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Polish Health Minister Tells Parliament She Will Not Allow Use of Untested Vaccines

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 12:51 PM

The Polish Health Minister Eva Kopacz today told Parliament during a heated debate on the swine flu vaccination that she, as a qualified family doctor with more than 20 year of experience, will not authorise the use of untested vaccines on millions of people in Poland when there is inadequate information about the safety of the jabs.

She said the secret contract that the Polish government was supposed to sign with pharmaceutical companies had more than 20 clauses which are against the law.

Kopacz noted that governments in Western Europe had signed secret agreements with pharmaceutical companies, but suggested that the prosperity of the people of Poland was more important to her than the profits of Big Pharma.

Finally, she called on the people of Poland to show their support for her as she comes under growing pressure from the pushers of the "swine flu" jab to give the people the dangerous and untested jab.


What an incredibly courageous move by Eva Kopacz! If only more Health Ministers around the world would FOLLOW HER LEAD.......

[edit on 5-11-2009 by MajorDisaster]

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by MajorDisaster

People are finally waking up more and more. I'm surprised more people from the Health Care industry doesn't start speaking up!

I really hope that the PTB don't get a hold of her for speaking out against the vaccination.

Do you think that once it is tested we will actually find out the results? Or, do you think they will just hush it up and say it's a matter of National Security?


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 01:39 PM
Well, well !!! Thank God for Health Minister EVA !!!!

May she succeed in keeping the Polish people safe from the evil currently unleashed on Ukraine.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:03 PM
Finally, someone in power has finally used their head.

Funny how the only person in the world to say this is the polish minister of health. Common sense FTW

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Monts
Finally, someone in power has finally used their head.

Funny how the only person in the world to say this is the polish minister of health. Common sense FTW

how is that funny again?

good work to her! maybe this will actually make it to real news and people will see what is really happening

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by mahtoosacks

Your right, it really isn't that funny... however the stupidity of other nations to just blindly buy and distribute an untested vaccine is so incredibly astonishing that it makes me feel my 10 year old sister is smarter than they are.

In my mind, the idiocy of world leaders to blindly get and distribute the vaccine without it even being properly tested would be the equivalent of a nation buying millions of sham-wow's to help fight and prevent flooding.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Monts
reply to post by mahtoosacks

Your right, it really isn't that funny... however the stupidity of other nations to just blindly buy and distribute an untested vaccine is so incredibly astonishing that it makes me feel my 10 year old sister is smarter than they are.

In my mind, the idiocy of world leaders to blindly get and distribute the vaccine without it even being properly tested would be the equivalent of a nation buying millions of sham-wow's to help fight and prevent flooding.

k just making sure you weren't about to do a polish joke

you are absolutely right. how can someone with any kind of conscious of good let something like this happen.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:39 PM
I wish more people were reading this information and sharing it with others. This is powerful stuff and should spread like wildfire all over the net. But so far there is very limited exposure and what does that mean, children? Yes, the controllers are at it again.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Yeah, this Eva Kopacz is a total hero.

What gives???

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:06 AM
In September the Ukrainian government placed a general ban on the import of all flu vaccines, because the government declared they were unsafe and designed to reap profits for the pharmaceuticals.

Fast forward one month---a severe outbreak of flu in the Ukraine, associated with hemoragic pneumonia, started in late October, which today (11/7/2009) will result in approximately one million infected, and as of last night 139 dead.

Now the nation is under Martial Law and WHO control, and the government is willing to accept any and all vaccines and impose them upon its population. Moreover, anyone opposed to the vaccination program, including bloggers, are now subject to criminal charges and incarceration.

So, the big question. Was the Ukrainian outbreak "engineered" to bring the Ukrainian government back into line for the benefit of the pharmaceuticals?
Will Poland face a similar fate? Will the next big outbreak occur in Poland?

Time will tell.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 12:43 PM
Here is the Polish health minister delivering her speech. The video has English subtitles. embedded&catid=41%3Ahighlighted-news&Itemid=105&lang=de


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