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Black Helicopters, WA State -- What the hell happpened?

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posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
Suppose there was someone the police were chasing. He was on foot.
He somehow gained entry into your home to hide. He leapt up the stairs, two or three steps at a time. He saw a sleeping family, and didn't want to be there. He found the door to the garage, opened the door and fled.

The copters were there still searching for him.

Holes in my theory:
You would have had to have left the door unlocked for him to gain entry, or did you look for signs of forced entry?

I'm not military or freakishly high IQ, either. But I agree with ladyinwaiting, because that's what more or less occurred to me. I thought you probably left the inside door unlocked, the person came in after either manually or electronically opening the garage door, ran up the stairs and left. I agree - thieves do check out garages to rob. I didn't know they did this electronically nowadays. Thoughtless criminal might also explain the music, only why would someone do that if they didn't want to get caught? And I never heard of anyone bumping organ music, but you never know with eclectic sounds out there or merely variance in individual tastes. (Sounds like an eery sense of humor .... creepy touch anyhow.)

Are you also implying it was some kind of E.T. that jumped up the stairs so quickly? Whether run-of-the-mill alien, or simply a human criminal, maybe it was, then, government- or alien-generated ELF that distorted everything for you, as LordBucket mentioned. Maybe the helicopters were trying to shut down criminals' car electronics (and that annoying music), or maybe the hypothetical E.T.'s generated it somehow.

I can't be the only person thinking this. I personally wouldn't probably fear aliens too much. However, I'd be very afraid of the possibility that thieves just scoped out my garage *and* the interior of my house and may come back to rob me (and who knows what else). They probably noticed that people were actually home, which is a given if it's at night. So their plan sounds rather ambitious to me, thinking they wouldn't be caught doing this at night.

More worrisome to me is the cops leaving. I would imagine they didn't want to interfere in an important criminal or alien pursuit, or they didn't want the electrical interference with their equipment/cars.

And I did get a "we're doing site maintenance" message but I think it was just when the ATS home page refreshed. Maybe the conspiratorial suspicions are correct, but I took it as just a routine thing.

Now that I just read Gordi the Drummer's post, that sounds like a plausible explanation to me. If those things really happen, that is.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 10:18 AM
I would take this opportunity to go and purchase a gun. An AK-47 (or 74) for sure. It would run you about $600 minimum. It may sound like a lot, but when your gripping that thing with your hands, it somehow makes you feel better.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Gordi The Drummer
If it just happened last night...
How did it last for 3 days with you only there for the first one?

Busted methinks!


Aha! It was so like that movie Signs, though I really was leaning toward the criminal theory.

At least I learned something useful about garage doors.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by NewWorldDisorder
Black Helicopters

A friend and I decided to stay overnight at my parents house in plans of an early steel head fishing trip, this friend is not exactly what you would call someone who believes in conspiracy, it’s just a subject we don’t talk about.

You state here that you were staying over at your parents' house, yet you constantly refer to the house as being yours. ex:

A short time after I began hearing a car driving up and down the street behind my house

When I got up to see what was going on, I heard my garage door open. Now I’m convinced someone is in my house, I don’t own any guns, I have a child, and I’m almost frozen as to what I should do.

I went to my daughters room where she was sleeping

I went on my back porch facing the street with.....

So I called and the dispatcher told me she would have a unit meet me at my house.

I live in a nicer part of town, low crime, with a population of about 100,000.

Now, maybe this was a simple mistake. I can buy that you would be referring to this house as yours as you tell the story. I can also buy that your daughter has her own room at your parents' house.

Good story regardless of its validity.

edit: I reread a part that I commented on and realized my mistake!

[edit on 11/21/2009 by yadda333]

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 11:21 AM
I am just wondering why the OP hasn't stopped by to
comment on the views posted here on this thread.

I hope all is well with you and at least stop by and
update us a bit.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:27 PM
Thanks for the replies, allow me to clear a couple of things up. The garage door opening was not an intruder, at least not to my knowledge. It was a series of strange things that panned out without any real explanation. There were multiple helicopters and multiple vehicles, all vehicles were civilian vehicles making about ½ mile loop around my development all playing the same repetitive beat of bass (along with some other weird sounds that you couldn’t even call music, bird chirps, etc.)

I think the garage door was caused by the transmission of a signal from one of the helicopters, deliberately or un deliberately I don’t know, but hearing a recorded voice through my ventilation system is unnerving. It’s easy for someone 1200 miles away to tell you you’re a coward, but your home is your home.

I spoke with a friend of mine whose father was a colonel in the 90s, his father told him that the helicopters are used for civilian surveillance. He himself either wasn’t sure or didn’t want to share, but said the technology packed into the confined space of these helicopters is “astonishing”.

As for days 1-4, I was at the house on day 1. Because of the early morning voice of a sleeping family member speaking to you loudly and clearly at what seems less than 4 feet away, because of the helicopters less than 30 yards from my property, because of the radios in my house doing things they’re not supposed to be doing, I left. But stayed in contact with my parents who said they have experienced similar things.

You guys seems to know more than I do about telecommunications. How is it that my girlfriend could be sitting in a room at this house with the door closed, while I’m sitting out on the dining room being a goon on ATS, and I can hear her entire cellular phone conversation as a radio transmission through the ventilation system. Ok, not as if someone were talking loudly in to a vent shaft, because we’ve all tried that. Imagine talking in to a walkie talkie and then holding that walkie talkie up and blasting the distorted transmission through the house.

This ONLY happened when we had black choppers in the vicinity. The second morning when I was getting ready to leave I was a bit more calm, the sun was up, I’d had something to eat and coffee. I heard that annoying chirping coming from one of the vehicles so I thought I would go over and talk to them. They put their vehicle in drive and took off, I *THINK* it was a Ford Escape if it wasn’t it was something along those lines. We had vehicles with federal government license plates parked along side the road and making rounds through our neighborhood and I’d imagine others.

Someone educate me on how to read Gov license plates, a lot of the 3 letters on the left I did not understand, I saw one that said DHS which I was told is Department Of Homeland Security. Could someone verify this?

Look, I’m sorry if this thread came off paranoid. I’m a pretty calm collected guy, but when I read enough stories here on ATS then see these black birds in my backyard with a series of creepy surveillance-like events that happen, it makes me wonder if what people consider “crackpot conspiracy theorists” are a little less than crackpots.

If anyone experiences anything like this, please post a thread and send me a PM. To those of you who explained frozen fear, you’re absolutely right and this is why I wish I would have enlisted in the military when I had the chance.

Last but not least, I did not abandon this thread. I had been thinking about this all day at work so as soon as I got home I pounded it out before I had to make a long drive. I finally have my weekend so I am going to take some time to categorize things a little better and gather information from external sources before I reply again. There are a handful of activities that happened that night that I strongly attribute to the air traffic, but I would still like to know if anyone else has experienced them.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by collietta

I am in South-Eastern Washington, about 100 miles south of Spokane. We have the Hanford Nuclear Facility near here, but the closest military base would be Fairchild AFB in Spokane.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by yadda333

Originally posted by NewWorldDisorder
Black Helicopters

A friend and I decided to stay overnight at my parents house in plans of an early steel head fishing trip, this friend is not exactly what you would call someone who believes in conspiracy, it’s just a subject we don’t talk about.

You state here that you were staying over at your parents' house, yet you constantly refer to the house as being yours. ex:

A short time after I began hearing a car driving up and down the street behind my house

When I got up to see what was going on, I heard my garage door open. Now I’m convinced someone is in my house, I don’t own any guns, I have a child, and I’m almost frozen as to what I should do.

I went to my daughters room where she was sleeping

I went on my back porch facing the street with.....

So I called and the dispatcher told me she would have a unit meet me at my house.

I live in a nicer part of town, low crime, with a population of about 100,000.

Now, maybe this was a simple mistake. I can buy that you would be referring to this house as yours as you tell the story. I can also buy that your daughter has her own room at your parents' house.

Good story regardless of its validity.

edit: I reread a part that I commented on and realized my mistake!

[edit on 11/21/2009 by yadda333]

Fine, you know what? I broke up with my ex last month and lost my apartment, I'm 25 years old and am a complete failure because I had to move back in with my parents when I'm grown adult. I'm embarassed to admit that but it's true. Would you like me to send you photos of my room and my daughters room at my parents house just for validity reasons? I could put a big piece of poster board up on the wall that says YADDA333 just to prove a STUPID point. My parents have five bedroom house and are willing to help out their son in times of mass screw up. Hope that helps!

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:48 PM
Perhaps it isn't an alien.. perhaps it's a ghost. You know a lot of us here believe in aliens and UFO's so why not ghost? Or a combination of the two. I am not really helping someone who is scared to death I know.. sorry.. but I think all possibilities should be considered.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

Fairchild is an AMC base, that means they are mobility so they move supplies and people. Normally they wouldn't have reconnnaissance craft. But you never know in this day and age.
Your colonel friend is probably right about the black hawks. If they are used for surveillance, they'd probably have similar frequencies emitted when they do their reconnaissance (a fancy word for spying in case you are wondering). Anyway, if our reconnaissance aircraft opened garage doors and other things, perhaps their black hawks are doing the same.
Is there any way to get a better look or sneakily take photos of the helos and the vehicles. Perhaps someone here might be able to help more.
Also you might have to call the base Public Affairs and see if they have any missions conducted in your area. I caution doing this though, they'll probably say something like, "Currently there aren't any that we are aware of, but we'll get back to you on that."
Also, have your neighbors noticed any thing? Maybe you could get the local media involved.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:35 PM
Not trying to be flippant, but a divorce is the MOST stressful event in the course of an average person's life. Stress can cause a cascade of psyco/physiological conditions.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by skunknuts

I understand what you're saying, however it was a 3 month relationship, poof done. I had others with me who saw and experienced the same things I did. I'm not here to debate mental state, I'm here grasping for answers as to what happened.

It happened once, it will probably never happen again. But I think when someone experiences something like this it should at least be documented in case someone else in the future has a similar experience and wants to compare stories.

Secondly, I want to know what happened. I think I'm starting to get a better idea, it seems to have been some sort of a drill or test run. Whatever it was, the technology is so sophisticated it's almost sci-fi.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

Hi NewWorldDisorder,

Can I refer you to my previous post, questioning why you narrate the scary events of "Last night" and then go on to say that it happened over 3 days? and that you were only there for the 1st one?

(i.e. it was at least 3 days ago.... not last night)

(You now also seem to be referring to it as happening over 4 days?)

could you explain please?


posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Last night: IE the night it happened.

I left the day after and I have been staying with a friend but plan on returning home tomorrow night. The events lasted 3 days, I was there for the first night that it happened and decided I did not want to be there for however much longer it was going on.

So "Last night" is past tense, the actual date of the events was the early morning of November 16th.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by NewWorldDisorder
reply to post by Gordi The Drummer

Last night: IE the night it happened.

I left the day after and I have been staying with a friend but plan on returning home tomorrow night. The events lasted 3 days, I was there for the first night that it happened and decided I did not want to be there for however much longer it was going on.

So "Last night" is past tense, the actual date of the events was the early morning of November 16th.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't make any sense to me.
Anytime I've ever heard the term "last night" used, it always refers to the night before today.

This makes it very hard for me to believe the content of your posts, because it looks like the "facts" are being misrepresented.


posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

You get a big star for overreaction.

You put your self out there by posting your story and open it up to critique. I posed a pretty harmless observation in your tale and even clarified that I could buy it.

That's what some of us do when somebody posts a pretty wild tale. We analyze it and gauge its validity.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by yadda333

That's what conspiracy debate is about. I guess I should have taken more time to organize my words before hashing it out. I don't see what anyone would have to gain by making a story like this up. I don't know a better place on the web to bring this up but on ATS, so I felt like I could throw the facts out there as bizarre as many of them sound.

I didn't mean to over react, I just wish that posts could be kept serious without constantly questioning the validity of a story.

It's not like I'm saying my cat sprouted a 5th leg and spawned a helicopter prop from its head and flew around the house screaming chupacabra.

This is important to me, ridicule is everywhere and I can't say I would be any different if the shoe were on the other foot.

Thanks for your reply, I'm really not trying to be an ass.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 03:48 PM
I'm not trying to be rude either, but you can't just post a story and expect people to accept it as fact. We've had plenty of that, and unless you have evidence, photos, etc to back up your claims, the more intelligent members here will question the validity of a posted story. As for lashing out at those of us who are skeptical, that's not going to do you any good and even push us further into disbelief.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

When I got up to see what was going on, I heard my garage door open. Now I’m convinced someone is in my house, I don’t own any guns, I have a child, and I’m almost frozen as to what I should do. Any normal person would have called the police and I don’t know why that wasn’t my first instinct, I went to my daughters room where she was sleeping and all was quiet so I closed her door and walked to the door connecting the house to the garage, sure enough the garage door was up.

i would invest in a gun. specifically a .410 shotgun. it will do a lot of damage, the shot will not travel far (like go thru a wall and strike a bystander), doesn't kick a whole lot and you can pick one up anywhere.

buy some clappers. hook up a bunch of lights with them. next time it happens, clap and let there be light. can you imagine the look on a perpetrator's face he hears and sees......clap....light.....shotgun barrel.

maybe even say something like "i'm rick james b**ch"


posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by subfab
reply to post by NewWorldDisorder

When I got up to see what was going on, I heard my garage door open. Now I’m convinced someone is in my house, I don’t own any guns, I have a child, and I’m almost frozen as to what I should do. Any normal person would have called the police and I don’t know why that wasn’t my first instinct, I went to my daughters room where she was sleeping and all was quiet so I closed her door and walked to the door connecting the house to the garage, sure enough the garage door was up.

i would invest in a gun. specifically a .410 shotgun. it will do a lot of damage, the shot will not travel far (like go thru a wall and strike a bystander), doesn't kick a whole lot and you can pick one up anywhere.

buy some clappers. hook up a bunch of lights with them. next time it happens, clap and let there be light. can you imagine the look on a perpetrator's face he hears and sees......clap....light.....shotgun barrel.

maybe even say something like "i'm rick james b**ch"


As soon as I stop LMFAO I will return with a constructive response.

But very good! And very low cost. I think we should chit chat some more.

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