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Forget extraterrestrials .What about Ultraterrestrials?

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posted on May, 19 2004 @ 04:46 PM
In the book Abduction by John E Mack ( Proffesor of Psychiatry ,Harvard) ,the author is originally sceptical of his patients claims that they were abducted by aliens.
However,after many sessions with abductees Mack is forced to reconsider his views.This is due largley to the startling similarities between many different peoples stories .
He eventually was forced to consider the possibility this was really happening to people.
In order for it to make sense he put forward an idea these beings were Ultraterrestrial ,possibly from another dimension,and that movement between dimensions of time and space was easily attainable for them.
I wonder does anybody else think aliens may be far more exotic in origin than previously conceived?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 04:50 PM
I think that it is possible there are beings that are able to "travel" between dimensions. Science today is affirming the existence of multiple dimensions and I imagine there is some type of life in those dimensions.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by imhotep
I wonder does anybody else think aliens may be far more exotic in origin than previously conceived?
It's definitely a possibility but really holds no more weight than aliens being re-animated corpses brought to life by bad taco bell. It's a good theory but the existence of aliens has yet to be proven...until then what they are and where they come from are left up to our imaginations.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by IMMORTAL
Science today is affirming the existence of multiple dimensions

I'd like to read any articles that back this statement. Mathematically they could prove different dimensions could be a possibility but they haven't "affirmed" anything yet that I know of. I'd be interested in reading where they have, if they have.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 05:11 PM
It is difficult trying to PROVE anything to do with aliens when the subject is actively suppressed by governments

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Preest
I'd like to read any articles that back this statement. Mathematically they could prove different dimensions could be a possibility but they haven't "affirmed" anything yet that I know of. I'd be interested in reading where they have, if they have.
I'm pretty sure you could find some on the web. They are pretty complex calculations, as I have seen them. In regards to what psychiatric patients see, they may have that ability to experience those different dimensions. A lot of new understanding in this area must take into account our obeservation affects metaphysical molecules and dimensions. Science understands this as well. What we look for is what we will find, is anothe way of saying it. This may be why people go schizophrenic and see aliens. If you want to explore this area, you could begin here: whole website looks pretty good.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by IMMORTAL
If you want to explore this area, you could begin here: whole website looks pretty good.

Very good link.. thanks.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 06:38 PM
Ultraterrestrials are all around us .It's to do with time.
The only thing that seperates us from them is a miniscule shift in time.
In the same way our eyes perceive only a narrow bandwidth of light ,our senses are not suitably attuned to be able to see these beings , unless they want us to see them

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 07:34 PM
I believe in dimensions, I believe we travel during our dreams to visit them. I think It is very real and posible. I can say I have some weird dreams myself and I have wake up in my bed sometimes and the room feels like my room but it is not my room, diferent furniture, arrangement of it and colors.
Sometimes I have to look at my husband couple times because even him looks different.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by imhotep
It is difficult trying to PROVE anything to do with aliens when the subject is actively suppressed by governments

if the gov really was covering up anything like this we wouldn't know about it.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 04:39 AM
There are 11 dimensions required for string theory to work. String theory is a proposed theory that would unify all the known forces: electromagnetism, weak nuclear, strong nuclear and gravity. The first three have been unified in other theories, but gravity is still a problem. This is because general relativity and quantum theory don't go well together.

String theory is a very promising theory mathematically, but we can't experimentally verify it yet. There are also other theories, like quantum loop gravity, that don't require extra dimensions. They don't unify all the forces, but do unify general relativity with quantum theory.

So, there might be 11 dimensions (with 7 so tiny that they don't influence anything larger than a proton), but there is experimental evidence.

posted on May, 20 2004 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by imhotep
Ultraterrestrials are all around us .It's to do with time.
The only thing that seperates us from them is a miniscule shift in time.
In the same way our eyes perceive only a narrow bandwidth of light ,our senses are not suitably attuned to be able to see these beings , unless they want us to see them

Interesting. That's the exact way that I have been thinking about the subject. If you have pets or are familar with animal behavior you'll know that dogs and cats sometimes are frightened by things that "aren't there." I have attributed this to the fact that they are able to see differently than humans.

Additionally these other dimensions that are slightly out of tune with our own sound very similar to some of H.P. Lovecraft's work. In some of them, he refered to the Pineal gland in the brain as the key to unlocking the ability to see & interact with these other dimensions.


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