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Spread of Tamiflu resistant swine flu confirmed...says the BBC

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posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 11:26 AM
According to the BBC,the first cases of a new "tamiflu resistant" strain of swine flu have been found in a Cardiff,Wales hospital:

Health officials have confirmed the person-to-person spread of a Tamiflu-resistant stain of swine flu. Five patients on a unit treating patients with severe underlying health conditions at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff are infected. Three appear to have acquired the infection in hospital.
They are thought to be the first confirmed cases of person-to-person transmission of a Tamiflu-resistant strain in the world.
There have been several dozen reports around the world of people developing resistance to Tamiflu while taking the drug. But there has only been one reported case of person-to-person transmission of a resistant strain - between two people at a US summer camp - and this has never been confirmed.

The swine flu has adapted to resisting tamiflu they say.
What do you think?
Is this a dangerous mutation?
Did tamiflu not work anyway,and this is a convienient "out" for the company responsible?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:16 PM
The same thing has happened in Norway with resistance to Tamiflu, although throughout the year there have been similar reports.
This one relates to January 2009.

This is a link to the Norway thread at ATS,

[edit on 20-11-2009 by smurfy]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:20 PM
Isn't Tamiflu used for seasonal flu? Since when was Tamiflu being used for swine flu? In fact didn't the CDC say that current seasonal flu vaccines were ineffective with the current strain of h1n1, hence the need for specific vaccines? They really need to get their stories straight.

On a side note, where is the "normal" flu?

[edit on 20-11-2009 by quackers]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Or is it the latest use of the media to scare people into taking the vaccine?

Think about it. I saw a thread on ATS the other week with a link to a patent for the H1N1 virus. If you were planning on creating a nasty hybrid virus, why would you go on record about it and put it through the patent office unless you wanted that patent to be found? I think the patent is there to convince those of us who don't believe in the virus to latch on to it. It convinces the unconvinced that it's real, when it's not real at all.

My own opinion is that there is no swine flu, it's a media exercise to scare us into getting the vaccine. Doctors say there is no way of distinguishing between swine flu and ordinary seasonal flu, and I don't know about anybody else, maybe it's because I live in N Ireland, but I don't see a lot of people who actually have swine flu, or have had it, same as I didn't see anybody with bird flu or foot in mouth disease. Now N Ireland only has 1.5 million inhabitants, and there's not even 6 degrees between everybody. I'm constantly meeting people who know people I know, and it's a fairly close knit community in that respect.

Now we're told that Tamiflu won't work, thank you BBC, now people are more scared and there will be more of a demand for the potentially bioweaponised vaccine.

We're being played people, and many of us will trot along like good little citizens and take our goodness knows what ladened vaccine.

If you believe in the whole "mark of the beast" thing, consider this. Every time a new leader of any country comes into power, there's an automatic check that goes on in the population to see whether or not this person could be "the Antichrist". All of those biblical end times prophesies are in the public domain. We're all expecting to be offered a chip that will replace money to be offered, and we'd all react that "it's the mark of the beast" if any such system were to present itself. Swines are unclean animals in the Bible, if I remember correctly. Jesus even allowed a legion of evil spirits to possess a herd of swine in the Bible. They're beasts. Vaccines generally leave a mark, a scar. Why are we not questioning more whether or not this vaccine could be the mark of the beast? How long before employers are demanding that all of their employees are vaccinated, or they get the sack, in the middle of an economic crisis, that are our level was also partly created by the media. We got the daily mantra of "credit crunch credit crunch credit crunch" for months, and we all stopped spending our money because of it.

Television/media is the flashy thing from Men in Black. We watch it and believe what we are told, and never question it.

We're being played for fools.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by TheIrvy]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:29 PM
I think resistance to tamiflu was inevitable due to it being the 'generic' treatment given out in the millions of doses.

I bought some, but only because the hospital had NO alternatives to it. I also told the doctor - I said 'I know I am wasting my money buying it, because by the time it gets here it will certainly be resistant." He just grimaced, and nodded.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by quackers

Yep,its for seasonal flu I believe.
So the flu may just not be bothered at all by tamiflu,but now its all"resistant," like tamiflu was doing wonders before...hmmm.sounds like a crock to me.
I reckon tamiflu was just so readilly available at the time that the pharma companies were quick to get it out of their warehouses at the first whiff of swine flu,generating massive profits.

Now they have an excuse for why its not doing squat-the flu is resistant to it.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:52 PM
There is no swine flu!

Only seasonal flu!

You've been fooled!

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by TheIrvy
Hi Irvy,
I was of the same mind, but today I ran into someone who had recent heart problems and who had his seasonal jab some time ago, but he also had to get the Swine jab as well.
I know you didn't mention Tamiflu, but currently it is the treament for those with influenza full stop. Much of it is now five years old and will be out of date,(sell by) between January and October next year. I'm still somewhere in the "it's a con camp" and one lab that got samples of the swine 'flu virus to create a vaccine said that what they had was akin to the seasonal virus, although i'm not sure if they were given a patent for their vaccine or not... i'll look for that link.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 03:01 PM
Tamiflu is an anti-viral, not a vaccine. Flu's have been resistant to it forever-becuase it fights the flu. When things compete, they resist each other. Nothing new here.

Also, I have yet to see one bit of data that proves that Tamiflu does ANYTHING other than line the pockets of a bunch of 'elites'.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by TheIrvy
Or is it the latest use of the media to scare people into taking the vaccine?

Think about it. I saw a thread on ATS the other week with a link to a patent for the H1N1 virus. If you were planning on creating a nasty hybrid virus, why would you go on record about it and put it through the patent office unless you wanted that patent to be found? I think the patent is there to convince those of us who don't believe in the virus to latch on to it. It convinces the unconvinced that it's real, when it's not real at all.

My own opinion is that there is no swine flu, it's a media exercise to scare us into getting the vaccine. Doctors say there is no way of distinguishing between swine flu and ordinary seasonal flu, and I don't know about anybody else, maybe it's because I live in N Ireland, but I don't see a lot of people who actually have swine flu, or have had it, same as I didn't see anybody with bird flu or foot in mouth disease. Now N Ireland only has 1.5 million inhabitants, and there's not even 6 degrees between everybody. I'm constantly meeting people who know people I know, and it's a fairly close knit community in that respect.

Now we're told that Tamiflu won't work, thank you BBC, now people are more scared and there will be more of a demand for the potentially bioweaponised vaccine.

We're being played people, and many of us will trot along like good little citizens and take our goodness knows what ladened vaccine.

If you believe in the whole "mark of the beast" thing, consider this. Every time a new leader of any country comes into power, there's an automatic check that goes on in the population to see whether or not this person could be "the Antichrist". All of those biblical end times prophesies are in the public domain. We're all expecting to be offered a chip that will replace money to be offered, and we'd all react that "it's the mark of the beast" if any such system were to present itself. Swines are unclean animals in the Bible, if I remember correctly. Jesus even allowed a legion of evil spirits to possess a herd of swine in the Bible. They're beasts. Vaccines generally leave a mark, a scar. Why are we not questioning more whether or not this vaccine could be the mark of the beast? How long before employers are demanding that all of their employees are vaccinated, or they get the sack, in the middle of an economic crisis, that are our level was also partly created by the media. We got the daily mantra of "credit crunch credit crunch credit crunch" for months, and we all stopped spending our money because of it.

Television/media is the flashy thing from Men in Black. We watch it and believe what we are told, and never question it.

We're being played for fools.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by TheIrvy]

i second that virus does not excist. in my theory actually - 'NO VIRUSES EXCIST'

But there is some sorts of toxic poisoning, i still wonder what exactly it is and how it;s being destributed, but will soon figure out, too busy with work at mom

shame nobody pays me for my research !!! what a waste!

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