posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:46 PM
In closing this short rant I ask you the people : Is there anything we can do to provoke or help aide in the disclosure because Wilcock and
Greer are just in my opinion pussyfooting around.
Sure, there is MUCH we can do. For one stop worrying what Greer and Wilcock proclaim. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't. The only
logical path we can take (as individuals either interested in or studying the UFO phenomena) is to continue to be objective, investigative, and make
sure we get the mainstreams attention of ufology by presenting the best cases and going about it in a scientific and mature manner, NOT by acting like
ufology is some religion.
It is really up to US if we are to truly find out the truth (whatever it may be). Because in reality there is no proof that the government knows
anything more than we do, it is all just conjecture based on very lose, sketchy, and circumstantial evidence. So we can not just sit back and 'wait'
for disclosure to happen, then complain about it when it was yet another false alarm (as I anticipate this "November Event" to be, but I hope I am
wrong). We are not going to force ETs to do anything, nor will we be able to force the government to do anything, it is way too late for that, it goes
to deep if it does exist at all.
So it is up to us to take action on our own by investigating and propagating this field. Our only hope is to try and find the proof ourselves at this
point IMO, with some case or piece of evidence that can not be denied and confirms ET origin. But this will likely never happen unless we do two
1. Get the masses behind us, get ufology out to the mainstream. Make the masses want to find out what is going on, rather than being
passive about it as they are now.
2. Make ufology LEGITIMATE, as in take out all the religious like cult followings, all the biased speculation, and only look at the facts. We must
unite and stop being biased based on our wants of reality. There is great evidence out there, but it doesnt matter unless we present it in the right
manner. Ufology MUST become like any other legitimate science, if it does not and soon then it will remain in the fringe world forever I
That is what we must focus on in my humble opinion, that is what matters. Nothing else. Who cares who proclaims "imminent disclosure", who cares
about "taunting", one who approaches this field seriously should not be bothered by such
highly speculative things, because they should not
take them seriously enough to be disappointed in the result. Only look at the facts and remain open to any and all possibilities. If you do that you
will find that it is much more productive and the only way to propagate our field.
[edit on 10/29/2009 by jkrog08]