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Deja Vu(Bad)& One other werid thing

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posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:39 AM
K, I stumbled across this forum by chance, So I'm looking for info, maybe similarities, cause as a result of this I find myself questioning my sanity.

I've played football since I was 5 year's old, and just called it quits this past year, for reasons of health, I played 3 years of College football and that's where the problem got real bad. I've Taken many hits, 1 I believed that ended up giving me epilepsy(though was never proven, as I could have grown into this)

Upon taking hits(happened a lot more while playing college football) I would get Deja Vu, Not just a regular Deja vu though, I'd dreamed about the hit, as soon as I would take the hit, I not only vividly remembered what happened from the dream, but as well as I knew what was going to happen on the next couple play's from scrimmage. Has anyone ever had something like this happen ? I find myself frequently doing it with other daily task's as well, while I realize this could just be typical Deja Vu, it does nothing to explain the football.

THE other I might need to make another thread for this, If so just tell me cause they are 2 very different subjects (Or are they ??)

When I was six years old I lived in Titusville Florida, (whole family worked for NASA, and Lockheed Martin) one night I awoke to a strange creature at the end of my bed(please don't call me crazy, I'm merely looking for answers) this creature was furry shaped brown with huge eyes, and 4-6 legs, the altercation between me and the creature lasted only seconds, I had fallen asleep on my fully made bed so the whole of my legs where exposed, The creature made a weird growling noise, bit me on my left big toe, and I INSTANTLY fell asleep, no pain no nothing. Its given me a weird paranoia MY WHOLE LIFE about sleeping without any cover over my legs since then, this was very real, and not a dream, I remember it like it happened yesterday!

Has anyone ever heard anything like this?

Any feedback would be appreciated!

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:49 AM
Interesting stories, with the deja vu, doesn't sound like normal deja vu to me, sounds like it's head injury related, I think you could get more answers with that question at a football forum...

on the 2nd story, it sounds like the old hag sleep paralysis story to me, some see an old hag, some see a grey with big eyes, you saw a furry thing, the biting you doesn't sound normal though, but while your in a rem sleep you have your logic part of the brain turned off and your creative part is on full blast, so this would explain why people see different things, maybe some of these beings are real, maybe some are multidimensional but the chances are most are in our mind, now if you had a bite mark on your foot or some physical evidence then you could prove it as a physical entity.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Razimus

I've had the Old Hag Paralysis happen, This was nothing like it..

(Old Hag thing is Not being able to move ? while being some what awake ?)

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 02:00 AM


posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 02:45 AM
I have Deja Vu like what you describe all the time. I do something and then remember doing it before like I was in a dream or something. Then I had some really weird Deja Vu today. I got up to answer the phone and found myself standing in front of a phone that wasn't ringing. As I turned around to sit back down the phone started ringing.

Weird stuff man.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 12:09 PM
Man, that doesn't sound fun at all. I used to have awful deja vu but that was before I cleaned up my act. Maybe now that you don't play it won't be a problem?

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:14 AM
I have epilepsy and was very interested in your post. Around 4 years old, I saw something dark reach up over my bed and then disappear over the side. I never associated it with the epilepsy until now. Have you ever had any experience with dopplegangers?

As for the deja vu, that is what finally convinced my parents that something was wrong. At 16, I had that feeling of deja vu while watching a TV program and told them what was going to happen. There was only one problem. The show was not a rerun.

As far as your epilepsy being caused by football, remember back as far as you can. I can remember situations when I was 3 or 4 years old that were most likely a seizure.

Today is the first time I have ever been on this site, also. Coincidence? Probably not.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by SirPatrickHenry

I am glad to see a post about this. I have the exact same experiences, about 0-2 times per week, so about 6 times a month, on average. IT plays out the same for me as well. I do not have epilepsy and am 21 years old. I will have regular dreams that I think nothing of until I wake up. When it started happening more, and I didn't want to think I was crazy (or at least wanted to prove to myself one way or the other) I would repeat what I saw or heard in the dreams, very specifically, right when I woke up, so that way my girlfriend could hear me. Then, when I begin to see the dream unfold in front of me while I am awake, I say "Remember when I told you this?" and she would say yes, and eventually it wasn't a big deal anymore because it was unexplainable. It's crazy but who knows what it's for or how we can use it? It always seems to be useless stuff in my case, just every day life for the most part.

On the subject of that brown thing you were talking about, I can say nothing. But I did read a post on here once about a guy being attacked by some kind of lizard and he went to sleep like nothing happened minutes afterward and he awoke to a room that looked like it was done over by a maid.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by rnbiker
I have epilepsy and was very interested in your post. Around 4 years old, I saw something dark reach up over my bed and then disappear over the side. I never associated it with the epilepsy until now. Have you ever had any experience with dopplegangers?

As for the deja vu, that is what finally convinced my parents that something was wrong. At 16, I had that feeling of deja vu while watching a TV program and told them what was going to happen. There was only one problem. The show was not a rerun.

As far as your epilepsy being caused by football, remember back as far as you can. I can remember situations when I was 3 or 4 years old that were most likely a seizure.

Today is the first time I have ever been on this site, also. Coincidence? Probably not.

Man, I had no idea about what doppleganger's was, If I could have my Nuerologist attest to this, This is what I was recently just trying to explain to her, but had no clue on how to put it in word's or a def. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

It happens all the time, I find myself feeling as if being in the third person, watching myself.

Also, For some reason, I can remember times when I was little having these seizures but they were few with LOADS OF TIME inbetween, It wasn't until I hit high school that I started having them 21-24 times a day.

I also, have staring fits, and sometimes problems with my thought process, sometimes it takes me minutes to figure something out, that generally 100% of the time I would have picked it up like 2nd nature(All my friends can attest to this, I have ALWAYS been a very fast learner)

There was one incident with my current GF, I had a dream 8 months before so, about meeting a blonde girl in my math class, and her asking me for my number. At the time this was weird, cause I was attending a different school, and at that School I had already had all my math credits, and at the time had no intentions of leaving there either, but I ended up leaving that school and having to take a math class. =\

What kind of seizures do you have ?

As to the brown thing, any information on that is welcome, any similar experiences, I know its not an "Old Hag" thing, because I used to get this all the time, and just thought it was apart of being majorly stressed out.

Cause with the Brown thing, I physically woke up, sat up looked at the end of my bed, was bit and fell asleep.

[edit on 16-11-2009 by SirPatrickHenry]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 12:59 PM

Apologies if that freaked you out but I find the topic interesting and you reminded me of that picture.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by XHellcatX

Apologies if that freaked you out but I find the topic interesting and you reminded me of that picture.

Its mouth was about that big, but fuzzy, more pet looking rather than human looking.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 03:16 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

No clue as to the furry creature, but the deja vu can definitely be related to repeated concussions. Also, your epilepsy suspiscions are interesting to me. When my wife got the epideral for the birth of our second child, she developed a mild head twitch (lasted about 10 minutes) and had a severe case of deja vu. The anesthesiologist told us something neither of us had ever heard before... he said that deja vu, particularly when accompanied by twitches or involuntary movements, is a minor form of epileptic seizure. It doesn't mean that you necessarily have epilepsy, but that same region of the brain is seizuring and it messes with your memory and recollection centers.

She doesn't get it often, but she has found that certain medicines now cause her to re-experience the same effects. Far more scary for her is that she has found two medicines that cause her to have jamais vu, or not recognizing familliar places, people, or things. Almost like selective amnesia. Her doctor believes the two are related and think she may have had a head injury at one time which has made her more susceptible to chemical effects on that part of her brain. (She did have a massive concussion years ago when she was stood up under a shelf and was knocked cold.)

The brain is a strange things at times. I have had at least 6 major concussions, including 2 skull fractures... yet I don't often experience deja vu nor do I have any of the mental symptoms of head injuries. I do, however, get a tremor in my hands which I attribute to the concussions. Others seem to get the mental effects but rarely demonstrate any physical indications of brain injury.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:58 PM
Had 2 terrible ones today, involving this board, and taco bell....

As of today, I am keeping a Journal of all my Dreams and dates!

posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by SirPatrickHenry

I would rather not say; however, yours sound very similar. Did you just start seeing a neurologist? The reason I ask, is that when I first started seeing my neurologist, he asked me to keep a journal of my seizures. I would not be able to keep a journal of my dreams, because I do not remember them. I remember having one dream my whole life, and that was when I was around 3 years old.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 09:53 AM
I too would suggest that the Deja Vu you're experiencing is a direct result from running into grown men at full speed. I love football, but you guys take a beating. Especially receivers over the middle when not looking. I guess concussions can alter the way you perceive your reality from time to time. I haven never had any concussions that I'm aware of, but I do experience Deja vu a lot. Maybe weekly or 2wice a week.

I actually love Deja vu. It's such a peculiar feeling that you should just go with it. Maybe there is more to life than we realize??? Complete with "sleep inducing-toe biting furry guys"!

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Happyfeet

I thought I heard the phone ring, and I asked my wife, who had the phone in her hand, if it was ringing. Then I realized after I asked her, it just began to start the ring. She handed the phone to me and it was the call I was waiting for.

This happens frequently, at least once a week. "Where's the phone?" RING.

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