posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Hello, Long time reader (okay a lurker.) and I was compelled to finally join, I'm a writer, though most of my stuff is far to graphic and blue to be
put on here though I'd like too. (my short stories would defiantly violate the TOS, I like to drop the 'ol F-bomb(oh man I hope I can still
reference the word :puz
) Um, been interested in conspiracies, religions and lost or hidden knowledge since I was very young. My father turned me on
to it, though only for entertainment and learning purposes, I usually take anything I see, hear or read with a big 'ol bite of salt and try to cross
reference anything I try to state for my opinion. I am an "agnostic", but that is only because the complete denial of any type of a god (atheism) is
kinda unscientific. I believe that comes down to what your definition of a deity is, the sun could be said to be one, the natural law of physics heck,
even the whole universe if you wanna get creative with it. Just doesn't mean it does anything consciously If you get where I'm going with that...
Um, I guess that outta do it.
Take care.