posted on May, 20 2004 @ 10:22 PM
I saw a program on National Geographic today, while I was making dinner.
The program was about hurracanes and they were talking about all the technology's being developed to stop hurracanes.
One of them was by flying into the hurracanes and spraying them with a powder that would take up the fluids from the clouds and air and stop the force
like this.
Wouldn't stopping natural phenomena like hurracanes and cyclones be extremely dangerous and unballancing to the worlds weather and season system?
These huge natural powers ranging from monsoon to hurracanes are all a method of the earth ballancing itself. These things have been happening for
millions of years as a part of the global engine.
Wouldn't interfering with the global workings of mother earth, on a huge scale like controlling or totaly stopping these types of events, very much
inbalance the plannet and have cataclysmic reactions as an effect?