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Federal Package Burned at Carmichael Mosque Targeted by Feds

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posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 06:58 PM

Federal Package Burned at Carmichael Mosque Targeted by Feds

Capt. Christian Pebbles said the package was from the U.S. Department of Defense. Someone set fire to it before anyone from the mosque arrived in time to open it.

Authorities were working to determine if the act of arson was related to the recent allegations that the mosque was involved in improper, terrorist activity. No suspects have been named or arrested at this time.

Most recently, congregation members have moved their meetings from the mosque located on Marconi Avenue to an undisclosed location.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 06:58 PM
Even while under investigation, no one knows who burned this package? They obviously nailed it down to an arsonist.

Consider that this mosque has been 1 mile while from a jewish-only school for the last 20 years. There has been peace between these establishments until now.

The jewish-school shut down last year and finally closed in spring 2009. I doubt that means much, yet it is a strange thing that over the last 20 years there hasn't been a word of anything else but peace from either property.

Last week, the mosque was one of the targeted seizures against Avali Foundation, yet the Feds (national, not local) only vacated the mosque for the duration of two religious sessions before the members (not affiliated with Avali Foundation) were allowed back on to continue services. Since then, the Feds have narrowed their actions the New York location of the Avali Foundation.

To say the packaged was burned by somebody neither associated with the Feds nor the Muslim community is obviously not out of the question, now.

It is as if somebody wanted to add fuel to the fire. (see also, US lies about Iran's nuclear program and "threat" to Israel, escalates aggression for war )
(visit the link for the full news article)

Edit: to format links

[edit on 15-11-2009 by dzonatas]

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 07:59 PM
This is all very strange to me. The rising dissent among many various peoples. I guess I am just naive and ignorant. Are tensions being created and urged on by whatever groups that could be involved? Is it all created by some folks in power that just want to create dissent? I'm clueless.

When I was in high school, in the way back times of the late 60's and early 70's, I went to a school where there were black, white, asian, christian, both catholic and a variety of protestants, a handfull of jews, a really hot chinese chick. a muslim guy ( no he wasn't hot to me, lol) a few mexicans. and other assorted atheists and pagan sort of people. We really had no major problems. There was a year when the black power movement was disrupting, so to speak, but most of us said, this is BS. And us kids got together and solved this crap for the most part. Our parents, well, that was a different problem, and it was up to us each, individually, to stop the madness in our own families.

Who burned a federal package? Jeeze, it wasn't any of my school mates.
Just more divide and conquer crap. Burn something and blame it on somebody else. A too easy tactic. And clowns of all sorts will get their panties in a bunch.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by kyredA too easy tactic. And clowns of all sorts will get their panties in a bunch.

Consider how some people read news of an 'implosive device' and interpret it as some form of an 'nuclear warhead', I don't doubt something more could have been made out of the ashes of the package.

I do wonder how much time in between went by since that package was burned until that News 10 report was made.

I also wonder if any federal package was actually postmarked to that address, or if someone just dropped off any federal package there.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:20 PM
Do YOU really know who burned the mail? I think not. It could have never been sent to begin with, 'found' burned, and most assuredly going to an elderly abusing/candy stealing/Al Queda cell of terrorists.

Or it could be that some schmoe who gets his hots burning other peoples mail just accidentally himself into far more trouble then he wanted.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by Jackboot.Heel
Do YOU really know who burned the mail?

That's like if we asked a New Yorker if they know who really flew the airplanes into the WTC.

All they know is the event happened in the neighborhood.

Sacramento has many cultures that live close together, so it surely won't be easy to pinpoint it on any particular community.

...someone set fire to a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice that was attached to a Carmichael Islamic center...

Christian Pebbles said the fire may have been set by someone who was walking down the street. Or the incident may be "more significant," given the surrounding circumstances, he said.


There aren't usually mailslots on a 'busy' road in order to prevent theft by those that do 'walk down the street'. The mailslots on such busy roads are usually set back into the building (not placed on the road). If the mail was delivered to the mailslot, then you woudl think the investigators would know this by now, as someone would have been seen going up to the building to retrieve the mail before they could set fire.

There is something odd about that.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by dzonatas]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 03:55 AM
Saw this on the local news, think it was channel 13, I don't recall, but the female news anchor comes into my store quite often lol. Aaaanyhoo I don't know what to think really, but I'm leaning towards punk kids, drunk people, homeless, or just someone walkin by an settin some paperwork on fire...

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:00 AM
In KCRA 3's report:

Notice it says the letter was tapped by the DOJ to the fence, so this is a bit different from the other reports. At the end of the report, it shows the DOJ hasn't been contacted at that time, so they really don't know if the DOJ actually tapped it to the fence. (Of course, I doubt a drunk would have tape handy to wildly tape it to the fence.) Seizure and closure notices are usually stapled to the building. Letters to serve are done in person and not tapped to a fence.

Arson investigators said are trying to piece together just who set a fire and torched an envelope tapped on this fence by the department of justice.


Fire officials said a motive is still unclear.


"Who ever did this we want to be able to find them and we want them to be able to put them in jail," Pebbles said.


Fire investigators still don't know what legal document by the department of justice was set on fire. Mosque officials said they plan to find out when they call with the Sacramento Department of Justice Office on Monday.


posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:28 AM
Hmmm... it seems the original article has been edited since you posted this.

Original as you posted it:

Capt. Christian Pebbles said the package was from the U.S. Department of Defense. Someone set fire to it before anyone from the mosque arrived in time to open it.

Authorities were working to determine if the act of arson was related to the recent allegations that the mosque was involved in improper, terrorist activity. No suspects have been named or arrested at this time.

Most recently, congregation members have moved their meetings from the mosque located on Marconi Avenue to an undisclosed location.

When I looked at it:

Authorities were investigating who might have set fire to a federal envelope taped to the front gate of an Islamic Center Sunday. The property is at the center of a probe by the U.S. Attorney.

Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District spokesman Capt. Christian Pebbles said the envelope was from the U.S. Department of Justice. Someone set fire to it before anyone from the Islamic Center arrived in time to open it.

The difference between a package and an envelope is a big one. I wonder which one it really was? If it was an "envelope taped to the front gate" I don't see this as a big deal, but if it really was a package that's a different story. Also, it changed from the envelope/package being sent from the US Department of Defense to it being sent from the US Department of Justice. This is even stranger than the story, lol. I wonder when the story changed? I also wonder if the original story was just wrong or if it was changed for them.

Also, if the envelope/package was burned before anyone read/looked into it then how did they know who it was from?

Strange indeed!

[edit on 16/11/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Iamonlyhuman
Also, if the envelope/package was burned before anyone read/looked into it then how did they know who it was from?

Strange indeed!

Yes. On a positive side, I'm gonna guess these changes were done to avoid a gag.

Prosecutors said there's no reason to believe Muslims worshipping in the Alavi Foundation properties were engaged in improper activity. But a Sacramento Muslim leader said that message may be lost on many.

"People right here in Carmichael think there are terrorists or people associated with Iran right in their backyard, and that is absolutely the wrong message," said Imam Mohammed Abdul-Azeez of Sacramento's SALAM Islamic center.

I think the Imam said it best, and so did Asghar.

"We are as much American, as much patriot as anybody else," worshipper Sayed Asghar said.

As I tell people: If you are born in America, you are native American. Period.

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