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To know the Truth

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:04 PM
To know the truth is to be aware of every object, matter, non-matter, person, lie, visualization, knowledge, understanding, witness, and experience, both, past, present, and beyond.

^^True or false?

I wouldnt want the truth nor to be of the truth because it would hurt experiencing every pain that comes with it. And if God is truth, then it sucks to be God.
I'd rather be true to myself and pick what I will be aware of by my utter will of necessary (pride) and want (joy). But that's just me.

But what about you, would you like to be the truth, though you're not presently in this world that I can tell?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:06 PM
Well I think knowing all that, would defeat the Purpose of Life in general, Kinda like obtaining the cheat codes to a game you just bought. Are you really gonna play the game as it was meant too?

Not to mention, we would not appear right in the head to most.

walking around saying things like, 4,584, reddish orange 23,455.

You really wouldn't be too coherent.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Tormentations
To know the truth is to be aware of every object, matter, non-matter, person, lie, visualization, knowledge, understanding, witness, and experience, both, past, present, and beyond.

But what about you, would you like to be the truth, though you're not presently in this world that I can tell?

Like grains of sands trying to pass through the narrow of an hour glass.

I would imagine there would be a little trickle of blood from my nose .... then i would keel over in dramatic fashion.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Going to go all Zen on you and say: The truth is that there is no truth.

It's cliche but I think its cliche for a reason.

Another way to put it is Socrates' quote: I am more enlightened than you, for I know that I know nothing.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

To know the truth is to know there is no truth.

Truth is just a concept made up by people and there is so much more than a human concept to the universe and all there is to be.

It's only a word. There is no truth.

[edit on 19-11-2009 by SatanChrist]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:23 PM
A person has two choices in life. They can either choose happiness or the truth. Never both.

Once one grasps that, then everything else is moot.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 12:59 AM
Basically I think the quote is nonsense. To know the truth doesn't necessarily imply that you've got to know the *whole* truth of absolutely everything. You can know some truth about some things.

I'm not sure I understand the concept of "there is no truth". It seems to me that various statements or concepts agree with observations, better than other such statements or concepts. I mean, either the tree is there, or it's not there. That seems simple enough. Maybe when you get into peoples' motives the truth gets highly complicated, but for some things there does appear to be something called "truth".

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:16 AM
I think humans can never know truth or will ever know truth in our generation because we can not communicate with each other efficiently.

You can say truth is relative or there is no truth, but there is universal truth. According to the multiple dimension theory, there can possibly be entities who can see the full range of "truths."

We can perceive an object to not be there. But if that is the case aren't we acknowledging the fact that there CAN be an object there that we are not perceiving? So there must be a universal truth.

Does that make sense?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:23 AM
What the original poster described was omniscience, and we being humans bound by our subjectivity could never hope for such omniscience in the flesh. That should not preclude us from discovering truth. Being inherently subjective in the flesh does not mean that we are incapable of having moments of objectivity. Early man sees a piece of wood floating on the water and imagines building a larger construct out of wood so that he may also float on the water. There is subjectivity in this image as it represents his desire to travel across the water with a certain amount of ease, but there is also objectivity in this image as he is able to see past the actual piece of wood that is floating on water and understand that this image has given him an insight into traveling the waterways.

This man has made a postulate and with that formed a hypothesis. Next this man builds a construct of wood and places it in the water and he inside the construct to test his hypothesis, now a theory. In theory he should be able to float across the water just the same as the piece of wood did when he first saw it. Once he tests his theory and successfully travels across the water his theory has been proven and becomes a fact...a truth. It is true that he can use wood to build a construct of which we will call a boat or canoe and float across the water. In doing so he has come to understand a basic truth and with the ability to travel the water he can be either happy or sad, that is his choice and not dependent upon his understanding of that truth.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Tormentations

Hmm... You are Very Clever. If you were of the Third Density, What would be your Desire? Of course, I may not be Able know of it. It is little more than a Simple Question.

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 03:23 AM

I wouldnt want the truth nor to be of the truth because it would hurt experiencing every pain that comes with it. And if God is truth, then it sucks to be God.

You put a laugh icon on it, but maybe it's so.

R.D. Laing in his book, The Politics of Experience, presents a first-person account of a visionary experience endured by Jesse Watkins. In his vision, Watkins imagines himself to become increasingly powerful, and then realizes that this transformation is happening so that he can take his turn at being God.

In this theology, everybody sooner or later must serve as God for a while. And only for a while, because the job is so horrendous.

You can find a related motif in many stories, where someone is tricked, or else heroically volunteers, to become a fulltime world servant. Atlas, Paul's Jesus, ... it was even a subplot in the Babylon 5 TV series.

This may explain why the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is so grumpy so often. He has a dirty job. He thinks you ought to be grateful somebody's doing it so that you don't have to.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Tormentations
To know the truth is to be aware of every object, matter, non-matter, person, lie, visualization, knowledge, understanding, witness, and experience, both, past, present, and beyond.

I don't think that knowing the truth would be the awareness of everything, rather it is the knowledge that everything, every object, matter, non-matter, person, lie, visualization, knowledge, understanding, witness, and experience, both, past, present, and beyond, is the same thing. The truth is that the universe is one thing, the only thing. It being the only thing, it defies descriptions such as good or bad, painful, joyful, etc. It can not be compared to anything. Knowing this truth would not, is not, at all a burden, it does not suck to know this, rather knowing this makes life a little bit easier.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:05 PM
The truth is that your existence is so insignificant in this universe, your life span so incredibly short, on a very tiny planet in a remote region of a massive galaxy surrounded by billions, trillions of galaxies, which makes anything and everything you have done and will do completely and utterly meaningless. Your life is no more significant than a single cell organism.

So stop wasting time on pursuit of truth or meaning in life, and just simply live until you die (which doesn't take long).

Oh, and don't forget to pay your taxes.

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