My theory based on insight and almost 20 years of meditation and awakening.
Where to begin...
Perhaps where it ends is best. The seeming increase in Unexplainable Phenomena is not that. The agitation that is increasing in the perceived world is
not that. The fear of time running out lying deep inside the Mind of us all is real and it isn't.
The fear of temporal loss is real because it is an expression of our collective Self. It is not real because it is based on nothing.
Is that a covert and vague enough opening statement for you? Does it leave you asking what the hell I'm talking about? Does it leave you thinking
that there is something to it but you can't quite put your finger on it? Does it leave you feeling like I am a complete nut whack and haven't a clue
beyond the rambling babble emanating from this keyboard? Good. All are correct and all are false.
I will explain:
The perceived increase in events is just that a "perceived" increase in Paranormal Phenomena ranging from Ghost Experiences to UFO Sightings to
Astral Projection to just plain Gestaltic Awakening or the "Duh!" factor as I like to call it.
Why is it only perceived? Because there is not an increase of events. Nothing more or less is happening than has always happened. Nothing more or less
is there than has always been there. Then what is this sense of increase?
We are changing...
We collectively as a species are evolving to a point to where what is perceived is recognized eventually as what has been there all along. The Veil of
Forgetfulness is thinning. We have forgotten our place in the whole. We have lost recognition of what we truly are. What did this?
As soon as the Mind's fallacies were entertained as real we blinded ourselves to what simply is. But we are beginning to remember as whole. We are
beginning to recognize as a whole. We are beginning to see things as they truly are. We are beginning to realize that what is being seen, felt, heard,
smelled and tasted is US or Self experiencing It's Self. The Universe is seeing it's Self through it's creation and it is recognizing it.
Of course this recognition phase being experienced by us on Earth is not only being experienced on Earth or in this dimension. It's pan dimensional.
What we are seeing is seeing us the same way. What we are experiencing is experiencing us the same way. Things are thoughts and thoughts are things.
It is remembering that it is us and we are it. We are all in pre-school about to graduate to kindergarten. This is good news!
Or is it?
Not all see. Not all are awakening. Not all know that they don't know. Unfortunately, these are the ones who hold a lot of physical make believe
power that is very influential to those in ignorance. Those that don't have the catalysts to awakening or the recognition prevalent in their daily
lives as they struggle not only against every perceived adversity but struggle just to exist. The more they struggle to exist at a physical level, the
more they believe that that is all they are. A body. Nobody telling them and pointing out that there is only this and THEY ARE THAT!
Time is not running out. It appears to be slowing down. To a creep actually. However, our quickening at a collective level is speeding up. We are more
and more awakening as a species every moment. Like a wildfire, the dawning of realization quickens it's pace as it burns the Veil of Forgetfulness
away from our collective psyche. Things are being revealed to us by us for us of us now, now and now.
What is the race?
The race is....will we awaken collectively enough before we destroy ourselves. We are at a cusp. Those in power that don't see, resisting the
catalysts rising up against those that don't resist the catalysts, and see and awaken.
Time is slowing down. Coming to a dead stop. We are speeding up. You can almost hear the rush of the Veil being lifted. It would only but take the
tiniest breath of genuine heart to blow away this veil of mind like a breeze to the wispiest of gossamer smoke, to bring All back into a stateless
state of not knowing but BEing.
It is imperative that those that do remember and recognize, help in the most subtle on unconditionally compassionate and loving way those that do not
to awaken. The Vow of the Bodhisattva. If we are to survive as a species at all this must happen.
We are living in four dimensions and ready to enter the fifth. Some of us already have.
1st Dimension: Up and down
2nd Dimension: Side to side
3rd Dimension: Front and Back
4th Dimension: In and out
The fourth dimension is problematic for us as a species. We've focused outwardly for so long trying to substantiate our surroundings thus trying to
implement happiness by seeking eternity in the physical, that we let this distract us from the true path toward this end: the inside. This is
dimensionless and infinite and it is in fact where all perceived external things are borned into believable existance.
In reality, we are out looking in. In delusion we think we are in looking out. Backwards.
Please understand that I mean everything that I have stated in the most esoterically literal sense. But it is a lie. The fifth dimension we are
entering is conceptually moot. It is the Isness, the Nondual Suchness of things. By my writing this, I have objectified that which is without concept.
My words are a map. NOT the territory. Thanks Ken Wilber!!
In the long run, it doesn't matter. WE exist collectively in so many other aspects and awarenesses. But if we are to survive as a species, we must
die to ourselves so that we may live and BE...
In Lovingkindness,
[edit on 22/OctpmWed, 28 Oct 2009 12:01:31 -0500/08 by redwoodjedi]