posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 03:26 PM
1. Give the name of the greatest documentary of all time (in your opinion and only 1)
2. Give the links to the documentary
3. Explain why you think it's the best.
The Empire of "the city".
part 1.
part 2.
I chose this documentary because I believe it explains the world in a detail greater than I thought humanly possible, all in under 6 hours. This
documentary addresses everything from circumcision to slavery, to gold and incest.
I honestly have a hard time describing this documentary...
When I first started watching it I thought it was some kind of "older" version of all these "new" theories on the web(kymatica, zeitgeist). After
a few minutes passed I also thought maybe this was another blame it on the jews video... Then all of a sudden, in one fatal swoop, I was hooked for
almost 6 hours straight in pure amazement.
The depth and correlation of exhausted, and undisputed facts combined with no leaps or bounds, is the one sentence I would use to describe this