-11-2009 by UmbraSumus]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:33 PM
Yeah, the guy said he heard it and then it was gone. But if there is an announcement truck I would consider that against the law. Either disturbing the peace or a noise violation.
More importantly, recruiting in the street with a bullhorn isn't the purpose of the truck, if indeed it does exist. Instead this is a weapon for future use that will be used to partol and force people into Islam given the right conditions. From the design and theology aspect.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:42 PM
Another way to brainwash the young, as all religions are doing and not only Islam.

It's pathetic really, that to bring new people to their flock of believers, they need to resort to tactics such as these. People know where the churches and mosques are, and there's enough of the damn things.

Ironic how many non-westernised muslims will say ice cream is too westernised to be associated with islam. Why do the hypocrites never say that the western world is too westernised for islam! NO, instead they demand change where they see fit, and removal of what they dislike - typical religious hypocrisy.

Actually I wish planet earth was too westernised to be associated with islam.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:43 PM
..interesting. but what do you think it all means? I mean in the long run it's hard to say whether this will be the demise of the US.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Then Came War
..interesting. but what do you think it all means? I mean in the long run it's hard to say whether this will be the demise of the US.

If you look at the infiltration of the US government, military, resources and infrastructure it shows how vulnerable we are in the event Islam makes a turn against us.
They are so strategically placed that a take over would be a cake walk.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by JJay55]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by JJay55
Yeah, the guy said he heard it and then it was gone. But if there is an announcement truck I would consider that against the law. Either disturbing the peace or a noise violation.
More importantly, recruiting in the street with a bullhorn isn't the purpose of the truck, if indeed it does exist. Instead this is a weapon for future use that will be used to partol and force people into Islam given the right conditions. From the design and theology aspect.

All bigotry from the original article aside,

The blogger's point was a perception that it is customary for Jihadists to attempt to convert others to Islam before they proceed with an attack.

From the blog:

I’ve been thinking of that “ice cream” truck and what that particular vendor was selling. Aren't Jihadis required to warn their infidel foes and invite them to convert before any attack?

“Embrace Islam,” he said. Left unspoken was the alternative.

I thought suicide bombers shouted "God is Great!" before an attack??

The message is clear here: If you spread the word of Allah, you are a terrorist. . . I really don't care for a Christian or Muslim knocking on my door, but I can't help but notice the subtle propaganda at work in this story.

[edit on 11/23/2009 by clay2 baraka]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:45 PM
I think the blogger's point was that a call to "embrace Islam" could very well be the precursor of a terror attack. In Islam, you're not supposed to attack people unless they're already attackig you. And you're not supposed to attack until you've given them the chance to convert. A sound truck riding through the streets urging people to "embrace Islam" could be considered enough of a chance to justify slaughtering the people.

I was on a forum, when we got a very off-topic, rambling post urging us to convert to Islam. In couple of days, 9/11 took place. Coincidence? Sure, maybe. But it also might have been the "chance to convert" offered, before the atrocity.

It is not racism or bigotry to point out that there are Muslim terrorists. In fact, most terrorists are Muslims. Not all, but most. For every Timothy McVeigh, there are a hundred or more Muslim martyrs who will gleefully blow themselves up for Allah, or slaughter helpless unarmed people. Islam is claimed to be a "religion of peace", yet most of the acts of violence are committed by the supposedly peace-loving Muslims. How is this possible?

It's not just a few extremists giving Islam a bad name. There are thousands upon thousands of Islamic religious leaders advocating violence to their members. As long as youve got people preaching violence, you'll have people committing acts of violence. And yet we're supposed to pretend that this violence has nothing to do with Islam.

True, the vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving. They want to live and raise their kids in safety, and aren't interested in becoming martyrs (or sending their kids to be martyrs). They're just like other folks, want to work for a decent wage, live in a safe place, have enough for food and maybe a little extra for luxuries. That's probably 99%+ of Muslims who are peace-loving.

But despite that, Islam is turning out way more violent people than other religions. It is naive and foolish to pretend that this violence has nothing at all to do with the religion.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:49 PM
Was he saying this?

"Well, I'm usually passin' by just about eleven o'clock
Uh huh, I never stop, I'm usually passin' by, just around eleven o'clock
And if you let me cool you one time, you'll be my regular stop
All right boys

I got good lemonade, ah, dixie cups
All flavors and push ups too
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
See now all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Yes I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
They say all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
Ah, one time

I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin' by
They say all my flavors are guaranteed to satisfy
One time, boys
I'm your ice cream man
I'm your ice cream man
Ah my, my, my
All my flavors are guaranteed to satis-uh-fy

-D. L. Roth...... The Ice Cream Man.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by badgerprints]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by clay2 baraka

If we insist on being politically correct more people will die like in Ft Hood.
It's best to recognize public displays of jihad and point them out for our safety.

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