posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:18 AM
The "pink slip campaign" is an interesting form of protest and may have a limited effect on how Congress votes in the future, however, regardless of
the amount of communique's sent to Congressmen and women the House just passed the current "Health Care" legislation which is no doubt an intrusive
act by government that most assuredly taxes the people even more and threatens to imprison those who resist. The sad truth of the matter is that
while several states across the nation have by ballot created Amendments legalizing medical marijuana, Congress has not listened to this growing voice
that is making clear the people do not view marijuana as a drug worth criminalizing. The federal government blatantly ignores the will of the people
and raids the legal marijuana dispensaries claiming that federal law trumps state law and Congress refuses to do a damn thing to reign in the
executive branch by passing new legislation that would defang the federal government.
It is doubtful that the current spate of politicians occupying the House and Senate will pay much attention to the multitudes of protests being staged
across America regularly. If the police response in Pittsburgh to the protesters there is any indication of how government responds to protest, then
it should be clear that these politicians are more amused than worried. While protest is certainly a way of redressing grievances, the birth of the
United States was not created by protest but by rejecting protest in favor of revolution.
Fortunately, our Founders framed a Constitution that allow the people multitudes of ways to affect peaceful revolution. Sadly, most people today
think the only option they have to affect any meaningful revolution is by "throwing the bums out" on election day. Yet, history has shown that this
electoral process has done little to reign in the ever expanding scope of government. The best way to communicate to Congress that their intrusive
legislation will no longer be tolerated is by the people using the courts in an effective way. Sue the government into bankruptcy! Sue the private
individuals who have gone beyond the scope of their jurisdiction as government officials and acted under color of law and by doing so obstructed
Beyond that, the more educated the people become on the law they are all ready presumed to know, instead of avoiding jury duty they will readily
embrace this responsibility so that they may do the most damage that can be done to intrusive legislation. Those fortunate enough to gain access to
the Grand Jury may use their position to refuse to indict individuals who have rightfully ignored bad legislation such as intrusive drug laws or the
upcoming "health care" laws or even tax laws. If a Grand Jury does indict there are still the everyday people of a common jury who can refuse to
convict a person regardless of what the legislation says in the spirit of the law. By the spirit of the law what I mean is that law that is a
collection of acts and bills intended to protect the rights and property of people, any other form of legislation is not law but some form of legal
plunder and as such any just jury would refuse to convict a person charged for a "crime" under such dubious jurisdiction and there is not a damn
thing any judge or any other government official can say about it.
It is We the People who hold the inherent political power across the world but certainly in the U.S. by Supreme Law of the Land which is the
Constitution, we the people are undeniably the final word on how governments may act. Throw the bums out or don't it really doesn't matter when the
people united refuse to convict a person based on stupid legislation. If such actions become the norm Congress has no choice but to listen to the
people and begin to enact legislation more conducive to law. If juries just simply refuse to convict it is only a matter of time before Congress
will repeal the laws that juries ignore.