posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:37 AM
In my experience, this is the best categorisation of conspiracy theorists :
fundamentalist Christian-Zionists
These people believe society is collapsing because Jews, the Vatican, Satanists, Witches and/or atheists are corrupting Western society, using
evolution to promote eugenics and using a mixture of rationalist science and philosophy to destroy religion. These people loathe contemporary Western
culture which they consider decadent and shallow (including multi-culturalism and feminism). They do, however, support democracy and their views
consist of a variety of unrelated fringe beliefs.
Ultra-right conspiracy theorists
These people believe Jews dominate media and politics in the West, spearheaded by the Rothschild family. They believe the traditional values of the
West are purposely destroyed by a handful of radical Jews following a Talmudic agenda of global domination, aided by their Zionist and masonic
minions. These people are usually Muslems or Neo-Fascists and loathe contemporary Western culture which they consider decadent and shallow (including
democracy, multi-culturalism and feminism). The vast majority of them also disputes major elements of the Holocaust (which they consider anti-fascist
and pro-zionist propaganda).
Ultra-left conspiracy theorists
While similar to the previous category with regards to several of their basic premises, these people usually support democracy, multi-culturalism,
feminism and other modern liberal values. Unlike the previous group, they tend to condemn both racism and antisemitism. They criticise Zionism on a
purely ideological base and consider it racist and fascist and they criticise capitalism on a basis of being exploitative of the weaker elements of
the Alex Jones crowd
While holding beliefs similar all three previous three groups, they don't blame any particular religious or ethnic group but refer to an oligarchic
leadership defined only by the organisations they consist of (eg. Bilderberg, Club of Rome, CFR) and in some cases the alleged occult or fascist views
of their members. Alex Jones is very popular among these people, which is why I like to call them the Alex Jones crowd due to a lack of a better
UFO conspiracy theorists
These people believe major governments are controlled by aliens living hidden in underground caves or shape-shifting between alien and human form.
Their beliefs in UFOs are usually accompanied by a variety of unrelated fringe beliefs.
issue-specific conspiracy theorists
These people believe in only one or a few specific conspiracy theories (eg. 9/11 or the Kennedy Assassination) but reject the belief in the New World
Order as an attempt to gain global dominance by a small group.