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Visions after a night of drinking

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posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:15 PM
everytime after i get pretty drunk with my friend, the day after, i can close my eyes, and not clearly, but images are there, and i can see them better than if i was sitting down for hours trying to quiet my mind. sometimes they begin to get more detailed, but i think the conscious shock of it unfortunately kinda stops it from fruition. im gonna test it the next two days for the first time, and see how far i can let it go. anything to get an edge during these times. ha ha.

anyone else experience this? i read before while reading up why you get horny after a night of drinking, about it being a build up of testosterone. i wonder if that chemical build up in general from the suppression by the alcohol is what is causing this.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 03:38 PM

anyone else experience this?

Yeah, I did. I recommend you to watch 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock on Goggle Video and elsewhere. He talks about how the pineal gland is really function and how certain substances such as alcohol can affect its work.

In other words, if you lucky enough to have healthy pineal glans, you will see the other side, the astral, time-space, next dimension, you name it.

My advise: develop your natural abilities, Who knows - maybe you can do out-of-body and stuff like that with greater ease than others.

P.S. I get also these experiences when tired and have slept the last 3-4 night 4-7 hours instead of my "norm" 12.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by jimmy1200

Many people over the centuries have used alcohol and other chemicals to induce 'visions'. But if you keep doing it day after day you will definatley have to use more and more to achieve the same result. This will then affect your health which will affect your 'visions' in a negative way. Plus Its no laughing matter becoming an alcoholic. Physical addiction to anything is a bitch and alcohol is the mother of all bitch's.

Remember the images are coming from your mind not from the chemical .You just have to figure out how to unlock them. I advise moderation and meditation.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by VitalOverdose]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:11 PM

My advise: develop your natural abilities, Who knows - maybe you can do out-of-body and stuff like that with greater ease than others.

yeah. obe's is old school for me. at one point i could induce it whenever. i just never mastered it, because at the moment i knew of it, and the sensations, ect.., but i didnt think nothing of how i could have really used it back then, and now, well, i dont practice as often as i should, but its not so easy. back then i was like, lay down, oh, there is that electric flow, now the vibration, then the train sound, and pop, but i couldnt move around far. argh!

Remember the images are coming from your mind not from the chemical . i advise moderation and meditation.

oh i know. everything is just a frequency to me, and i look at alcohol as a certain frequency we introduce into our current frequency that effects each other. everything is deeper than chemicals, cells, ect.. for me. i dont even think of that stuff anymore because its not the root, so its almost irrelevant to me. i only get drunk twice a week with him, so i dont use it to induce this. its just an odd next day when i close my eyes listening to some music and images are floating in and out constantly. i guess i ignored it, even though i knew it meant something, but now im like, let me fiddle with this and see what i can do. ill report as the days go since today and tomorrow are the drinking days. lol.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by jimmy1200

Thats cool , ive kinda been down this road myself but not so much with alcohol.

Yeah the dreamy visions are all quite normal. Sometimes if you drink a lot the night before some of the alcohol sits around in your gut until you eat or drink something the next day. Then you get mildly tipsy again. This can seem a bit strange because your pupils let in more light in the daytime.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by VitalOverdose]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:30 PM
Hmm, this reminded me of an article I saw today about Carl Jung and his 'Red Book'.

This isn't the article I read but tis close enough - red book

Apparantly he did what you described but warned of the dangers of going to far - he would always pull himself back lest he stay in that 'day-dream' world.

Sounds very interesting if ye ask me - was gonna research it a bit more today.

a bit more info

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 04:33 PM
There is a reason they're named "spirits".

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 01:26 PM
that david wilcock video is amazing. the stuff he was describing that i experienced was fantastic, even the way he was just keeping it real. i especially liked when he was talking about the random moments of the pineal gland activation during the day, and you hear that tone in your ears. um, yeah, that happens usually at least once a day, and i never had any metaphysical understanding of what it may be, because it could be quiet, no music on, and then ill feel this shift, and then a constant tone is just humming in my ear for a while. wow, this is excellent, and really took me up a notch.

side note, since i made the thread, and i have been having a drink daily since then. since friday, every night i have been having the obe to the point that i just stayed up the rest of the night because i wanted to sleep, but i kept having the experience and it was uncomfortable. lol! especially when your drunk, and your just like, wtf is going on, oh damnit, this, i wanna sleep. happened this morning at 3am. i felt it coming too, because i kept being aware of me blocking out the sound from the tv show i had playing, and that feeling of sorta like a oneness, and when it happened, the rushing sound caught me off guard. i thought i heard someone open my apartment door, and then the rush sound came blazing through. so i started banging my leg up and down to wake up. i heard myself doing it, and my leg was moving, but it took 30 seconds for me to pop out of it. weird. after that the crown of my head was buzzing and warm. i just stayed up until the sun came out and eventually went back to sleep. something comforting about sun light sometimes.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Be careful using drinking to induce your visions.....perhaps meditation would be a better method?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 05:11 PM
Well Since I am an new member I cannot post my own thread but thought this would be an appropriate place to post as it deals with visions and experiences on a spiritual side.

As a young child I remember numerous situations of being effected by something I couldn't explain. The first experience I can remember was about when I was 5 or 6 and I was staring up at the moon in my bed, my bed was right next to the window, closed window. Something had grabbed my hair and held me down for a few seconds. I asked all my family members if they were teasing me, and no one said that they were. I had my sister and parent living with me at the time. As I was growing up I had many situations in between sleep and awake fully that I saw spirits and things I had know idea what they were. Do any of you experience a state in which you are sensitive to other planes of existence between sleep and awake?

For along time I didn't have any "experiences" till recently.

I recently moved in and then out of a place because I couldn't sleep, I lived there for about 9 months.
Every night I had the same type of visions I have been mentioning, and I could never get any sleep because most of the time it seemed real enough for me to talk to the vision or even lunge at them. Sounds crazy right...

well I have since moved out of that older place and moved into a newer place with less "activity" I guess you could say. So far not to many sleepless nights, until last Saturday night.

Well I don't know if it was leftover energy from an argument with my father earlier that evening or what. Some things happened to a family member of mine with my father and It has always bothered me, more than I ever thought. I had broke down that night in tears and was very emotional. I went to sleep and what I remember dreaming about was that I was cave exploring. I was in the cave for a very short time, I then notice a hole that led to another cavern. Right at the moment of looking in the whole my head was shaken violently outside of the dream to the point of it waking me up. I woke up with my head shaking back and fourth as if I was saying "no" for a second or two. There was also a tone in my left ear, that I don't know how to explain other than a tone high pitched and low pitched at the same time. I then got the immediate feeling that something or someone was watching me.

Anyone else with similar experiences?

I have always been taught by my mother that my family and I are part of an older soul group and I can't help to think that I'm getting more sensitive again for a reason. Any thoughts on that?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by jimmy1200

yeah this happens to me all the time. apparantly alcoholics get this alot.
i have been really bad at times, and actually went to the hospital. they gave me pills to calm me down. I was seeing faces of demons and moving shadows all over the walls. once i kept seeing a face of what i can only describe as jesus. it can be quite scary.

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