posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:50 PM
This is, what I guess and hope for, is a post you will re-direct pretty soon...
It just dawned on me we should be more awarrent of cultures that practise mutilation on humans... and I for one feel both male and female
curcumsissions ( sorry for bad spelling, though you get the idea) should be very much a subject here.
I feel that there is never anything ever written ( you trust a book over your own blood ) that should make you cut your own child less of a human (
which, purely anthrpopoligacal (spelling?) is what you are doing... if God made you, why did he ( or as I prefer, It, or, then again, why not She) why
make you imperfect? Spiritually, or maybe physically, sure, but, why mame? nah... don't make sense... not even if you read the thora in hebrew.
Challenge me! So... quit it! And get with the program... which we encourage... which is... ; NO program! You ARE FREE!
Not so god damn hard is it...
I'm a lurker, but this just came to mind during a relative's experience...
Best of all to you, and for all that it means something, God bless!