posted on Feb, 27 2003 @ 02:30 PM
Andy Rooney is not saying they don't have the right to oppose war literally, as much as he is saying who are they kidding.. and don't forget, it was
not our policy to get involved in foreign affairs.. we were fired on by german u-boats and then of course Pearl Harbor occurred.. this is why i don't
understand why people aren't more grateful for our assistance in defeating Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan.. and i am not going to
believe for 1 second that the other allies had Germany retreating when we entered the fray in Europe.. it wasn't until the Americans came with their
industrial power above all else, that the Germans couldn't resupply as fast as the Allies could.. Also i would appreciate it if you didn't seem to
think that your people were the only ones who died because it was in Europe.. my great grandfather died in the Battle of the Bulge fighting for
Freedom, and nothing else.. i know Americans are almost universally hated for entering in other countries' affairs it seems, but we don't enter
until you prove that you can't handle the situation yourself.. so i humbly apologize for America trying to help save freedom and liberty in Asia, the
pacific, and Europe and north Africa, and any inconvenience this may have cause you and your families