posted on May, 20 2004 @ 11:44 PM
I disagree with your posts probably 99% of the time,
dude gimme a chance Ive only been back 2 days..I claim no political agenda
freedom of speech,right to bear arms....and of coaurse our right to the pursuit of happiness..thats all im worried about..
niether party seems to worried about any of that though
Although, if that was ONE of the factors that the U.S. took into consideration when deciding to go to war, would it change your mind about the
legitimacy of the war?
Ya it may have changed my mind.The main reason I am against the war is because I feel our government completly lied to us...And once I get lied to
oncce my bull shyt filter goes up and I must be convinced of every action there foreward...and Im still not convinced its worth american lives to
fight a war that may or may not have been just...
For me its about principles and ethics 100%
hell maybe we are running extremly low on oil and america was on the brink of utter collapse and we needed to control a certian portion of middle
eastern oil in order to survive..And saddam was a currupt basterd so no harm done if by taking out him we saved america...but thats not what
happened...That may have been exceptable to me aswell
We were told saddam posed direct threat to america and was helping out osama both lies as far as I have seen..of coarse there is some evidence to
support either sides view but like I said...lie to me once and I probably will never believe you again unless you can prove it....and our government
has not proven a damn thing except how bad things are messed up over there.
[Edited on 21-5-2004 by McGotti]