posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 01:26 PM
that david wilcock video is amazing. the stuff he was describing that i experienced was fantastic, even the way he was just keeping it real. i
especially liked when he was talking about the random moments of the pineal gland activation during the day, and you hear that tone in your ears. um,
yeah, that happens usually at least once a day, and i never had any metaphysical understanding of what it may be, because it could be quiet, no music
on, and then ill feel this shift, and then a constant tone is just humming in my ear for a while. wow, this is excellent, and really took me up a
side note, since i made the thread, and i have been having a drink daily since then. since friday, every night i have been having the obe to the point
that i just stayed up the rest of the night because i wanted to sleep, but i kept having the experience and it was uncomfortable. lol! especially when
your drunk, and your just like, wtf is going on, oh damnit, this, i wanna sleep. happened this morning at 3am. i felt it coming too, because i kept
being aware of me blocking out the sound from the tv show i had playing, and that feeling of sorta like a oneness, and when it happened, the rushing
sound caught me off guard. i thought i heard someone open my apartment door, and then the rush sound came blazing through. so i started banging my leg
up and down to wake up. i heard myself doing it, and my leg was moving, but it took 30 seconds for me to pop out of it. weird. after that the crown of
my head was buzzing and warm. i just stayed up until the sun came out and eventually went back to sleep. something comforting about sun light