posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 03:46 PM
Recently it seems that there has been an increasing awareness and interest about the issue on the existence of (intelligent) extra-terrestrial life.
The reason for such phenomena is not entirely clear to me, perhaps somebody could throw in a couple of ideas here.
The fact is that even the Vatican is publicly addressing the issue. This surely proves my point about how this topic is being wide-spread to the
masses and even to so called academics and researchers.
The consequence of such phenomena ranges from wild speculation to release of information from supposed inside or secret sources (even coming from the
extra-terrestrial themselves). This is not bad at all in my perspective, even though all that we receive may not correspond with the actual objective
truth. I think that it is healthy to exercise the imagination.
"What would they look like? Would their patterns of behavior be similar to those of human beings? Why? Is it possible that they are basically
composed of something else besides carbon opening up further questions about life as we know it?"
All of these questions that open us up for more possibilities of existence are very interesting and productive in my opinion.
But for every useful thing there is an exageration of it which makes the thing itself start becoming counter-productive. And eventually our
imagination will come across of what we can call the "Big Question" concerning the issue; that of intervention, be it in the past, in the present or
in the future.
Underlying this big question there is a heavy philosophical debate that relates to ethics. And ethics is said to be one of the ultimate or more
complex topics in philosophy, where one would need a heavy load of philosophical knowledge beforehand to address it properly.
Of course then that most people that discuss about alien intervention don't even dare to approach ethics philosophically, even though that would be
the right thing to do, because this approach would probably consume one's entire life time in order to only understand the immense range of
possibilities and problematics that ethics offer. And in the meantime one would realize that the knowledge gained would be more useful being applied
practically and not only theoretically, thus making one forget or even logically discard the whole issue with extra-terrestrials.
Am I being followed here? I forget that I'm not writing to the philosophy folks but to the alien folks. I'll try to keep as simple as possible
although I find myself undertaking a hard task.
When we make the big question we inevitably end up stumbling upon the "us and them" idea.
"Who are they? What do they want with us? Are they here to help or to exploit us? Maybe there are different ones with different intentions."
Well, this is where I want to get with all this. We are unable to understand what "them" is and what "they" would be up to if we first dont
understand what "us" is and what "we" are up to. And who are we/us for instance? Humans? What are humans? What do we know about ourselves? What do
humans want? What do we want?
All of these questions need to be correctly addressed before we start questioning "them". We cannot understand them before understaning us. Maybe we
will find out that there really isnt any "them", but who knows?
How can one start thinking so far away (about them) without thinking first about what is so close (us)? When using reason one has to follow up step by
step, starting from the beginning. If you try to skip steps you will eventually break your leg. And this happens quite often, we tend to skip steps
because we are really conditioned to do so by the mass bombarding of information that we inevitably receive from the outer world. If we were to be
completely alone for enough time we would soon realize that we have to start from the beginning, from what we currently have - and that is ourselves
and our internal world. Not only that but we would also realize that its impossible to go any further before solving the first part of the puzzle -
ourselves. What are we? What do we want? etc
I guess human beings do the jumping steps quite a bit without even realizing so and after they break their leg they are incapable of seeing the actual
cause and keep breaking their legs over and over. Like eating more then you can actually digest, which will eventually make you unhealthy. And your
unhealthiness will make you eat more because food tastes good and paying attention to what is wrong will only cause more trouble to your poor self
that has no idea why it is so poor.
But here we are talking about the mind and reason, which can also become sick if not taken care properly. When using the mind we should follow some
basic logical patterns to ensure its accuracy and health, just like having a good diet that will ensure and not hold back the use of our entire
physical potential.
Well, untill now I havent really done much but pointing out a problem. Nothing of practical use has been said. I will try to offer now help for
walking each step at a time instead of jumping stepts with no actual gain.
It will require a bit of patience and understanding of your part. Its a delicate issue and hard enough to convey my thoughts about it efficiently. But
if you can't open yourself now to what I have to say next it will be just a matter of time for it to happen. I mean, how many times can one break its
legs without admitting that they did something unreasonable or even stupid?
Let us realize now how many people talk about aliens here on ATS and their possible behavior towards us humans.
My question is: Do you think these people that talk so much about aliens know so much about themselves and all fellow human beings? Bcause that should
be a pre-requesite to talk about bigger things that supposedly englobe this previous knowledge that I doubt they have. For instance, you can't talk
about the physical universe if you don't even know what is the shape of the Earth.
Im quite positive about the answer to my question: No. They do not know about themselves and their fellow human beings as well as they seem to know
about the extra-terrestrials. I challenge anyone that talks about aliens to talk about themselves and about humans in a perfect explanatory logical
sense. And if someone is capabable of doing so great because all of us will learn something truly useful.
So what Im proposing here is not that people actually stop talking about aliens and their ways. You may talk about whatever you wish but it would be
interesting to show your pre-requesite knowledge to talk about such thing so that we can take it exactly for what you say it is. If you are unable
though to present that pre-requesite knowledge about ourselves what I propose here is that we start recognizing that when someone talks about aliens
they are really talking about themselves and or simply about being human. If they are unable to offer this knowledge of the "we" (and I propose that
we start making this enquiry to those who talk about aliens) surely they are talking about part of themselves of which they currently do not
understand or recognize. For some reason this person that talks about aliens needs to create this super notion of distant, of beings that come from
the other side of the galaxy. Is this all but fear of knowing thyself? We are weird, there is nothing weirder then us. Don't be scared of
I know this is a hard concept to grasp and because of that I encourage questionings for further ideological clearance.