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Disturbing Video from Pittsburgh

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:25 AM
Search YouTube and watch other protest videos from the G20 in Pitt. There's a lot of footage of people standing towards the back of the groups with their faces hidden, throwing rocks and bottles at the police crowds.

In one video the crowd pushes a large dumpster down the street trying to run it into police personel and vehicles. Picking up and throwing or kicking tear gas canisters back into the police crowds. The police forces had been dealing with this all day.

Let's take a look at this video that was posted. You have a large crowd of protestors, that may or may not have been assaultive towards the police as someone mentioned, gathered together in a city park at night. We see this guy in the video, standing around with a bullhorn, goading the protest group. They were told over and over to disperse and leave the area, but they and he continued to protest. The police force finally stepped in and took action.

Notice how the video has been edited to only show what the guy wants you to see. You can't hear what he is saying to the crowds through his bullhorn. You don't see what had taken place prior to or during this altercation with the police. The only thing that he has presented is his side of the story and edited footage so as not to paint him or his group in a negative light.

We do not have the constitutional right to protest like many people think. No human rights instrument or national constitution grants the absolute right to protest. However, protest may be a manifestation of the right to freedom of assembly, the right to freedom of association, and the right to freedom of speech.

Restriction of the freedom to assembly, if it is necessary, in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public safety, public order, the protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

What we have here is the perfect example of people over stepping their constitutional right to freedom of assembly and then crying foul when the police show up. These people think they have the right to act Cart Blanche asd claim to be innocent protestors.

They want to stand at the end of the dog's chain and continuously taunt the dog through words and actions, even after being warned. When the dog finally gets loose and bites their ass, then they stand up and whine about how they were doing nothing wrong and that the dog attacked them for no reason and no fault of their own doing.

This guy is trying to make it look like they were just standing around peacefully and the big bad cops busted in and started whoopin folks asses for no reason at all.

He's going to take this video to court with him and show it to the judge/jury in an attempt to make themselves look good. Then the judge is going to ask for the unedited footage that was taken and more than likely the proof behind the charges will be shown.

Don't get me wrong. I am all about standing up for our rights and taking action, but just because we have the right to bear arms, does not mean we can stand in the middle of the town square and unload clips of amunition into the sky.

The Rights and Freedoms port forth and given to us through the Constitution are for the responsible and should be respected by BOTH sides of the law.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Koka

I would like to know if the group that was featured in this video had obtained their permits from the police department. Permits were required!! That was no secret!!

Once again, the police were prepared and staffed for at least twice as many protesters. They stopped the trouble before it could get out of hand. The protesters lost their mojo when they realized that their attempts at chaos would be futile. Classic example of how these crowd control tactics work successfully.

The warnings and the procedures were clear long before the G20 began. Case closed. These idiots produced a video in hopes of raising money to pay their legal fees. Sorry, make your bed, you have to sleep in it.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Detailed Perfection

Nicely said!!
I hope this case will not waste to much time in the court system. The warnings were broadcast all day long when the groups first started to assemble. Those who hung around got what they came for.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Well, like I stated before.. I am objective when I view something. I know that people will edit things to make something look the way they want it too. But again, what I don't see is a riot. What I don't see is anything being thrown or the police being threatened. What I see is scared kids, in over their heads, trying to get out.

I havent read the constitution lately but I do remember something about the right to peaceful assembly.

I'm not ok with the mentality of "the police are just there in case they get out of hand" either. To me, that borderlines on "Minority Report". But the thing that really kills me is the way the cops arent letting anyone leave. Why use tear gas when they are on the ground and cooperation already? Should a cop tase you when he pulls you over for speeding... you know... in case you become unruly? Should the government invade Iran, you know... in case they might have a bomb?

On top of all that, I'm sure Pittsburgh police have far more better things to be wasting manpower on a handful of kids with a microphone.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:22 AM
What I find amazing here is that this is for G20. If you know your G's you know G20 is not politicians but CENTRAL BANKERS. For some reason they get godlike status and beyond ridiculous security. Since less people are willing to go out and protest a central bank congregation, the cop-protester ratio is usually out of whack.

To all the riot squad stooges- I'd like to know how you feel about protecting the monetary architects of your slavery. Just another day doing what needs to be done right? I say go bite it pig.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:23 AM
Just watch the Science Fiction Film "They Live.

Enough said.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Moonsouljah
What I find amazing here is that this is for G20. If you know your G's you know G20 is not politicians but CENTRAL BANKERS. For some reason they get godlike status and beyond ridiculous security. Since less people are willing to go out and protest a central bank congregation, the cop-protester ratio is usually out of whack.

To all the riot squad stooges- I'd like to know how you feel about protecting the monetary architects of your slavery. Just another day doing what needs to be done right? I say go bite it pig.

I can understand an exaggerated presence when leaders are involved. That, to me, makes sense. Whats in this video does not.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:28 AM
What can I say? I voiced my opinion by donating fifty bucks to the poor sap. Godspeed my friend.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by joey_hv]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:28 AM
You guys can't come in here with your logic and reason. They are protesters therefore they must be right! They are unarmed peaceful human beings they should not ever be accosted or even talked to by police because they never do anything wrong!

For gods sake people learn the whole story and read between the lines, I don't like police violence either but its not all just police state is here kill them all.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by sputniksteve
For gods sake people learn the whole story and read between the lines, I don't like police violence either but its not all just police state is here kill them all.

Ok, lets say we don't know the whole story but if they did get pepper sprayed AFTER they laid down, is this a justifiable police action?
or just a spiteful act by a childish cop?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:37 AM
It is clear from this and the overwhelming number of reports, documented with video or by the authorities own statements that in both the US and UK:

1. Dissent shall not be tolerated and to express an opinion that is critical of the government is to be treated as a criminal or terrorist act.

2. Privacy does not exist, the government and its agencies will examine any part of anyone's life they choose without the need to account to anyone. Everything you do any time shall be recoded and catalogued.

3. Police and other agencies are not there to protect the individual but rather to ensure compliance to whims of the state.

4. The role of the government is to protect the ability of corporations to extract as much profit as they can in any way they want to from the public.

Let's just hope the smaller democracies resist this trend.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by sputniksteve
You guys can't come in here with your logic and reason. They are protesters therefore they must be right! They are unarmed peaceful human beings they should not ever be accosted or even talked to by police because they never do anything wrong!

For gods sake people learn the whole story and read between the lines, I don't like police violence either but its not all just police state is here kill them all.

First of all, I highly doubt that you are privy to some knowledge about this that rest of us don't know. I've stated several times that there are more possibilities than what this video shows. I get it.... ok?

But ask yourself this: Is this normal police reaction to crowd disbursement? And if they were trying to disburse them, why surround them? Why corner them and corral them? What laws were being broken that required that kind of a response?

I've seen tons of footage of protesters and none of the usual suspects turn up in this one. There are no molotovs... no rocks thrown. No one in the cops faces, taunting them. Its scared kids trying to get out.

This whole mentality of "stop it before it turns into something" is a dangerous road to be on. Why stop the with that then? Why not prevent you from eating unhealthy or not allow you post online, seeing how you could be a rebel rouser too. Eliminating a threat before there is one is not something I want to see in America...

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by joey_hv

Unfortunately I can't answer that question because I just don't know man. I can say though that anyone that is out protesting must know the possible consequences and better be willing to deal with them. Things are not always right and just in the world. Bad things happen to good people. People need to quit acting like they live in a fairy tale and accept that sometimes when people are throwing rocks at cops and you are part of that group you might get pepper sprayed in your face.

I am not condoning it but enough of all of the whining, like these people had no idea that someone might appose them....christ.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by spliff4020

I hear you man. You are willing to believe that maybe there are other conditions. I get that, and I appreciate it. I am by no means trying to argue for the cops here, therefore I will make no points to stick up for their actions.

I just don't want to hear from whiney kids that later decide they are not having fun anymore. Guess what I have never been pepper sprayed in the face. Wonder why? Because I don't protest. You mess with the bull sometimes you get the horns whether you deserve it or not. Don't feel so sorry for these kids they are not all innocent naive little children, they know damn good and well what they are doing and who they are up against.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by sputniksteve
reply to post by spliff4020

Guess what I have never been pepper sprayed in the face. Wonder why? Because I don't protest.

Is there anything you would protest for, serious question, not baiting?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:54 AM
If the cops wanted them to go away then the best course of action would be no action at all. Kids get bored easily and usually are attention whores. If what they are doing is getting them no attention, they tend to move on. Acting the way the police did is simply playing into them. (if, indeed they are trouble makers). In the start of the vid, there are like 20 kids there. More kids from gangs gather in parks daily and cops do nothing.

I live near chicago where a kid was beaten to death recently and the cop there, did nothing. How come cops cant seem to organize quick enough to save the kids life, or at least gain control, but a handful of college age kids in a park, gets the National Guard and swat on them?

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Koka

Yes I suppose there are probably a few things I would protest for. I am not 100% sure right now though in order to tell you an answer. I am a pretty private person so this does not fit my job description very well.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Clearly you feel threatened by the reality of fellow Americans exercising our "God-given", inalienable basic human rights.

You should go and hang out on the poop deck for awhile. Think about what you've done.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by spliff4020

I would have to guess only because they were ready for them and prepared to take them on. That is a sad thing that a cop would watch a kid get beaten to death. I suppose his interdiction would have gotten him beaten to death too probably but dang. I for one still have some faith in our police, I don't live in a big city and we don't have police brutality here. I give people the benefit of the doubt, might be naive i know. I don't see them as some opposing force out to get me, I see them as folks doing a job. Some are dicks, some are nice, some are sad, some are happy. THey are just people doing their thing, sometimes they are your friend sometimes they are your foe.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by spliff4020
During the G20 in Pittsburgh, I saw another Youtube video with masked individuals causing trouble, then being outed by the crowd of protesters as LEO plants. I don't have time to do a search right now, but if someone does, it's worth checking out.

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