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Finally got a news report on Ukraine's flu

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:01 AM
Although this STILL isn't a MSM news outlet, RussiaToday has a video report. Some interesting highlights: Roughly every third citizen there wears a protective mask. On Sunday, the country’s leadership called on other countries to help Ukraine in the fight against the epidemic, as it has now been classed as a threat to national security. Prime-Minister Timoshenko (milf) "...swindlers in privately-owned pharmacies are selling it to people at ten times the price,” she told journalists on Friday. Over a hundred have died since the outbreak of the virus last week.

Emphasis added by me.

Flutracker map now has Ukraine's Confirmed/Probable Cases: 960,441

[edit on 9-11-2009 by 12GaugePermissionSlip]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:17 AM
I read somewhere that they may even postpone the elections in Ukraine due the epidemic.

Reuters and elections in Ukraine.


Edit -- link added.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by v01i0]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:37 AM
There has been talk of postponing the elections-but the IMF have now stated that the 4th tranche of the loan wont be made until after the election.
Its not therefore in Presidents interest to go for a May election since he would be faced with running the country with no money in the state coffers.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 04:20 AM
The lack of MSM coverage of the events in the Ukraine are certainly telling. A few days ago I just missed a BBC news 24 report, and what got my attention on the report was the red ticker tape at the bottom asking,

"Ukraine: has the swine flu mutated?" Surely someone else must have seen it?

Since then I have seen nothing at all and I have been looking out for a followup but there has been nothing at all - very suspicious in my opinion.

I am starting to think someone at the BBC jumped the gun, broke ranks and got spanked.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by martin3030
There has been talk of postponing the elections-but the IMF have now stated that the 4th tranche of the loan wont be made until after the election.
Its not therefore in Presidents interest to go for a May election since he would be faced with running the country with no money in the state coffers.

Who do you think is selling vaccines at 10 times their price?

That is the source of money for the government.

And, yes, this is the same principle as in Pelosi's pay $15.000 or go to jail. Be quick to buy, the price will soon rise...

[edit on 9-11-2009 by DangerDeath]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67
The lack of MSM coverage of the events in the Ukraine are certainly telling. A few days ago I just missed a BBC news 24 report, and what got my attention on the report was the red ticker tape at the bottom asking,

"Ukraine: has the swine flu mutated?" Surely someone else must have seen it?

Since then I have seen nothing at all and I have been looking out for a followup but there has been nothing at all - very suspicious in my opinion.

I am starting to think someone at the BBC jumped the gun, broke ranks and got spanked.

Yes I saw your report and decided to watch-but could not see a thing-they was discussing the postal strike agreements and Afghanistan.
I looked on news 24 website and also saw nothing.
In fact I have been looking on the newspaper websites daily and found nothing.
I thought maybe the Telegraph would have said something.
Last week I emailed my MP Shaun Woodward and asked why the UK was doing nothing,and why was there no news of it in the UK.
I got an acknowledgement back to say his office had got my mail and would be back in touch.
I wont be holding my breath.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Oh please. Is there nothing you people won't attempt to tie into your war with the Democrats? Even the goings-on in the Ukraine? Holy crap man. The former Soviet Union has an extremely vicious and well organized mafia. They are everywhere and control everything. I know from first-hand experience being forced to deal with them in 1998 in Moscow. That's who is behind the price gouging. I can virtually guarantee it.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
reply to post by DangerDeath

Oh please. Is there nothing you people won't attempt to tie into your war with the Democrats? Even the goings-on in the Ukraine? Holy crap man. The former Soviet Union has an extremely vicious and well organized mafia. They are everywhere and control everything. I know from first-hand experience being forced to deal with them in 1998 in Moscow. That's who is behind the price gouging. I can virtually guarantee it.

Don't see any difference between mafia and gov... They are tools to each other, left hand washes right hand.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by jtma508

First, I want to identify myself as a Democrat, then ask what this post has to do with some groups war on Democrats? I couldn't see the connection. This thread is about Ukraine/H1N1/Probable and intentional release of viruses by Baxter. No American political madness there.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 06:21 AM
I sent an email on 5th.November to my local MP Shaun Woodward who is the Northern Ireland Secretary.I asked why the U appeared to be silent on the issue,and what proposals there were to assist Ukraine by both the UK and EU.

Today I got a letter on House of Commons paper from his London office.
It says that he has written to David Miliband personally (Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth affairs to ask for comments on the issues I have rasised,and will contact me as soon as he recieves a response.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 06:33 AM
Didn't see the bbc, but skynews did a story on the swine flu mutation fears.

skynews link

Not sure if this helps or not.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by martin3030

It seems you have some connections. May I ask what it is you do?

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