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Former Smashing Pumpkins Frontman: Flu Pandemic is Propaganda

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:25 AM

William Patrick Corgan
Everything From Here to There
October 29, 2009

If you follow some of the links I have been supplying as of late, you’ll notice many are focused on the propaganda build up to our day of reckoning with the Swine Flu virus. I say ‘propaganda’ because, in my heart, there is something mighty suspicious about declaring an emergency for something that has yet to show itself to be a grand pandemic. Our American President Obama has declared a national emergency about this virus, which he in his own words said was, at this point, a preventative measure. So, why declare an emergency if there isn’t one?

I am not a doctor, and I am in no way suggesting that you should follow any medical advice from me. What you do with your body, what you put into it, who you allow to love it or hate on it, is your business. I am more focused on the vibration that has us all so fearful: both for how the fear affects our thinking, and how, in our fear, we attract the worst, and, in conjunction with that, how those fears are used by others without integrity to try to create a power against Us to promote discomfort and dis-ease.

I have friends that have gotten the swine flu. All of them told me they felt very, very sick, and that it was awful. So I’m not in any way suggesting that the H1N1 virus is not real.

I would suggest however that it is possible the virus is not a naturally occurring virus. I have read reports from people who say (as doctors) that there is evidence to suggest this virus was created by man; to call it Swine Flu is then a misnomer, as it really is Swine Flu plus some other stuff stitched together. These doctors said such genetic mutation was impossible in nature.

So you have a situation here where you can examine your own Mind-Body-Soul power staring in the face of Death itself. Assume this flu is the worst thing to ever hit this planet, worse than the beubonic plague of the Middle Ages, or worse than any war ever conjured up. Evil itself has come to wreak havoc on the planet. Assume, for the sake of argument, it is The End.

Well, where does that leave you? Do you quit work? Do you run away? Do you stand still and hope Death walks past you?

I for one will not be taking the vaccine. I do not trust those who make the vaccines, or the apparatus behind it all to push it on us thru fear. This is not judgment; it is a personal decision based on research, intuition, conversations with my doctor and my ‘family’. If the virus comes to take me Home, that is between me and the Lord. I have put up some of these links to inspire the question in you, so that perhaps you can make a better decision for yourself. That is what holistic life is about: a willingness to look at all the facts or opinions...


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:32 AM
Well done for him to speak his mind. Regardless of their position people need to reason this out and speak what they find. I'm not qualified to say is the virus was natural or not. I don't feel it was, but this is just my feeling.

The virus as he states is real, but the propaganda declaring the pandemic is just that. By this standard every year is a pandemic.

He might be viewed as an alternative though.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Yeah for him! S & F! I have always felt that this was done by evil people.

Or else that it escaped from a lab somewhere.

I, too, know a lot of people who had H1N1, but they all recovered, and I am sorry for those who did not recover, and for their families.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:43 AM
Dang, he was a great musician and will be missed.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:58 AM
Reply to post by GoldenFleece

I knew there was a reason I loved his music so much.
Good guy.

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by reasonable

Will be missed?

Do you know something we don't

He is still alive.

Speaking of which, Billy is still the frontman of SP! They released a new album a couple years ago.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by silver tongue devil
reply to post by reasonable

Will be missed?

Do you know something we don't

He is still alive.

Speaking of which, Billy is still the frontman of SP! They released a new album a couple years ago.

Obama declared a national emergency because he knows something we don't. They know how bad H1N1 'will' get. Many folks like Corgan and 1,000's of ATS members will perish.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:52 AM
I don't get this. Why the *hell* would I care what some musician thinks about a vaccine? What does that singer know, that I don't? Not a thing. Not about medicine, anyway (he probably knows way more about music, of course).

If I've got a medical question, I go to medical sources, not to a musician. If I'm looking to hire a band or a musician, I don't call my doctor. If I have appendicitis, I don't call Smashing Pumpkins.

I fully understand that many doctors are completely indoctrinated into the medical "religion" or orthodoxy. Medicine is the only way to stay healthy, all the medical treatments are fine, anything else is stupid, yadda-yadda-yadda. Whatever. So true, I might not get an unbiased, impartial opinion from such a doctor. But the odds of my getting an *informed* opinion are much greater than getting it from Smashing Pumpkins (hmm... it's about that time of year for the pumpkins, too). But I digress.

Medicine is a complex topic. Even experts disagree about things, including the value of vaccines. Ask ten doctors, you'll probably get ten different opinions, because it's just not a simple matter. But asking musicians is unlikely to give you an opinion any near as useful as asking a doctor or two.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by reasonable

Obama declared a limited national emergency so that hospitals wouldn't be hamstrung by regulations, in the event they needed to create makeshift areas for treatment or isolation of contagious patients. So far, that's all that has happened.

So far it doesn't appear that either the vaccine, or H1N1 flu, is causing any excessive deaths. Some people who take the vaccine die. Some who get H1N1 die. So far, a higher percentage of people who got H1N1 have died, as opposed to those who took the vaccine. But in both cases, that percentage has been quite low.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by chiron613
If I've got a medical question, I go to medical sources, not to a musician. If I'm looking to hire a band or a musician, I don't call my doctor. If I have appendicitis, I don't call Smashing Pumpkins.

Did you believe dentists who told you the mercury in "silver fillings" was safe?

Did you believe the AMA and ADA who told you that aspartame and fluoride are safe?

Did you believe doctors who prescribed Celebrex and Vioxx, which killed over 60,000 people?

Did you believe doctors who gave swine flu shots in 1976, which caused more deaths and neurological damage than the swine flu itself?

Corgan has done his research. I give him credit for that.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by chiron613

like the old saying goes the claim before the storm.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:47 AM
Billy Corgans is a musical genius. He also is one of those geniuses who likes to remind people he is a genius, but he really did a good job of analyzing the who H1N1 situation

He initially asked the most important question

"So, why declare an emergency if there isn’t one?"

Exactly, how can you have a pre- emergency ?...It like Pre crime
which is another law Obama has endorsed

Corgan exposes what this is all about here:

"I am more focused on the vibration that has us all so fearful: both for how the fear affects our thinking, and how, in our fear, we attract the worst, and, in conjunction with that, how those fears are used by others without integrity to try to create a power against Us to promote discomfort and dis-ease."

Great job - I still have the SmashingPumpkins first EP from 1990 !

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:52 AM
What you all have to remember is sometimes the government is thinking two steps ahead of everyone else BECAUSE they actually have more information than the people. I'm not at all claiming the government has our best interests at heart. But let's look back at history. The Spanish flu pandemic killed millions of people. The swine flu could be taking that same path. Keep in mind what's happening in Ukraine. While I don't trust the government and some of this is fear mongering.......I'm not going to turn a blind eye, ignore history, ignore virology and bury my head in the sand thinking that if this flu mutates and becomes resistant and starts killing millions of people that a little Vitamin D and wishful thinking is going to save my life. I think we need to stop picking sides, take everything with a grain of salt and just wait and see. Things are changing way too fast to say this is is all propaganda and there is nothing to be concerned about.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 06:11 AM
The Spanish Flu came about because they were vaccinating the b#ggery out of everyone.

The vaccine conspiracy theories are rare in that they actually hold water when scrutinised properly.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
I'm not going to turn a blind eye, ignore history, ignore virology and bury my head in the sand thinking that if this flu mutates and becomes resistant and starts killing millions of people that a little Vitamin D and wishful thinking is going to save my life.

If you're not turning a blind eye or ignoring history, then you'll definitely want to investigate the last time a "swine flu epidemic" occurred, in 1976, when the vaccine caused more deaths and neurological damage than the swine flu itself. '60 Minutes' did an excellent story on it in 1979, which I've posted in this category.

Since the immune system is critical to fending off ALL viruses, I'll take Vitamin D over mercury, aluminum and squalene any day.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:07 PM
Billy Corgan is a self obsessed a hole.

Probably just saying a bunch of random things to see what sticks, that way he can feel relevant again.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by Bored To Tears
Billy Corgan is a self obsessed a hole.

Cite your sources?

Probably just saying a bunch of random things to see what sticks, that way he can feel relevant again.

It sounded rather coherent and articulate to me...but hey my brain is random to begin with!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by chiron613

If I've got a medical question, I go to medical sources, not to a musician. If I'm looking to hire a band or a musician, I don't call my doctor. If I have appendicitis, I don't call Smashing Pumpkins.

Great idea! Since a musician could never be a doctor either!

I understan your train of thought and great points,
however a musician may have more 'real life' experience and even a keener insight in many 'gray' areas. Indeed, bordering on ESP even?
As to the title of the post,
as long as the proper research has been done properly,
why does it matter so much who is the one doing it?

There is enough information out there for all to look at.
Enough to make one wonder anyway even being a bit skeptical.
After all, doctors have much to gain from an outbreak, true?
As much as big pharma also?

The vaccine market is booming right now. Already, drug companies have sold $1.5 billion worth of swine flu shots, in addition to the $1 billion for seasonal flu they booked earlier this year.

But some say it's not just drugmakers who stand to benefit. Doctors collect copayments for special office visits to inject shots, and there have been assertions that these doctors actually profit handsomely from these vaccinations

The prospect of a bird flu outbreak may be panicking people around the globe, but it's proving to be very good news for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other politically connected investors in Gilead Sciences, the California biotech company that owns the rights to Tamiflu, the influenza remedy that's now the most-sought after drug in the world.
Hmmmm.....nah its nothing. Really. Just good bidness. And big money!

Duh! I forgot my whole point.
It is all this,
but mostly it is a distraction to keep us from thinking about the emmense
screwing we're getting. Kinda like the very HC bill. Ironic just a bit, eh?
No big whoop. Keep moving......
S & F!

[edit on 31-10-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by silver tongue devil

Originally posted by Bored To Tears
Billy Corgan is a self obsessed a hole.

Cite your sources?

His ex manager Sharon Osbourne and my own personel experiance.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 05:10 PM
And since it's Halloween, I think it's time to play one for Billy:

[edit on 31-10-2009 by SphinxMontreal]


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