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Ohio Boy Given H1N1 Vaccine Against Mom's Wishes

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Ohio Boy Given H1N1 Vaccine Against Mom's Wishes

A furious Ohio mother says her 7-year-old son, who has had problems with medications, was vaccinated for swine flu at school against her wishes.

Kim Lutheran works as a nurse and says her son, Matthew, has had bad reactions to medicine. So, she says she signed for "no consent" on a vaccination form and then circled her intentions with a black marker to make things clear to the boy's public school in the Toledo suburb of Oregon.

Lutheran says she learned Matthew still received a shot on Monday. She says the local health department must be held accountable.

Lutheran told the Toledo Blade that her son was sent back to his classroom after handing in his no consent form, only to sent back to the nurse's office a short time later where he was given the H1N1 Vaccine.

"He got sent back again by himself into strange room with these strange people," she told the newspaper. "Supposedly three people looked at this piece of paper before he went to the R.N. who gave him the immunization. ... He's 7. He didn't know."


I suppose this is a wake up call to parents... Apparently, one cannot assume that providing signed non-consent forms will ensure that one's wishes are followed with regards to vaccinations.


Additional Source

[edit on 30-10-2009 by LadySkadi]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:53 PM
*IF* this is real the there's a big problem.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:08 PM
Wow, this is ridiculous.

I have an easy rememdy for this, I keep my kids out of school while the Vaccine is being distributed among their peers, so I don't have to deal with it.

I would sue however. This is a GROSS overstep by the school as well as the health department.


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:06 PM

The error has prompted the health department to revise the consent forms used for the in-school clinics planned across Lucas County, Larry Vasko, deputy health commissioner, said.

"We really thought we had things in place that something like that would not happen, and it did," Mr. Vasko said. "Very fortunately - and we're most interested in the child's welfare - the child is apparently fine or in pretty good shape. We certainly have taken steps so that this sort of thing will not happen again."

Apparently, the school was a staging area for the health department to administer the vaccinations. I don't know if the school itself is considered accountable, but the health department has some investigating to do, no doubt.

ETA: quote from same source

[edit on 30-10-2009 by LadySkadi]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:47 PM
Wow ... can anyone say lawsuit? shes about to never have to work again and assuming that her son survives without any serious health problems he probably wont have to work a day in his life either.


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