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5.75 cases of sudden death, 21.5 cases of Guillain-Barre, 397 spontaneous abortions - EXPECTED

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posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:08 AM
I thought I'd bring this to the attention on ATS as some of you may be wondering whether to get the vaccine, and may be thinking about side affects. These Stats would be expected in any population regardless of any vaccination programme.

Still, these statistics coming from a report from Reuters are pretty grim.

People will fear flu vaccine "adverse events": study

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Fear of adverse events such as miscarriages, rare neurological conditions and ordinary heart attacks will discourage some people from participating in mass vaccination efforts to fight swine flu, but public health experts said on Friday they could fight back with statistics.

"Highly visible health conditions, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, spontaneous abortion or even death will occur in coincident temporal association with novel influenza vaccination," they wrote in the Lancet medical journal.

Oh OK, so because it would happen anyway, we shouldn't be worried! Great!

But here come the numbers!

"On the basis of the reviewed data, if a cohort of 10 million individuals was vaccinated in the UK, 21.5 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome and 5.75 cases of sudden death would be expected to occur within 6 weeks of vaccination," they wrote.

For every 1 million pregnant women vaccinated, 397 will have a miscarriage, known medically as a spontaneous abortion, within a day -- all unrelated to the vaccine, they said.

-21.5 Cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome

-5.75 cases of Sudden Death

-And per MILLION, 397 miscarriages

At any given time in the United States, one or two cases of GBS will be seen among any 1 million people in a given month.

If 100 million people are vaccinated, during the six weeks following 200 or more cases of GBS will be seen, completely independent of vaccination they said.

I just get the feeling they are covering their backs here.

These figures seem rather high to me.

But I thought it might be helpful to know this info.

[edit on 31-10-2009 by kiwifoot]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:36 AM
was just reading this article on Reuters

By being ready with the expected numbers of chance cases, perhaps we can avoid over-reaction to sad, but coincidental, events. And why don't we ever see a headline 'Man wins lottery after flu jab'?"

What they are saying between the lines is that they know bad things can happen from the vacine but they will say it is a coincidence.

They will get a headline when it reads "man wins lottery after flu jab, then dies"

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:40 AM
Yes, the fact is that *NO* vaccination or other medical procedure is 100% safe/ There is always risk. Someone always dies from taking a vaccine. Someone always becomes severely ill. This has never been in doubt.

The important question is not whether the vaccine is completely safe, because medical science already knows that it is not completely safe. The question is whether the risks of the vaccine are less than the risks of contracting the illness it is intended to prevent. The answer to that question is, yes, the vaccine is safer. Among 10 million people getting the vaccine, compared to 10 million people getting the flu, more people will die and be seriously damaged by the flu, than by the vaccine. That's all the doctors are claiming. The flu is more dangerous than the vaccine.

But the vaccine is also a risk.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by chiron613

the fact is that no one can get their story straight

my house md thinks that the risks involved with A/h1n1 are less for the average person then the risks involved taking the vacine. I'll take his thoughts before I believe the multi 'health care' coörps or the WHO

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:14 AM
numerology is your friend, add and then find the sum. total might be some more than more or less.... FRESH!!!

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:16 AM
ackoms razor 5.75 cases of sudden death, 21.5 cases of Guillain-Barre, 397 spontaneous 5.75=12 21.5=8 397=19=10 distince between 0 and 1 is infinity you can divide one by half forever and never reach nothing!!! so why try?

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by GypsK
reply to post by chiron613

the fact is that no one can get their story straight

my house md thinks that the risks involved with A/h1n1 are less for the average person then the risks involved taking the vacine. I'll take his thoughts before I believe the multi 'health care' coörps or the WHO

I completely agree, if you haven't got underlying health conditions it probably isn't worth it...

Then again, there's this Ukraine situation!

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:01 PM
Just remember historical facts, in 76 the death and disable from the vaccine numbers were way to high to be ignored by the government.

In todays world the government and big pharma has become immune to any repercussion of the vaccine, at least in the US.

So in this time and age of record profit making and immunity from impunity I ask how many sudden death, paralysis cases and spontaneous abortion will be enough before the vaccination is stop.

I guess none, take it at your own risk will the government and big pharma will say, after all is your choice.


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