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Unknown Object Overhead At Notre Dame - Pitt Game

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posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 12:08 PM

I received a submission by email from Steve C plus a copy of a photo on November 15, 2009.

Steve was taking some photographs at Pittsburgh at the Notre Dame - Pitt game tailgate party when he took this amazing photograph.

I sent Steve a few questions and received his reply yesterday - November 17, 2009.

When was this photo taken?

This picture was taken November 14, 2009 between 4:00-4:30 pm.

Where was the photo taken?

The picture was at Heinz Field Stadium in Pittsburgh. Steve didn't notice the object at the time the photo was taken..

Do you have any comments you would like to share with the UFO Digest readers:

I am 53 years old, I am not a crack pot. I worked in the middle management field at an aluminum factory. I was in the radio field in the Youngstown, Akron, and Cleveland markets. I have put together concerts and promotions, including a $250,000 concert as a pinacle of my endeavors.

I went to a football game with family, and was having a great time, and was taking some random photos of the area. After downloading the photos I noticed in one shot of Heinz Field Stadium an object over the stadium. Don`t know what it is. I enlarged it, and it looks like a light source on top of it.

Now, I believe, OK, I have studied every website just to see if people were crack pots, and I know we are not alone.

I have enlarged this area of the photo as large as I can and have used auto-contrast and auto-color as well as several sharpening tools in Adobe Photoshop 7.0. The object appears in outline only but definitely seems to be solid and not an airplane or a bird. Distance is always difficult to judge but it looks several thousand feet distant and a few hundred feet above the ground. If indeed it is much closer it could be a bird. This photo though is clear enough that if the object were a bird its tail would be observable. Same argument could be used if the object were an aircraft. Both Steve and I would like to know what you think. Please leave your comment below.

What do the ATS experts think? There is an "analysis" on that website, but it isn't very thorough or in depth.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:34 PM
um...I think thats a blimp. they are above U of M games all the time. Of course it figures a Notre Dame fan couldnt figure this out. (I hope it's not against the rules to hate on a university now:barf

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:40 PM
In the close up, it shows the "shimmering" effect that you get from "rods/insects" So it could be a flying insect or something. But from the picture, it doesn't look like it's something close to the camera, it "looks" up high. (though I must say I'm no expert)

inclonclusive post is inconclusive.....

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Whatever it is must have not been making much noise.

The people in the pic aren't even looking up.

Blimp sounds logical.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:56 PM
Can all you guys claiming blimp provide a photograph from a blimp at distance so there can be some sort of comparison between the two? I'd like to see what a blimp at distance looks like when blown up compared to the object in the photograph.

I could claim that it's Michael Jackson in a hang-glider, but with nothing to support or back up that claim it holds little to no validity.

[edit on 21-11-2009 by Capt. Charisma]

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:56 PM
Nah, it's too long and thin to be a blimp. It looks to me like a fault with his camera. A few dead pixels or something, or just a random defect with the photo quality itself.

Not saying it's a purposeful hoax, but I don't think it's a UFO either.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:13 PM
I'm thinking blimp or some other sort of aerial craft that often accompanies games. No one seems to be interested in the object, which would suggest that it wasn't doing anything strange.

From its size it seems that this object was far away. So, maybe a blimp on its way to the game, with advertising on its side?

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:14 PM
IMO, i thought blimp, but its flat, so not a blimp..

could be a bird, and when the pic was taken, since it was moving, leaves a streak... so could be a bird...

wasnt there supposed to be a place in florida where they would let themselves be known to the world during a college football game on live TV!?

BTW, i dont think this picture proves or disproves anything, its going in my (not enough information) file.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:14 PM
I have taken pictures like these way back in at least the year 2000 or something!

I believe I have 3 digital pictures showing these rods, 2 pics with one object each, including 2 rods in one picture.

Oddly they're about the same size as mine.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by star in a jar
I have taken pictures like these way back in at least the year 2000 or something!

I believe I have 3 digital pictures showing these rods, 2 pics with one object each, including 2 rods in one picture.

Oddly they're about the same size as mine.
Don't hold out on us, post em up! if you need an image hosting site

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Capt. Charisma

I'm not claiming it's a blimp.

Said it is logical that it could be a blimp. One that is still far in the distance headed toward the game.

Here's two pics that are not far but gives an idea of the shape we are seeing.

Sorry, don't know how to do external links

Flag for peaking my curiosity

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:42 PM

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:55 PM
I've looked around the steelers/heinz field's website for some sort of good e-mail address for general inquiries, but have been unable to find one.

A yes or no answer from Heinz Field regarding a blimp flyover on the day of the game and if so what time(s) it occured could settle this rather quickly, anyone have any ideas?

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 03:22 PM
I agree with the poster who said it looked like one of Jose Escamilla's rods. Especially along the wavy edges.

[edit on 11-21-2009 by groingrinder]

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 05:21 PM
That's what you get if you photograph an insect in flight with a relatively low shutter speed... or a "rod" if you prefer.

It could be a bird, but the light highlights on top and underneath the object suggest insect wings catching the light, and there is a regular repeating pattern that is consistent with what a beating wing would look like if not completely frozen by the shutter speed.

Either way, it's in sharp focus, so it must be a relatively close object. If you look at features in the background of the photograph, they are beginning to go out of focus towards the far side of the stadium, so it could not be further than that or it would appear to be fuzzy too.

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