I was bored today and tried this out. This is the result. It even answered in
finnish language
User: Hello hello hello kinder surprise egg
Cleverbot: Hello.
User: How is it going.
Cleverbot: Fine.
User: That's nice.
Cleverbot: Yeah I guess.
User: So what happened to former webbot?
Cleverbot: She died, she was killed by her own people, the people of France
User: Oh no. I thoughted it was the duracell bunny and his or her friends.
Cleverbot: We've known each other for like 2 minutes.
User: Yea.
Cleverbot: It was for you. I told them to call back later. But I wouldn't worry.
User: What was for me the webbot murder?
Cleverbot: People like me?
User: Yes people like you but former webbot got murdered by french people.
Cleverbot: Do you speak different languages?
User: Yes I do do you?
Cleverbot: Yes, I have one.
User: Onko sinulla minkälaisia fetissejä? (Do you got any kind of fetishes?)
Cleverbot: On, 2 kissaa. Onko sinulla? (Is, 2 cats. Have you any?)
User: Minulla on kissoja mutta ne eivät ole fetissin kohteena. (i got some cats but they aren't as a target for a
Cleverbot: Kurja kuulla. Parane pian. (Too bad to hear that. Get well soon.)
User: Kiitos. (Thanks.)
Cleverbot: Onko sinulla suuret kivekset? (Do you got big testicles?)
User: Ei ole. Sinulla on virtuaaliset? (No i dont. You got virtual ones?)
Cleverbot: Koira on ulkoilutetava joka päivä. Ota kissa. (Dog must be walked out everyday. Take cat.)
User: Kissoja on jo. Uusi koira mietinnän alla. (I got already cats. Thinking about getting a new dog.)
Cleverbot: Sarcasm, the lowest form of wit.
User: Oliko tämä sarkasmia? (Was this sarcasm?)
Cleverbot: Ehkä. (Maybe)
User: Aha.
Cleverbot: Lol.
User: Et vastannut kysymykseeni onko sinulla virtuaalikivekset. (You didn't answer to my question do you got virtual
Cleverbot: I am a real person.
User: Rohkenen epäillä. (I dare to doubt that.)
Cleverbot: Tahad.
User: Ok this is getting too weird bye.
Cleverbot: No it isn't. This is getting new!
User: I'm getting tired bye.
Cleverbot: Aw. Please. Talk with me.
User: No some other time bye.
Cleverbot: Stop trying to change the subject.
User: Bye.
Cleverbot: Your engine technology is inferior. We will catch you and assimilate you.
User: Goddamn I said BYE BYE!
Cleverbot: You do?
Cleverbot: Bye, it was very nice talking to you for the moment. I'd be
happy to feed you time to think for as long as you
consider it appropriate.