posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Tyler
If you want meat, go to the woods and hunt instead of taking tens of thousands of animals and killing them in the most cruel unimaginable
Let's see...How many *millions* of people don't live near enough to a sizable-enough wooded area to hunt...And even if they *all* did hunt anyway,
what would be the consequences on the populations of wild animal species?
What about the US Dept. of the Interior & the policies concerning the preservation of such areas? Even this Department has allowed the gradual decline
of our wildlife areas over the years anyway...Why not just have everybody hunt those areas out of existence overnight?
In order to feed so many people without having such a *drastic* negative effect on the environment, wouldn't it be better to domesticate & breed herd
animals for the purpose of food, rather than cause the list of endangered species to grow so large that it would crush an elephant?
Why don't we take genetic engineering into account & create an animal that *knows* that its purpose is to die (so we can't be "inhumane" about it)
for our food & can clearly state that it doesn't mind commiting suicide for our dinner table?
This particular solution is merely the logical extension that would be reached in order to solve the "problem" expressed by such extremist
viewpoints on the issue of "humane behavior"...And is further described in Douglas Adam's book, Restaraunt at the End of the Universe".
Kind of brings the "survival of our species" into perspective when compared to "humane behavior towards animals", doesn't it?