I would like to refer back to the original question posed in this string.
The fact is, many in the Bush Administration had a military assault on Iraq brewing in their minds before they were even an Administration. I would
refer you all to this:
I think that in truth, the wrong questions are being asked in this whole matter. People who are pro-war keep saying that the question is "Why
shouldn't we go to war against Iraq?" This is reinforced by many people who have wanted war right from the beginning, and so, it seems like they
have a "point".
Isn't this a little bit backwards? Shouldn't we be asking "What needs to be done to act in the best interests of the Iraqi people, while, in the
true spirit of democracy, understanding the principle of a sovereign state and true democratic diplomacy?"
Why is it that we got it in our heads that starting a bombing and invasion campaign is an action that is redeemable by more than just scattered
political bullying?
What is the stance of those who have wilfully ignored the coming humanitarian crisis of the 26 million Iraqis who will suffer from a war?
It is easy for the rich to trample the poor in order to secure an illusory guarantee of safety for themselves, while leaving a path of awful
destruction in the wake of this effort.
Allow me to also make a reference to the past acts of Saddam Hussein, who is one of the many, many atrocities humanity has spawned. When Hussein
committed many of the atrocities that he did, where was the United States? Perhaps, since it wasn't their own national security at stake, and it
wasn't Americans being threatened, they did not feel that a disarming campaign leading to war was necessary at that particular point.
Please, let's save the word hypocrites for occasions like that, not the United Nations. The United Nations has a long way to go before becoming the
body we hope it to be (it is only a half-century old, compared to the lot of human history), but those, such as GW Bush, who feel that it is
appropriate to suggest that they will become "irrelevant" if they do not adopt their view are simply employing destructive pressure-tactics to make
others feel obliged to comply with their wishes. The United Nations and the Security Council are not at risk of becoming irrelevant, and whoever
thinks so is blinded by their own ambitions. UN provides humanitarian relief, mediation in conflicts, liasons between a diversity of people groups,
and in general improves the world as we know it. Just because one man/administration doesn't get their way does not make it "irrelevant".
Hopefully, it will someday be a true forum of support and consultation, rather than a place to push others to enter into a selfishly motivated war
that will bring ruin to those who are unable to represent themselves.
Toltec, the reality is that the United States has always had a foreign policy that only truly intervenes when their own interests are at stake.
Three-quarters of a million people were genocided in Rwanda in 1994 and nothing happened; people were being butchered all over the various
central-African nations all through the last quarter of the 20th century; the Kurdish people were encouraged to rebel against Saddam by the US, and
then got crunched when the US didn't back them; the list goes on and on. The United States, along with most other selfishly-driven nations of the
world (face it, it is human nature; no nation is a "pure, godly" nation, ANYWHERE), sat around and let it happen. Why? Because they had more to lose
than they would gain if they involved themselves.
I wish people everywhere would stop talking like their particular country is so "right" and this group is so "wrong". People are corrupt!
Everywhere! Wake up! Don't be fooled by political posturing and various pleas of "acting in such-and-such's best interest"!
My god, isn't this
AboveTopSecret, a forum where people make it their primary interest to be suspicious rather than swallowing everything whole?!
You belong in the discussion forums on CNN, not here, if you are totally incapable of imagining the remotest possibility that people in power may be
trying to pulling one past you!!
I am sorry, but I am quite pessimistic in my judgements of human character. We all have within us the potential of the unspeakable; are our leaders
greater than us, really????