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Bigfoot, almas - a threat to creationism.

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:12 PM
I believe that the bigfoot and other manimals are real. Some instances are also fake and dependant on folklore of the once more widespread real creature.
I once saw an episode of "Moral Orel", where a "wild man" was changed into a human. This was done to safegaurd the theory of creationanism.
In many cases of evidence and sightings the evidence is removed by "men in black".
The point is, society has racial issues and many more with describing known animals as "sentient". A creature that challenges the human/animal divide is not what is currently wanted.
I think they are almost extinct. I think governments know about them, and we are being fooled into believing they never existed to safegaurd religion and the myth of our superior and sole place in bilolgy.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

There are many people that feel the same way the that I do on this subject, could be possible but without any proof not plausible. With all the sitings that seem to hit the news in a years time, still no remains of any of them, no bones, no fur no evidence at all except for a few photos and somebody saying they have seen one.

I would love to see some evidence to prove their existence just to watch some of the preachers squirm.


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by truskeptic

No physical evidence? Well that's a matter of interpretation. We have one on film! That's a lot more evidence than the cretaionists have (like Carl Baugh) for dinosaurs and a fire-spitting Leviathan still walking about! And as I argue, the evidence is hidden.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:46 PM
Just a question. What happened to that evidence recently of a new skull purporting to be of another evolution claim? Oh, it was proved not to be from a human connection.

Where is the evolution evidence again? Oh, it is a bunch of skeletal remains from chimpanzees and gorillas. No larger than a US quarter, excellent evidence.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

I'm not at all saying I'm an evolutionist! They are possibly also threatened by the possibility of "manimals". On the other hand there is proof of experimentation on human/ape combinations.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:26 AM
That is what I am talking with no evidence, you are saying pictures are proof, but again that is questionable. If that considered to be enough evidence, then they can and would say a “bible” is enough evidence for them and should be for you also. The thing is with dinosaurs they are some bone and remains for additional proof. I want to see a proof on this type of creature being real without a doubt, but as of yet I must remain a skeptic with the evidence given.

I really want to see all of this happen, but as of yet no one in the world has produced anything but pictures or foot prints. The Loch Ness monster has followers also, but once again no tangible evidence beside pictures.

One excuse I have seen is that some of their excuses is that dinosaurs bones where placed by the devil and cannot be used as proof.


posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:30 AM
double post.............sorry

[edit on 10/31/2009 by truskeptic]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by truskeptic

Perhaps sure, a great deal of faith is involved when evidence is limited. However, it is also tantilizing enough to go on this wonderful abovetopsecret website. However, absolute proof is lacking from any science concerned with "origins". I don't want to compare religion to scientific proof. From the mere "Patterson" film, I would argue that we have documented proof. That face really haunts me, and I am convinced it is not faked.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:54 AM
I've read all the posts and I still don't get your connection between creationism and big foot? How does this make sense?

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by factbeforefiction

Well, firstly, creationists base their proof on The Bible. This text does not include hominids or Neanderthals, or other species of man. At least evolutionists can admit that there were 5 species of "man" alive at the same time. From all the evidence before us on almasti and bigfoot, we can deduce that they are remnants of earlier types. They have a rudimentary speech, and from Russia we know they can interbreed with humans. Not even Neanderthal man could apparently interbreed with Homo Sapiens.
In the colonial times popes and monarchs had to proclaim certain races as sentient and "human". So today we have one big (albeit unequal) human family. If we had to find a creature that has some human faculties, but is not quite human or ape, it disproves Biblical creationism - it would violently overthrow our "unique position" in the animal kingdom!

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 03:09 AM
None of that stuff at all disproves creation. There is nothing in the Bible that says we cannot procreate with hominids. The man who was created as Adam was a new form of homonid called homosapien who had a very new and different feature from the lesser hominids, he was a physical human being with a fused soul. This new feature of a fused soul completely changed forever the race of man because spiritual matters gave way to seatment of power. The spirit is far superior to the body in powers and also structure.
All PSI ability and chi energy are spiritual manifestations. I would bet that bigfoot cannot start a fire by use of chi energy and never will be able to without a fused soul. The human soul is a manifestation of light in a highy organized manner. So I don't want to hear your crap of disproving creationism because your shallow minds cannot fathom the science (actual) involved in this creation. New quantum theory leads to the idea of a supreme creator and a designed order to the cosmos.
I am guessing that you aethiests don't even keep up with modern science because you are completely in left field here and I am a scientist, so I can speak as such. I am also a Christian who believes that the construct of space time is very vast indeed. Time is not actually constant and can be compacted, twisted, stretched, folded, tunneled, and who knows what else. On a quantum level the Universe could have been created in seven days but the time created is vast period. Wrap your minds around that one. Please stop the crap of disproving creationism with your puny brains it is too funny to really be taken seriously

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by Angel One

Thanks for that very apt and forthright reply. I do believe a degree of evolution goes on, but I'm more in tune with the Vedic view of creation, and the different cycles in the material world (which have been going on for millions of years). I cannot speak for all or every Christian, but I cannot support the young earth theory pushed by creationists like Carl Baugh. Genesis 6 also speaks of interbreeding with 'giants' or the "Nephilim".

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:15 AM
width="560" height="340"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340">..........After this happened Black Opts helecopter from the US came in and took something out in a net.....This Being has Died at their hands now his Name was Chintaka.......His spirit will go on.......They Have Reptilian Technoligies to keep Sasquatch beings from walking through the vail........The War is on.......GW.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:17 AM

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Well, I personaly don't beleave in Bigfoot, but I do beleave in evaluation, and I also beleave in god. I think it's realy silly when someone thinks that evaluation is a lie because it's not in the Bible, or that there is no god because of evalution. I mean what are you from the 1940's or something? I mean face it evaluation is common knowledge, and most people still beleave in god. Although I still disaprove of intelligent design, it's the same theory as evaluation except thay slapped "god did it" on the end of it, and that does not make it a new theory, because you can do that to any theory in fact if you beleave in god don't you already think he made every thing anyway. I wish some people would stop thying to force religion on eveyone, let science class stay about science.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:58 PM
Sasquatch was in the Bible too............

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 11:49 AM
The Lakota, call Bigfoot Chiye-tanka "chiye" means "elder brother" and "tanka" means "great" or "big". In English, though, the Lakota usually call him "the big man". "There is your Big man standing there, ever waiting, ever present, like the coming of a new day," Oglala Lakota Medicine Man Pete Catches "He is both spirit and real being, but he can also glide through the forest, like a moose with big antlers, as though the trees weren't there... I know him as my brother... I want him to touch me, just a touch, a blessing, something I could bring home to my sons and grandchildren, that I was there, that I approached him, and he touched me." Ray Owen, son of a Dakota spiritual leader."They exist in another dimension from us, but can appear in this dimension whenever they have a reason to. See, it's like there are many levels, many dimensions. When our time in this one is finished, we move on to the next, but the Big Man can go between. The Big Man comes from God. He's our big brother, kind of looks out for us.The existence of The Big Man is taken for granted throughout North America, and so are his powerful psychic abilities.The Big Man knows when humans are searching for him and that he chooses when and to whom to make an appearance, and that his psychic powers account for his ability to elude the white man's efforts to capture him or hunt him down. In Indian culture, the entire natural world -- the animals, the plants, the rivers, the stars -- is seen as a family.The increasing appearances of The big man are not only a message or warning to the individuals or communities to whom he appears, but to humankind at large.A messenger who appears as a warning from the Creator that man's disrespect for His sacred instructions has upset the harmony and balance of existence!

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 11:55 AM
Check out Pics on Ancient Bigfoot......


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