reply to post by Doomsday 2029
Ignoring the polluted association of "Republic" and "Democracy" (that discussion is a dead end) you need to limit the power and scope of a
corporately controlled central government.
IMO, that can only be done through secession from the union, which is in the hands of the citizens of each state.
Only then can you create further parties with a more suitable mindset, detached form financial interest and corporate involvement, to lead a very
limited central government.
Central government should only ever be in place to facilitate military DEFENSE of a nation, and the voting mechanism for electing members of states to
represent them.
Each state should be responsible for their own affairs, taxes, education, employment, agriculture... Having a 'one rule for all' scenario creates
clones, no originality and variation. You would not be in the economic state you are now if individual states had the ability to focus on their own
commerce under their own leadership, with their own goals and ambitions.
For those who suggest that this wouldn't work and that states would fail...
Fair law, success and economy would be maintained in each state through the will of the people to remain there. You rise and fall on your own
abilities and your own way of doing business. And how would that be any riskier than some areas like Michigan? The union hasn't safeguarded anything
there has it?
Unfortunately, you don't have any other way of doing things other than to go down the secession path. Any formation of a new party would be attacked
and destroyed by the existing machine while you are in the present state. To better safeguard the formation of new parties you have to first begin to
break from the power of the Federal Government IMO, allowing for greater autonomy.
It is now inevitable that things will have to change. Obama was the last chance for change, and he's failed to do anything beneficial for the people,
destroying any remaining trust many millions of people had in government.
It's unfortunate, I thought he was going to be remarkable too. IMO he's nothing more than another Bush, only a better actor and speaker.
He's created this tsunami of disappointment. And eventually that wave will crash at the shore. The only question is, will you build flood defenses to
protect the status quo, or will you let the wave destroy everything to rebuild from the beginning, with your own vision for what America should be?
Interesting times indeed.