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Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

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posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?


If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka Hadley CRU) and released 61 megabites of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 03:27 PM
Physics, Thermodynamics (mech. eng. will do for that), Physical Chemistry.
Forget sun spots and/or Stefan-Boltzmann.(That is where Monkton made his mistake in the Sunday Telegraph, when he was wiped out by Al Gore).
The whole subject boils down to the question:-
Is the component of the increase in atmospheric mean temperature resulting from the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (because of the increased absorption of infra red radiation by the carbon dioxide) sufficient to have any measureable effect on the global climate. The answer is “No” but it is not possible to prove that statement one way or the other.

[edit on 21-11-2009 by kayne1982]

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by kayne1982

Your missing the point here. The Hadley leaks show that there was a deliberate and politically motivated coverup and suppression of non conforming data, in order to support the man made global warming myth.

The revelations are explosive, because it demonstrates, as I've always maintained, that modern science is like a priesthood, whose main purpose is to preserve the power of the elite. Moreover it raises the question of what they were trying to accomplish by promulgating the global warming scare.

I think I know. It creates a global UN tax that enables the sustainment of a world government and military.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by SevenThunders

I think I know. It creates a global UN tax that enables the sustainment of a world government and military.

Your perception is magnificent!


I asked in my title whether this will be the final nail in the coffin of Anthropenic Global Warming. This was wishful thinking, of course. In the run up to Copenhagen, we will see more and more hysterical (and grotesquely exaggerated) stories such as this in the Mainstream Media. And we will see ever-more-virulent campaigns conducted by eco-fascist activists, such as this risible new advertising campaign by Plane Stupid showing CGI polar bears falling from the sky and exploding because kind of, like, man, that’s sort of what happens whenever you take another trip on an aeroplane.

Anything is possible leading up to Copenhagen!

[edit on 22/11/09 by plumranch]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 04:39 AM
The real reason for the Global Warming Farse comes down to one thing:

Hydrogen Fuel Cells.

See the Oil Companies know the electric car is coming. They tried to stop it with GM, see the documentary "Who killed the electric car" for that story.

But the point is how do you continue to reap Oil Profts with an electric car?

Hydrogrn Fuel Cells. See these cars are 100% electric and the only thing the Hydrogen is used for is to create a chemical reaction to charge the batteries.

So they want us to continue to pay at the pump for hydrogen gas rather than gasoline simply to charge the battery of our new electric cars. Having alternators on all 4 tires, solar panels on the hood and trunk, and wind turbines in the grill to charge the battery would not continue the pay at the pump model that is linning the pockets of the oil companies.

You see the oil companies existing refineries can make the Hydrogen. They can use the crude oil, coal, or natural gas in the current refineries to make the hydrogen. Therefore, perpetuating their profit model.

The big obsaticle has been buidling all those hyrogen gas stations. They want the government to spend the money on the hydrogen gas stations rather than pay for it themselves.

Do a simple Google search for Hydrogen Fuel Cells. You will find thousands of Websites that have been created to promote the Hydrogen fuel cells. The only reason I can think of to create that many sites is so you would have to seach for weeks to find any negative data on the fuel cells.

Between this and the Cap and Trade money Goldman Sachs will be reaping from that Global Warming Scam we are all screwed.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 04:57 AM
There was already this 250+ posts thread on the front page:

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 04:58 AM
S & F - I was just about to post this article myself - you beat me to it

This article needs to be posted everywhere !!!!!!

Make all your own circle of family and friends are aware of this article ........because is should wake people up to the idea that we are being lied to on a massive scale.

science / politics and the media are manipulating our opinions and lifestyle and bank balances based upon lies - with a huge agenda led by their greed for money and power.

Spread this about and people will question the significant carbon taxes that are coming our way very soon - because if people fight them on mass then we have more chance of scuppering this agenda.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by kayne1982

Here is a summary of the issue with radio guy Alan Jones talking to Lord Monckton

Part 1

Part 2

[edit on 22-11-2009 by troubleshooter]

[edit on 22-11-2009 by troubleshooter]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 07:49 AM
So, even when the greatest lie and theft of peoples money comes to ligght, there is no responce from the sheep.

Everyone I see talking about this are just 'cool' with it and is going to continiue paing Carbon Tax, what is up with that ??

Now is the time for us to move, the beast have its chest wide open for attack bow, we otta strike with our sword before the get it covered back up...

''' Chargeeeee '''

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 08:18 AM
Its nice to see this getting picked up in places OTHER THAN ATS.
Not that I dont love my ATS website.

This has to go viral. We can start to show the rest of the general populace how corrupt our many leaders are. Hopefully it makes these people dig even deeper into the world of the NWO

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Even if there was evidence of scientific fraud, which there isn't from anything I've seen, this is one small group of well-known researchers involved in one particular subfield of climate science - paleoclimatology.

Taking out their data wouldn't change physics. Sorry.

I accept that you would have previously claimed that climate science was a fraud/hoax with no evidence of note, and now that you have more evidence of no significance it means that the supposed claims of fraud are even more robust.

But carry on with the backslapping party, reality will have to kick in eventually. Or perhaps not.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 09:07 AM
Another misleading post title - the hypothesis of man-made climate change is neither in a coffin awaiting nails nor is it even sick - its alive and well.
There's over 25 years of very good research data that shows that climate change is happening and has clearly been jump started by our emissions of C02 and the deforestation of the earth over the past 300 years.
We tend to lose sight of the fact that natural climate changes occur gradually, over the course of thousands of years - this is something beyond our ability to see at times. Just as a river will not carve out a canyon through rock in a hundred years neither will natural climate changes occur so quickly in our lifetimes. The evidence is very strong.
That doesn't mean we should or can do anything at this point to change the course of events. Our ability at this point to put the brakes on climate change are up for debate, as are the numerous proposals that have been generated which cost billions of dollars. We have quickly fouled our own nest and have had an invasive impact on our planet. To me, this whole scenario lends credence to the theory that our origins are in fact alien influenced in some way.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by kayne1982

Your missing the point here. The Hadley leaks show that there was a deliberate and politically motivated coverup and suppression of non conforming data, in order to support the man made global warming myth.

The revelations are explosive, because it demonstrates, as I've always maintained, that modern science is like a priesthood, whose main purpose is to preserve the power of the elite. Moreover it raises the question of what they were trying to accomplish by promulgating the global warming scare.

I think I know. It creates a global UN tax that enables the sustainment of a world government and military.

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Everyone on this planet needs to watch "The Hidden Empire" and "Angels Don't Play This HAARP", incredible, simply incredible.

Good on all of you. S&F

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 09:45 AM
It is on the Norwegian Media also, maby they are starting to choose the right side in this battle, or there is an agenda here also..

I tthink also this could be an WhistleBlower action, and they claim a Hacker did it to cover up insiders getting no sleep of keeping lies and seeing how they are going to use it as a tool to steal peoples privacy and freedoms..

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by melatonin
Taking out their data wouldn't change physics. Sorry.

The only really sensible post on this subject on all the threads and not a single star, 'cetp from me.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by kayne1982

Your missing the point here. The Hadley leaks show that there was a deliberate and politically motivated coverup and suppression of non conforming data, in order to support the man made global warming myth.

The revelations are explosive, because it demonstrates, as I've always maintained, that modern science is like a priesthood, whose main purpose is to preserve the power of the elite. Moreover it raises the question of what they were trying to accomplish by promulgating the global warming scare.

I think I know. It creates a global UN tax that enables the sustainment of a world government and military.
If this is the case, which i have no personal doubt, then Al Gore and all of his crony's (US) should be rounded up and charged with treason, extortion, causing a public panic, and any other charges that can be found and substantiated.


posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 02:17 PM
TPTB are in panic mode. The number one search term on Google right now is "Climategate." The Church of Climatology and the NWO are going down.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by factbeforefiction]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Scientific Doomsday Mania
Amitakh Stanford
22nd November 2009

There is a doomsday message that is swiftly gaining global acceptance. The new wave is clothed in acceptable clichés and has won over the support of many of the respected scientific communities.

Unlike most other doomsday messages, this one is supposedly based upon scientific evidence. The scientific “doomsdayers” wear masks and pretend that they are predicting calamities based on hard evidence. This lulls the unsuspecting public into absolute belief and acceptance of the doomsdayers’ ravings.

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