reply to post by Decoy
HP computers locking up? Isn't that what they're designed for?
Just kidding.
Wish I had one. Could probably figure out the problem. I wish someone had booted Linux up and ran that and seen if it crashed or not. If it crashes in
Windows and Linux, it's probably hardware defect like overheating or faulty add on device.
If it only crashes in Windows, probably a bad hardware driver like a video driver or chipset driver. Something that HP might need to issue an update
Wouldn't surprise me if it was a bad driver mixed with some the crap OEM software that HP installs before they ship the machine either.
Could be a virus or root kit too?. These people may have installed so many anti-malware programs trying to stop it from crashing that they just made
it worse by causing conflicts and installing more malware cause so many disguise themselves as anti-malware apps now.
Never heard of the mobo before though. i7 is fairly new. Not really, but a small chance any new mobos that use it could still be complete crap. Wonder
if anyone else knows anything about this particular mobo.
Lol, after reading the user posted comments on HP's site about these HP comps, it seems some people say it's a timing problem with the mobo, a bios
problem, the video card is bad (regardless of if they have the NV or ATI card it. I found posters with both) a bad video driver which is also probably
not it since using a completely diff vid card would most likely fix that, in theory, since it'd have to be a whole diff driver. And who knows what
So, it most likely is just a defective mobo and therefore defective by design like the suit says. All the other problems would just be symptoms from
when you plug normally good hardware into a defective mobo.
The only other problem that would probably cause all that, is an under rated power supply which they have in my opinion. All those computers should
probably be running about another 100 watts in the PSU at least. Around 550 instead of the 460. Especially the ones with real GPUs, but I go a little
crazy with PSUs though. Some did say replacing their power supply unit stopped the freezes though.
When the comp isn't getting enough power it can make it seem like every other piece of hardware in a 30 foot radius is going bad, but it's actually
the PSU.
Both would explain all their symptoms including their USB problems they mentioned. Can't tell which one though from here. Alright, I'm out.
[edit on 17-11-2009 by tinfoilman]
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