posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 03:32 PM
Well if I use the input so far, and apply it to a nation, I'd come to understand, that the status quo is still acceptable.
As far as "things suck" I was being general so I wouldnt have a long boring initial read, as far as needing to "pay the bills",
exactly my point, the fear of the system or abandonment of it holds the population in a blind bound slavery, we just dont "see the master" we think
we're free, yet an act of freedom carried out in mass will generate negative response, and fear of what the "masters will do"?
I think if a nation united PRIOR to chaotic transition forced upon them they would have a better chance of controlling their outcome, being proactive
and not so reactive like we've been.
I would rather a date for such an event be more like the 2nd week in January right before the state of the union address,
and just for clarity, i have 4 kids, i have 2 jobs, my wife has 2 jobs, i'm not heavily mortgaged or in debt, i've adjusted as employment has left
my area several times, i dont collect welfare or unemployment, i'm just one person disgusted with the fear that has crippled us, and in just 1
generation turned so many of us into fearful waiting complaining statistics.
I'm not saying I have the answers at all, but I would want to believe that between ALL of us, OUR ACTUAL VOICES, not the paper voices not the false
voices not the made for tv voices our representatives and pretend leaders spew, but our combined voices that are put into action PRIOR
would carry some weight and have an effect.
There will be calamity, there already is, and it will get worse,
I'm just proposing to take some control rather than be soooooo controlled.
There must also be another side to the equal sign SO
I'd also like to hear why there SHOULDNT be anything like this attempted and the benefits of sitting idle and doing nothing like this.
And I will do my best to more specific.