posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox
I grant you this - i did learn a new word in English. Endorsement. Great.
As for rest of your points - not that great.
I can understand claim for ethnic cleansing in 1948. By both sides. But where you see
"the planned deliberate removal from a specific territory, persons of a particular ethnic group, by force or intimidation, in order to render that
area ethnically homogenous."
- after 1948, this i cannot understand. Point me to a map above/below/near/totally different to the one i linked. Where after 1948 war this ever
happened in territories under Israeli control? Except Gush Katif in 2005.
As for facts on who started the conflict de-facto in British Palestine - i am sure that you know the facts. However if you choose to hide behind lack
of sources, here it is. Nothing new to you ,i am sure:
the main starting point of the conflict started in the 1930's when it was Jewish terrorists blowing up Arabs (and Britons) in an effort to drive them
The main starting point of the conflict was in 1929 riots. When it was Arabs butchering Jews. Facts that you want are readily available.
All in all 133 Jews were killed by Arabs in a week. And according to you it did not start the conflict. Nor did Arab riots in 1921 in which 48 Jews
were killed by Arabs.
Nope. It was Irgun terror attacks starting in 1938 according to you. This is funny approach, you know. Blood is blood. Extremists and terrorists are
extremists and terrorists never mind what flag they wave. So why you totally disregard one side's extremists who started spilling blood ten years
earlier then those you claim are guilty in igniting the conflict?
This is pretty skewed approach.Above and beyond need for endorsement.
First terror act by Jewish terrorist blowing up Arabs (and Britons) happened in 1938.
What other facts do you exactly want me to show? This is all pretty obvious.
[edit on 29-10-2009 by ZeroKnowledge]