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Dutch babies die after pneumococcal vaccine

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Dutch babies die after pneumococcal vaccine

Three healthy babies died 1,5 to 11 days after receiving the Prevenar pneumococcal vaccine. It promted Dutch health authorities to put all vaccination from the same batch on hold. Further research is needed to determine what the exact cause of dead is and if there is a direct relation to the vaccine.

There is no English source available yet, so this is my own translation.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 10:20 AM
Sorry for those who can't read Dutch. I'll add a link to an English source as soon as it becomes available. The Prevenar vaccine is not only being used in The Netherlands. So if one of your kids is about to receive the vaccine, I'd make sure they don't get batch D66977.

The Prevenar site ( seems to be down. Maybe they'll post something about the incidents later.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 10:54 AM
Here is the translation:

Three deceased infants after vaccination

Published: November 5, 2009 16:31
Laatst gewijzigd: Last edited: 5 november 2009 16:48 November 5, 2009 16:48
AMSTERDAM - The National Institute for Health and Environment (RIVM) has ordered counseling for a vaccine specific to outdoor use, in ten days time after three deceased infants who were vaccinated with the drug.

In the second half of October killed three babies aged three to six months after six or seven against infectious diseases were vaccinated. According to the website were all treated babies with syringes with the pneumococcal vaccine Prevenar, which came from the same batch.

The Center for Infectious Disease Control (CIb) of the RIVM, the dispensaries Tuesday commissioned from vaccines given to such party not to use provisional separately. The vaccines are distributed throughout the country.

That the RIVM vaccine 'on hold' shows up, is rare.


The RIVM Reaffirms surgery compared. According doctor Martina Rabbit vaccination of the National Vaccination Program was "quite remarkable" that so soon after three other infants die after vaccination. "It is therefore very important to investigate the matter properly." It will probably take several weeks before the examination result.

She reports that each year five to ten young children die after a vaccination. A connection is not established. Usually this was, according to the RIVM coincidence babies receive in their first year vaccinations several times, and can die by a variety of reasons.


According to the spokesperson for the vaccine lot in recent months "tens of thousands" at home and overseas without that caused problems. Also one of the deceased infants were already treated with the vaccine.

The relevant party is not currently used as a precaution. Clinics are now equipped with new vaccines.

The pneumococcal vaccine protects infants against a number of dangerous infections such as meningitis or otitis media. These disorders can cause severe blood poisoning. Since 2006 the vaccination is included in the vaccination program.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Suprise suprise...Wakey Wakey people-all vaccines are a tool to weaken the immune system so when you get older you become more suseptable and dependant on drugs and pills. all that rubbish everyone is so obsessed with pumping into themeselves when your own body has all it needs itself. SAY 'DO ONE!' TO VACCINES!

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:16 AM
Horrid.Yet again innocent deaths as the result of vaccinations.

How about the governments of the world grow a spine and actually start to prosecute vaccine makers who cause ANY deaths?

I bet if they did,the vaccine makers would suddenly work out how to make safer vaccines,as if by magic(and I bet the heavy metals and additives would suddenly be found to be unneccesary).

Unfortunatley companies these days seem to have the upper hand of the governments,and literally get away with murder,sometimes on a massive scale.

I cannot imagine the lifelong grief and anger that people who lose a childin this way experience.

How could anyone cope with seeing their child die as a result of a vaccination?

I do not think I could cope,those poor families..

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:23 AM
person above me type in retired vaccination scientist interview ( and have a read of that its sooo interesting it will answer your question-once again it is the governments doing and funding and blackmail! let me know what you think!

its quite a lengthy interview but its straight to the point and very insightful.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Horrid.Yet again innocent deaths as the result of vaccinations.

yeah lets not overreact or anything

How about the governments of the world grow a spine and actually start to prosecute vaccine makers who cause ANY deaths?

Ooooh and lets go after car makers if someone dies in a car they made, aircraft makers too. etc etc etc

I bet if they did,the vaccine makers would suddenly work out how to make safer vaccines,as if by magic(and I bet the heavy metals and additives would suddenly be found to be unneccesary).

There is a risk benifit ratio to everything you do in life. From crossing the street to stepping on a comercial plane. Its called life and there is risk.

I cannot imagine the lifelong grief and anger that people who lose a childin this way experience.

How could anyone cope with seeing their child die as a result of a vaccination?

let me tell you a story. About 15 years ago I was starting my life as a Pediatric ICU nurse. One of the first patients I cared for was a 5 year old who had developed menigicoccemia. A new grad nurse I was pretty wet behind the ears but NOTHING in my life prepared me for the horrow I would witness over the next 5 days. As this horrific disease spread, limbs were amputated, bleeding from everywhere and the prgressive horror on the parents face as thier little girl was chopped up piece by piece. I have seen this repeated time and time again over the years but I will always remeber that father weeping in the corner. I alas am an expert in the ICU care (however futile it may be sometimes) of kids with this disease.

A few years ago we stopped seeing kids with this disease. Like someone turned off the switch. Why? Because a vaccine was developed. We have whole generations of ICU nurses that no longer have any idea how to care for these kids and that is a good thing. We had ONE last year and yep it was a parent who refused the vaccination.

There are far greater horrors out there my friend.

I do not think I could cope,those poor families..

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by Hayley777

Hi "person above me"

Thats a scary interview on rense.But not entirely supprising sadly.
Quite a few ex vaccination insiders have come forward with similar views.

The big pharma companies cause death and disease on such a massive scale they make al queda look like girl scouts.

And worse,they keep getting away with it,over and over.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by FredT

Well I guess I should have explained that I am not entirely anti vaccination.
What I am against are the toxic additives that are now present in many vaccines,metals,monkey brain cells etc.

You thought I was overreacting by calling "horrid",well OK but it is pretty horrid IMO,losing a child to something which was supposed to help prevent a disease they had not even contracted yet.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 12:19 PM
I would never let someone touch baby with this new vaccine!
ignorance makes things happened

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by bartolas

Its not new BTW, but your responce is typical of those who over react and do no research on the actuall facts of this and other vaccine.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:48 PM

Pfizer spokeswoman Gwen Fisher said preliminary investigations by the company and health authorities had found no link between the vaccinations and the deaths.
She said the company initiated the "quarantine" of the batch, which she said contained 110,000 doses of Prevenar, used to prevent pneumonia and related infections.
Fisher said the three infants also received two unrelated other vaccines as part of routine immunizations.
No other Prevenar batches were suspended, and infants in the Netherlands will continue to be vaccinated with it as part of routine immunization, she added.
A spokesman for the European Medicines Agency in London said its officials are working with the Dutch authorities to find out whether there were any safety issues with the vaccine batch.
The vaccine is one of the most widely used in the world and generated sales for U.S. drugmaker Wyeth of $2.7 billion in 2008. Wyeth, which has just been acquired by U.S. rival Pfizer, had asked for the suspension of batch D66977 of Prevenar, RIVM said in a statement.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 04:10 PM
The youngest 2 here ( 13 months and 5 1/2) have had prevenar with no problems. Also myself and 5 1/2 yo have had the Pneumovax 23, myself 3 yrs ago, and her this yr. No side effects. I do realize they can happen, but we are slightly immune deficient and the thing we are most susceptible to is the pneumoccal infection, which can cause pneumonia, septicemia, meningitis.

I was lucky to survive meningitis at 15. There's 2 weeks I completely lost.
So for us, the benefits of immunisation outweigh the disease in this case.

Ps definately not getting # up with swine flu tho!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:40 AM

Pfizer Inc. (PFE) has suspended distribution and quarantined a batch of its Prevnar childhood vaccine in the Netherlands following reports of the deaths of three infants around the time of vaccination.

The New York drug maker took the precautionary action after being notified of the deaths by Dutch health authorities, who are investigating the matter, said company spokeswoman Gwendolyn Fisher.

Wall Street Journal

Intresting marketing by Pfizer to claim that they themself "suspended distribution and quarantined a batch", while in fact it was The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) that did so.

The article also awnsers a question I had about how many doses are in a batch: 111,000. A lot more that I thought would be.

Edit to correct myself: the RIVM article has been edited since yesterday and it now says that RIVM suspended the Prevnar batch after a request from Wyeth.

[edit on 6/11/2009 by FreezeM]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:59 AM
in reply to FREDT
the difference is though is that we are made aware of the dangers of most things...with regards to vaccines we are not. we are not told of the long term health affects, or side affects or given any useful opposing information to help us make the right choice of whether to have them or not.that is wat is disgusting-we are TOLD they are safe and not to ask questions, this is when it becomes serious. the thing is though they will never be exposed as what the real agenda behind the vaccines are as its all to do with money once again! keeping the population ill and downtrodden keeps it easier for them to remain in control if they are controlling whats in our food, medicine, vaccinations, everything then they control all of you.a suppressed civilisation ready to be stamped down by the new world order and we will just roll obviously havn't done your reasearch and yes there are alot more horrid things going on but this thread is disgussing vaccinations.


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