Glad to see people still following this thread, i always love a prediction, keeps me entertained lol. It seems however that those making this
prediction have recanted slightly, saying it could be next year. I'm sure someones covered that already.
I'm sure this has been asked before but has anyone considered this is all self fulfilling prophecy? Your mind can twist anything to fit a certain
Perspective, even with out your awareness you do it to yourself. Maybe YOU should be the one choosing a date that the world will remeber forever.
Maybe instead of worrying about the end coming you should stop it from coming. Or atleast prepare so when it comes on some randomly choosen date your
ready, with food and water and your family safe.
Watch the Movie "The number 23" and you will find it everywhere. Thats because numbers can be manipulated to show anything mainly because most
people don't understand pre algebra let alone higher math. So ignore the date that might come and MAKE one happen!