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Swine Flu Trumped Up Numbers?

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posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:53 PM
Hey guys, a buddy of mine is in the Air Force in Oregon. He's been in and out of the hospital for the past month or so due to a rare blood disorder. He got to talking to one of the doctors and the subject of the swine flu came up. The doctor told him that the government and the CDC has instructed hospitals to send any employees home if they "think" they might have the swine flu (ie; coughing, stopped up nose, etc....) without testing them and to just list them as having the swine flu.

The doctor said that his hospital get some type of benefits that report cases of swine flu and since they send home anyone they "think" has the swine flu, wouldn't you say the numbers would be higher than what actual swine flu cases there are? Lets say 10 employees get the sniffles and are sent home. They are listed as having the swine flu and it gets reported that way. I'd say that's pretty f*cked up.

Anyone that works in a hospital heard of this happening? If this is true, then the numbers are inflated purposefully?

Of course, this is all from hearsay, but has anyone else heard of this?

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:12 PM
I have been reading on this site the last couple of days. Simply fascinating points that Tim O'Shea brings up.

There was no standardized test for H1N1 in general, let alone the specific strain we're calling swine flu. So during the entire first month of the hysteria about swine flu, the cases were being diagnosed BY SYMPTOMS ONLY. Again, if diagnosis is by symptoms only then there is no way to differentiate swine flu from regular old fashioned flu.

By the end of May 2009 the CDC finally claimed they had a test for swine flu, which was described both on the CDC website as well as by calling them on the phone. But guess what criterion was a positive diagnosis for swine flu: a simple positive test for Influenza A! Any type of Influenza A, out of hundreds of strains. Not even as specific as H1N1, of which there are only dozens of strains. Don't believe it? Call CDC, or look at the archives on their site. At that time anyone testing positive for Influenza A was counted as having swine flu!

I would say that's an agreeable point.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:23 PM
In the UK, you can be diagnosed with swine flu by having 2 of the following symptoms:

* Widespread muscle and joint aches
* A cough
* Headache
* Blocked or runny nose
* Sore throat
* Vomiting
* Watery diarrhoea

Which can be said of about ten thousand illnesses!

As I showed in a thread I'm healthy but became a UK Swine flu case in 15 easy clicks & got a code for Tamiflu-read the Q's

this is all done by phone or online, it's a joke!

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:17 PM
Sounds just like the Government to me! Remember when Swine flu had effected 100 people they classified it as a Level 6 Pandemic –Never has anything ever reach a level 6 (Highest level) since they introduced these levels. Keeping in mind around 25,000-30,000 die in the U.S each year of Human Influenza. So there was no reason to suspect this as being ANYTHING to worry about after a 100 had died!

Then the CDC get on TV and tell us that this Virus is made up of a mixture of 3 Different viruses. Human Influenza, Avian Bird Flu and Pig Swine flu. mmmm Sounds like a Bio logical weapon to me. Its impossible to Mutate Swine flu or any other flu to Mimic all 3, not unless someone’s tampered with it.

Then we had the FDA override the normal protocol that’s in place to make a vaccine! And on top of that if something happens to you, you cannot sue anyone or hold them liable.

Then we hear about Baxter Pharmaceuticals who earlier this year mixed Avian Bird Flu with a Human Influenza vaccine. Wonder how they made that mistake-Which they have admitted was a mistake. Remember dangerous viruses don’t get put on the same table at the same time, like when we make a sandwich. Its all done in a clean environment and in a sealed Glass Box when dealing with dangerous contagious viruses.

And then we get Obama declaring his National Emergency.

Now lets step back and review what we have coming.??

Like someone said –it could be a double Bluff. First we get rid of a large portion of “those that rebel” and will not take the Vaccine. So this round to come, this could be a plan. All those that get the Vaccine are just dandy and many that do not take it “check out”.

We could see in round two, also called “panic two” an even Bigger rush for the Vaccine, this would be a year later. For those who still don’t take the Vaccine will face the same as round one. Take your chance, maybe be locked up or forced to take it. Who knows. The laws are already in place to deal with these people, they can use the laws when ever they want to.

Because this is a bio engineered weapon, they can now up the Anti and bring out an even stronger Virus ! meaning they just inject a few extra Million with something that’ll for sure take them out! Keep in mind everyone is in a state of panic to get the Injection this time round, seeing how many died the first time round and now rumored to be ever worst than that time! Panic Panic, And those that took the injection were just fine, so now they have trust in the Vaccine! EXACTLY WHERE THEY WANT YOU! Over the table with your pants down!

Now that everyone is rushing to take the vaccine, they can decide how many they’ll take out and just tell us that the Virus has Mutated and they working on another Vaccine to counter this. And so on it goes.

Before you know it America has a population of 50-100Million and people who will trust the Government, No Unemployment, very few elderly people. So Medicaid and Medicare and your 401K can live a little longer.

Happy Hunting !

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:19 PM
They are certainly trumping up the numbers over here. I've had two friends in the last 6 months go to the doctors with a bit of a cold. Both were told, "It's swine flu", with no testing whatsoever.

When one of them questioned how they could be diagnosed with such a "deadly" disease without any testing, he was told, "swine flu is everywhere, so it must be it".

They are trying to inflate the statistics so they can use them against us, and bring in "safety" in the form of compulsory vaccinations.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:31 PM
I will agree that it seems messed up but I would say for #1. it is very costly to test every one on a case by case basis #2 the hospitals and clinics simply are way understaffed to deal with the amount of people coming in sick. #3 it is so much easier to get everybody injected with that deadly dose of crap if there is less roadblocks to slow the process.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 09:10 AM
UK - At work c.30 employees we have 2 off with 'swine flu' at the mo wit h2 others going to be off from tomorrow with swineflu.
Lots of customers are saying they and/or family/colleagues have swine flu.

Basically anybody who is ill now claims it's swineflu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by Lil Drummerboy
I will agree that it seems messed up but I would say for #1. it is very costly to test every one on a case by case basis #2 the hospitals and clinics simply are way understaffed to deal with the amount of people coming in sick. #3 it is so much easier to get everybody injected with that deadly dose of crap if there is less roadblocks to slow the process.

But if this is the case, the number of cases are misleading. Misleading the public. Scaring people into thinking it's worse than it is, if you ask me.

Another thing the doctor told my buddy said, "It was too costly to check everyone and it takes awhile to come back with the results." This just creates a "fake" number of people with the said swine flu and couple that with hospitals that get benefits to report cases of swine flu and you could get even more trumped up cases to feed the public.

Case in point, my girlfriend tells me the other day that the numbers have risen dramatically of who has the swine flu, of course she heard that on the news. She's diabetic, so she says she will get the vaccine regardless. She did take the regular flu shot, but I hope she stops there.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by kiwifoot

In the UK, you can be diagnosed with swine flu by having 2 of the following symptoms:

* Widespread muscle and joint aches
* A cough
* Headache
* Blocked or runny nose
* Sore throat
* Vomiting
* Watery diarrhoea

Which can be said of about ten thousand illnesses!

As I showed in a thread I'm healthy but became a UK Swine flu case in 15 easy clicks & got a code for Tamiflu-read the Q's

this is all done by phone or online, it's a joke!

And i thought i was just hung over, shoot. I better go home for a week.


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