reply to post by The Savage Khan
A simple google search would point you in the right direction to completely change your entire life and your world, but there is all of this effort
to attack my original points as if I was maliciously misleading people.
I see some replies accusing me of telling people and their spouses to quit their job when instead I actually said ONE or the OTHER. I only said that
because I was concerned for the health and welfare of our children who are sent to schools to lose their true identities and be fed with dumb-ucation
and grade "D" food.
I saw comments about me accusing ATS of being a garbage site when I clearly did not. I said that ATS has a lot of fear mongering going on and that is
It's crazy, as if some people literally selectivly hear what they want to hear. Anyway, when did I become obligated at doing more than pointing you
in a certain direction where you can read and explore on your own using your own brain?
Electro-Magnetic vibrations are an essential part of human body health and enlightened states of mind. Like I said, if it sounds interesting and you
have an open mind..check it out. GOOGLE people! Key words to use "Enlighten vibrations kondolini astral projection pineal gland etc..
Fear can never be used for good. Fear is not essential for survival. We are not wild animals, we have the ability to discern danger from safety by
using our god given senses. Human's don't need to wait for Fight or Flight triggers to navigate their World's safely.
I never said we should ignore what is happening in the world and put our heads in the sand! But your average person is so confused and angry at
everything in the world, even scared of his own shadow, a mild change in reading and t.v. watching habits could be in order don't you think? I mean,
why are you angry at anything? Because you read about it? Therefore your behavior and perception of your world is based on what OTHER's bring to you?
Are you serious?
How does reading about Gloom and Doom, help you gain clarity in your life, let alone of the world when all of the information is filtered and
twisted to manipulate your perception of it? I don't understand it when people say that they want to dive in to all of the negative news, because it
gives them knowledge and foresight. Relying on outside sources to define your world seals your fate of slavery. You could be fighting on the wrong
side and not know it. haven't you been duped enough already? Haven't we learned anything from the Cold War fear tactics of nuclear holocausts? Bomb
But instead of getting people to perhaps take a look at this growing and awesome life changing experience, We, instead, get people spending their
time talking about what they DON'T believe in. At the same time, they tell us to believe in everything that they found in the news??? HUH?
How can you tell someone that something doesn't exist, when you don't care to research it in the first place? Should that be a person you listen
to? A person who never saw it on the news, or read it in the newspapers, never heard their fellow friends talk about it...therefore it doesn't
exist. Even worse, the bearer of such information must be attacked and called illegitimate and crazy.
These kinds of attacks and defamatory attempts by people like that are common. Some people are too stupid to look in the mirror and see for
themselves what has been kept from them all along. Yet they bathe and marinate in ignorance and in their blind search for physical evidence of
something they care not to believe in the first place.
Keep sneering, smiling and reveling in your attempts to attack people who try to point you towards a possible and different state of existence, even
if his attempt wasn't up to your standards.
Yoga and many meditations bring you to this level of vibration. marijuana can do this as well as many other psychoactive naturally occurring plants
should you choose to use them as training wheels into this new realm.
sigh.....I can just see the drug attacks now...."AhhAAAAAAAA, so you approve of Pot heads eh?" - give it a rest.
If you could only understand the level of stupidity we ALL are indoctrinated with, it would boggle your mind. But there is more out there, then the
concentrated crap you read in the newspapers or your internet sites. Start doing the search on your own and access higher levels of intellect that
does not bog you down with a search for physically manifested proof.
Cheer up, don't take such offense, open your minds and start thinking without being told what to think. Don't waste anymore time telling people what
you Don't believe in. Start believing in the truth that is beyond what you read and see.
Mumbo jumbo? maybe..maybe not. Why not check it out?
[edit on 25-11-2009 by juzchilln]