posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:18 PM
For starters, I'm hoping it will get even the average Joe to stop for a moment, and understand what it will mean and how great value such disclosure
(depending on how huge) can have. I am hoping the world will change for the better, so i can finally enjoy living on this planet and also that
everyone is equally treated well, with same oportunities, same rights, with love and peace. Secondly, it will be a chance for me to get off this
planet, which i really need to, to clean my thoughts for a while. And last, but not least, to explore and interact with an extraterrestrial race would
simply be magificent, especially if they are friendly. The way of thinking of people would change and also, the conciousness would too, especially the
vibrations which would rise and that is a sweet feeling. I hope that it happens within my lifetime, sooner then later, it will be neat. And even if
some type of Project BB occured, that itself has some positives too. Atleast noone would think from that point we are alone. So yeah, im ready for all
possibilities and am awaiting for the positive.