posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by washingtonsghost
guilty as charged... i litrely just committed said crime about 10 minutes ago!
mainly as i saw the avatar, and knew its someone who spends time claiming to be an alien and using that every annoying "holyer than thee" troll
if it annoys you when people dont do that, press the warn / report button ... thats what its their for! theirs no need to go starting a whole topic
about it ... if we read everything in every post well,,,, it wouldnt be one of the biggest forums about .... as we would all still be stuck at page 1
reading every detail..
now, im not saying F-the info ... of course, if its relevant and ect read, but after a while on ats, you can see when somethings just a troll or going
to be stupid... call it long time ats user intuition!
@HotSauce ...yup, no star system on the board question forum .... i hate that!..... im still preying they bring in an anti star or karma function,
after all... we shoudl be able to give people a black mark as much as a good mark
[edit on 1-11-2009 by boaby_phet]