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H1N1 out side the box.

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:20 AM
We have all seen the news. Long lines at local health centers for the H1N1 virus shot. And we see the increase in numbers. But have we yet to think outside the box about this "new" or shall I rather say "old" flu virus form know as swine flu. Lets look at this from a different view. What if this H1N1 isn't at all the "swine Flu" we have said has been around the medical community for as much as 40+ years.

Is it at all possible this is connected to disclosure? Take the latest installment of War of the worlds with Tom Cruise. Could this be the first in a long series of mass viral preventive measures to prepare society for a long awaited guest? I mean if you think about the precautions that are taken when you travel abroad to prevent other native viruses and such to be brought back to our country. Imagine if the government were trying to prepare world civililation for a trip/or return trip to keep certain virus in our relm of humanity in check. I know this is all far fetched to imagine.

Or what if H1N1 is a flu like exo-virus that is not native to our planet but it is very similar to our normal flu protien mappings?Is it possible that the one who they say we will see in disclosure exposed us to this? I know these are very far out side the box. But I would like to hear some of your thoughts to this.
Now before the all the de-bunker blaster come on here yapping......STATING these as facts are not we are doing here. They are just hypo-thoughts for people to add on to.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by tsloan

Is it at all possible this is connected to disclosure? Take the latest installment of War of the worlds with Tom Cruise. Could this be the first in a long series of mass viral preventive measures to prepare society for a long awaited guest?

That is odd, I recently had the same thought myself. I realized how crazy it sounds ... but I was trying to figure out the Hype... The State of Emergency ... we just don't have all the pieces to the puzzle, or we have the wrong puzzle altogether.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:42 AM
Do any of you guys remember in the early summer, there was a thread here on ATS that were about Idia and that they had discovered 4 'alien' pathogenes high up in the atmos/stratosphere.

Some speculated it could come from passing by comets, I think they mannaged to name 3 of them.

Now, Claude Haignere, french female astronaught and MicroBiologist commited suicide the 'day she got the EU Space award' for something she did, cant remember, but, her lab was litt afire, and when she was found, she was able to say : TheErth must be warned, and ended up in a coma..

Chemtrails, hmm, could be for killing off the airbourn 'alien' pathogens, right ?
Morgellons disease and chemtrailing did start to appear on some what the same time, some years apart, but...

'there will be diseases that earth doctors and scientists can not explain in the closing of ...) Just ranting ....

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather.

Now, Claude Haignere, french female astronaught and MicroBiologist commited suicide the 'day she got the EU Space award' for something she did, cant remember, but, her lab was litt afire, and when she was found, she was able to say : TheErth must be warned, and ended up in a coma..

hmmm well the Claudie Haignere quote was wide reported by none other than:

“Earth Must Be Warned!” Screams French Astronaut Before Suicide Attempt

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)


So I would take that one with a pinch of salt.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by deltaalphanovember

Originally posted by ChemBreather.

Now, Claude Haignere, french female astronaught and MicroBiologist commited suicide the 'day she got the EU Space award' for something she did, cant remember, but, her lab was litt afire, and when she was found, she was able to say : TheErth must be warned, and ended up in a coma..

hmmm well the Claudie Haignere quote was wide reported by none other than:

“Earth Must Be Warned!” Screams French Astronaut Before Suicide Attempt

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers (Traducción al Español abajo)


So I would take that one with a pinch of salt.

Ofcourse I put salt on all things I see online.
I am just putting it out there, I do not ask for validity of any thing I see on Forums.
But, some one way just need my dumb statement to get the puzzle together..
you see what I mean ? !

Just pretend for one moment that it is true, what then ? are there germs penetrating the atmosphere from space ?
What if it is true ? Cladue discovers this, see the problem, Govt. knows about it hence the chemtrailing, claude threatens to go public, and the Govt. of France makes it hard on her to do that..

Just speculating, one will never see any results if one never do anything new..

[edit on 30/10/2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:53 AM

Is it at all possible this is connected to disclosure?

Anything is possible. How likely is it? I haven't seen any evidence to suggest it is in any way related to UFO disclosure.

Take the latest installment of War of the worlds with Tom Cruise.

No... please... I enjoyed the H.G. Wells version far too much to see it sullied and disgraced in the same way The Time Machine movie did a few years back.

Or what if H1N1 is a flu like exo-virus that is not native to our planet but it is very similar to our normal flu protien mappings?

The likelihood of that occurring would be like suggesting that Pitt Bulls and Rottweilers are normal Earth dogs, but the Doberman is an exo-species very close to being a dog, but evolved from a separate lineage in space.

As AronRa compares it to language:

The evolution of life is analogous to the evolution of language. For example, there are several languages based on the Roman alphabet of only 26 letters. Yet by arranging these in different orders, we’ve added several hundred thousand words to English since the 5th century, and many of them were completely new. The principle is the same in genetics. There are millions of named and classified species of life, all of them based on a variable arrangement of only four chemical componants.

For another example, we know that Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese all evolved from Latin, a vernacular which is now extinct. Each of these newer tongues emerged via a slow accumulation of their own unique slang lingo –thus diverging into new dialects, and eventually distinct forms of gibberish such that the new Romans could no longer communicate with either Parisians or Spaniards. Similarly, if we took an original Latin speaking population and divided them sequestered in complete isolation over several centuries, they might still be able to understand each other, or their jargon may have become unintelligible to foreigners. But they won’t start speaking Italian or Rumanian because identical vocabularies aren’t going to occur twice.

Now, if you want to compare genetics, then head on over to the GenBank sequences from pandemic (H1N1) 2009 viruses for a very detailed catalog of H1N1 gene sequences. Be sure to click the "+" sign at the bottom of the page for far more extensive results - including several of the known and identified mutations thus far.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:57 AM
Some thing is out of order, it is showing up wierd news all over the place all the time..

Number of victims to unknown virus growing! State of emergency to be imposed in Ukraine?

Yesterday, on October 29 some media reported that allegedly in the Ternopil Region cases of ill people with typhus were registered, and that militarized detachments limited entrance and departure from the territory of the Ternopil Region. However, the Public Relations Center of the Ministry of Emergencies in the Ternopil Region denied information about it.

Yesterday, on October 29 the chief physician of the regional sanitary-epidemiological station Halyna Hrynchuk assured that Kyiv Region is ready for prophylaxis and treatment of influenza, reported Yulia Makoveeva, correspondent.

In the Ternopil Region 25 percents of infectiologists who worked with patients with acute respiratory viral infections are ill, the chairman of the Association of infectiologists of Ukraine Mykhaylo Andreychin reported yesterday, on October 29 at a press conference.

And the Hupe about the Schwine FLu is just plain wierd..

Do you remember in the summer, they quarantine a whole town in China due to some Lung disease outbreak ???

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:30 PM
Yea I do remember that....? I guess in all I do have one brow raised up cause I have been able to keep very close tabs on some of these H1N1 events due to my wife being a Radiologist at John Hopkins which is on the very front line with this. We have talks about this daily and there is alot of things she finds out of the norm. Take for example 1 month ago she told me they were doing preparation drills and those were in con-junction with the Fort Meade Army mobile medical and containment units. Those were held at M&T bank stadium here in Baltimore now we live about 20 min. from Baltimore and 30 from D.C. Just last week the A.M.M.C units have been set up in an old abandon parking lot directly behind M&T bank stadium and my wife has told me that H.J. hospital has a FEMA managment operations specialist as well as a C.D.C. specialist that ALL H1N1 cases that are swabbed in the emergency room and test positive are set directly to FEMA medical management for recording. This is NOT normal John Hopkins standard operations for flu. Every chest x-ray my wife deems as H1N1 positive is to be placed in a Bio-hazard marked envelope and sealed and is to be handed directly over to FEMA management which then in turns brings in the CDC personal. Now this was set forth as operations to the clinical x-ray staff and PEDS unit x-ray staff she wasn't even suppose to talk about this with me. She was given restricted verbal communications about these steps out-side the hospital. So there is some very odd things going on.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by tsloan

Have you ever read the book the Doomsday Key by James Rollins, is exactly what you are describing, a old ancient virus been modified after the people's immune system has been tampered with modified crops for years, the new virus is released in the GMO crops for population control.

Interesting book and story and looking at what is going on with our food supplies been controlled by corporations and DNA modification it makes you wonder. . .

[edit on 30-10-2009 by marg6043]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:57 PM
I have also read theories around this, but they said the vaccine would make humans better for eating (by aliens).

So roll the dice and take your chances for what the purpose is.


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