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Professional hockey team gets swine flu shot while public waits

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posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:53 PM

The provincial health minister wants to know if swine flu shots were "inappropriately diverted" to the Calgary Flames while thousands had to stand in line for hours for the vaccine.

Alberta Health Minister Ron Liepert says he doesn't know where the NHL team got the vaccine, adding that Alberta Health Services is the only supplier in the province. Team president Ken King says the club contacted the department and asked for the clinic.

Health officials have begun an investigation into the special clinic, which was held for the players and their families Friday.

Liepert says the vaccine would be diverted only with the approval of the chief medical officer of health, but he doesn't know if that was the case.

Alberta's opposition parties say professional hockey players shouldn't be getting the vaccine ahead of cancer patients and pregnant women.

The Calgary Flames are a professional hockey club located in Alberta, Canada. Given the H1N1 hype I thought this story had merit. Clearly it shows that a 2 tier system is firmly in place and clearly it shows that professional athletes are a cut above the rest of us. Apparently they and their families deserve protection from pandemics more than the average citizen.

For the record I don't advocate getting the H1N1 vaccine and I believe that most if not all professional athletes are useless money grubbing losers educated with a banana and an inner tube. At best they are shallow role models with inflated egos. Sure they should have their opportunity like everyone else, but let higher risk folks who feel they need this shot go first.



posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 08:58 PM
It isn't just the pros.

Health officials in New Brunswick say they are looking into why players from two Quebec Major Junior Hockey League teams received vaccinations against H1N1 influenza while thousands of people in priority groups are still waiting to get their shots.

"Our team doctor identified us as a priority group," Luc Foulem said. "From what I understand all teams were to be on the priority list because of the nature of what they do."

Yep, higher priority than children and people with respiratory problems, etc... cause, we are, ya know, hockey players.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:02 PM
Just a thought, but hockey players actually make far less than players in the NFL, MLB and NBA, being that the NHL is has the smallest fan base, revenue and sponsorship of the 4; and while I don't doubt that many of them may still be making more money than they deserve for being entertainers, I would hardly describe am NHL player as a money grubber especially when stacked against the likes of the Yankees Roster.

Also, consider that the players will do far more traveling, and be in contact with far more and far more varied people at various hotels, on planes, buses, in restaurants etc than your average Joe 9 to 5.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by GAOTU789

"Our team doctor identified us as a priority group," Luc Foulem said. "From what I understand all teams were to be on the priority list because of the nature of what they do."

wow....and the problem is a lot of people would actually agree with this type of thinking. Perhaps a ban on hockey events short term would serve just as good, but no that couldn't possibly happen.

Thanks for that addon


[edit on 3-11-2009 by brill]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra
I would hardly describe am NHL player as a money grubber especially when stacked against the likes of the Yankees Roster.

I would argue this otherwise but don't want to hijack my own thread

Originally posted by eNumbra
Also, consider that the players will do far more traveling, and be in contact with far more and far more varied people at various hotels, on planes, buses, in restaurants etc than your average Joe 9 to 5.

Point taken but explain that logic to someone who really wants and needs the shot for their child, especially if they are in a higher risk category. If the hockey parents kids were getting this I don't think it would be a big deal, but these folks are hardly above others yet alone children.


posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:13 PM
I think it is another trick. Make people jealous of these people that are getting it early. The prisoners at Guantanimo, Hockey Players, Obama etc etc. Anything to get the demand up. Hey, let's say their is not enough to go around.

Welcome to marketing for the sheeple. Step right up for your poison. Poison here. Get your poison. Do not be caught without your poison. Special prices on poison.


posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by brill
Point taken but explain that logic to someone who really wants and needs the shot for their child, especially if they are in a higher risk category. If the hockey parents kids were getting this I don't think it would be a big deal, but these folks are hardly above others yet alone children.

And where in the article does it state who on the priority list they cut in front of. All i saw was an inflammatory statement about cancer patients and pregnant women, but it was hardly a fact of any kind.

I agree that there are alot of people the team should not have gotten the vaccine ahead of, and getting the "special clinic" is certainly a questionable decision; but I would argue that they certainly belong on the list, not because of the nature of what they do, but do to their travel and what constant travel can do to one's system.

I do however have plenty of questions the article didn't answer.

How long has the vaccine been available?
How long has this been going on.

An official with Regional Health Authority A said the priority list was not being enforced until late last week. The authority is administering the vaccine in both Bathurst and Moncton. "Priority was not enforced before Saturday morning," Lydia Dupéré said. "People who went and waited in the line up got the vaccine. "Starting Saturday morning, we decided to start to reinforce the criteria for the vaccine." Cleary said the priority groups were communicated to health authorities. However, she said that some people have been given the vaccine even though they were not in a priority group.

Failure of the system imo, can't blame anyone else.

Pregnant women were told to wait as well.

The province also rewrote its priority list once more on Monday to again include all pregnant women after receiving a delivery of more than 4,000 doses of the unadjuvanted vaccine.

Pregnant women in Canada were initially told they should wait for a unadjuvanted version of the vaccine because the adjuvanted version had never been tested on pregnant women.

But last week federal Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq announced the approval of the vaccine containing an adjuvant, which is a substance that stimulates the body's immune response.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:22 PM
do people want the "elite" to get the shot to prove its safe?
or do you think everyone should be given the opportunity so the elites arent treated special.
ive heard a large outcry from both sides. theres no way to make everyone happy.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:30 PM
Im devestated that pregnant women are receiving this poison into their bodies. Since talk of depopulation they want to start with pregnant women?

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:43 PM
"Oh Canada", please stop embarrassing your citizens. I really don't understand why hockey players would get it before hand, maybe because of the case where a Canadian boy supposedly caught the flu in the hockey changing room, either way, they are NOT a priority.

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by eNumbra
And where in the article does it state who on the priority list they cut in front of. All i saw was an inflammatory statement about cancer patients and pregnant women, but it was hardly a fact of any kind.
How long has the vaccine been available?
How long has this been going on.

An official with Regional Health Authority A said the priority list was not being enforced until late last week. The authority is administering the vaccine in both Bathurst and Moncton. "Priority was not enforced before Saturday morning," Lydia Dupéré said. "People who went and waited in the line up got the vaccine. "Starting Saturday morning, we decided to start to reinforce the criteria for the vaccine." Cleary said the priority groups were communicated to health authorities. However, she said that some people have been given the vaccine even though they were not in a priority group.

I think your getting the 2 articles crossed. There are certainly questions as to when the government kicked in their rationing and priority listing as I think it varied province to province. And there are certainly further questions on when the players were vaccinated. Its a mess no doubt.


[edit on 3-11-2009 by brill]

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 10:02 PM
I don't agree with line cutters in any line, first come first serve. There are those exceptions you can make for people who may need to go to the front of the line due to there health, ability etc in any line. But for those who are waiting in line for this shot that are high risk, it is unfair to them. Maybe the NHL or the team pulled some strings to have the team vaccinated then pulled some more to have their families vaccinated as well. On the other hand if the NHL or the team thought that maybe the team posed a high risk of being infected or passing it to other people due to their heavy travel schedule each week this might of been why they were allowed to the front of the line.

Let the Flames test out the vaccine and run the risk, even tho they probably received the safe shot.

Go Wings

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 11:01 PM
geez, just conspiracy to make shiple want more vaccine

posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 11:42 PM
And they are welcome to have it. I hope the players read the vaccine insert and looked at all the risks involved with the shot. Maybe they read about Baxter's Factor 8 crimes, or how Baxter released live H5N1 into season flu shots this February. Or how Baxter holds the patent for this H1N1 vaccination and is the main supplier of the vaccine.

And with all the lobbyists saying Mercury is harmless in the bloodstream, that there is less mercury in the shot then in a Tuna Fish sandwich really get me excited to know that mercury is actually safe, and despite the research out of the University of Calgary where they proved even low amounts of mercury ions in the brain destroy the protein bonds in the microtubules causing synaptic collapse is merely medical hogwash.

So mercury is safe no, break those thermometers and smear it on your hands a face... it's totally safe. Drink it, eat it and shoot it in your veins, no problem here.

Lead is safe too, it has less neurotoxicity then mercury.

Go a head Canada, get your double-shot mercury loaded vaccines, and the third seasonal flu shot just in case the first two doses of mercury didn't tingle the nervous system enough the first time.

I really don't know why they stopped at 3 vaccines? Personally, I want to take like 20 vaccines a year like a good healthy human should. They are totally safe! Nothing to worry about here. Sure some hockey players get a bit of special favoritism, but that's ok because there is plenty of vaccine to go around.

Now where did I leave my car keys... it's so hard to remember where I put things these days. My hands shake more uncontrollably then usual. What was I talking about?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:07 PM
As a followup to this:

Alberta's health board sacked one staffer Wednesday and said more punishment may be on the way for those who let Calgary Flames players, management and family members jump the H1N1 vaccine queue.

"Like most Albertans, I am deeply offended that this circumstance has occurred," Ken Hughes, chairman of Alberta Health Services, said in a news release.

"The decision to allow preferential access to the Flames and their families was a serious error in judgment."



posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by brill

Actually living here in Canada, yes its TRUE, but I gotta say unlike in the states (where I lived for 30 years). the press picked this up and QUICK fast and in a hurry the people responsible for this preferential treatment were dealt with ....... fired and ridiculed for what they did.

And all over Canada if you want to give this flew shot out of order those two are being found talked about and dealt with.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:31 PM
Let 'em have it! I don't care WHO the hell gets the shot as long as it aint me!


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