posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 08:33 PM
The OSU - UofM Rivalry in Maize and Blue country is simply incredible as well. I grew up Detroit. I went to school for a time in UofM . All I can
say is that when it came to sports, there was nothing like game night in Ann Arbor. It was bedlam. Often I wondered if there really was any
distinction between a street party or a riot other than whether or not it was the home team that was the Victor. But one thing is for certain. There
is no such thing as being "neutral" in either Michigan or in Ohio....... you have no choice.... you pick sides. With this in mind:
A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, “Wanna hear a Buckeye joke?” The guy replies, “Well, before you tell that joke, you
should know something. I am 6′ tall, 200 lbs. and I am an Ohio State graduate. The guy sitting next to me is 6′2″, 225 lbs., and he is an Ohio
State graduate. The guy right next to him is 6′5″, 250lbs., and he is also an Ohio State graduate. Now, you still wanna tell me that joke?” The
first guy says, “No, not if I’m going to have to explain it three times.”
[edit on 11/20/2009 by benevolent tyrant]