posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:18 PM
Sometimes I find myself 'thinking' in my dream. I'll be standing somewhere, looking at the scenery, while visually thinking in my mind, as if I was
in the real world, thinking about something in my mind. how does this 'logical' process of internally thinking still work while I'm dreaming?
My best guess is that it is a derivative of this that allows me to have 'wordless' thought conversations with others from time to time. It is rare
in my dreams. Although, I usually dream every night.
When I was in highschool, I had two years of spanish. I can read it well enough, and can get by talking in spanish, but when I was working with
majority hispanic people occaisionally I would dream entirely in spanish. All the words were there, all the ones I forgot in highschool, but outside
of the dream, I can't remember the meanings to some of the words.
Along hebrew, one time I was just about to wake up (and when I did, I was groggy) and heard a voice speaking in a semitic language. I can discern
accents very well, and it was definately a semitic language. But I had no CLUE what was said. I was pretty aware that someone was speaking to me and
that I could hear it, it had startled me. There was no imagery, I heard what was something like one or two sentences, and slowly, with much
grogginess, woke up.
Our subconscious is pretty kickass if you ask me.