posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Spooky Fox Mulder
Hi Fox, what you posted sounds to me very possible, so thanks.
If you don't mind i have a few questions (not about 2012):
a) Where did you get this info?
b) The disclosure/alien cover-up being blown will happen in the first half of 2010, right?
c) The "V" remake was made in this particular time for a purpose and has some truth to it/hidden message, right?
d) The swine-flu virus will mutate soon and will be presented by the MSM as something apocalyptic, but later on a real deadly virus will emerge.
e) The current Pope will die before the 2012 event, correct?
f) RFID Chip implants will be introduced/proposed on a global scale after the Disclosure of ET's, correct?
g) The blown cover-up resolves around some secret files, the Moon, Mars and a mass sighting, right?
I hope you will answer them,