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Capitalism and Democracy has failed... now what?

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posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:58 PM
It is time to end this failed experiment of Capitalism and Democracy (Greek: mob-rule). It is time to DEMAND pure Constitutionalism.

Even the framers of the Constitution did not believe in the Constitution. While drafting the document they saw it as a Truth, “Self evident” to anyone with the faculties of observation and applicable to those incapable to or the less advanced. Universal Truths transcend lower levels of emotions such as beliefs, patriotism, pride, etc. Yes, there are the Constitution's historical scares of racism and sexism that will be overcome in this new movement. It is time to evolve to what we Truly are – DIVINE MEMBERS OF THE COSMOS.

Have you observed lately all that has gotten in the way of your “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness?” It is not difficult to start listing off that which is in the way of your Divinity: money, law, crime, taxes, war… We are no different than the vassals before and after Magna-Carta. We have yet to free ourselves from the confines of those chains and maintain our Liberty. Yes, I am talking about YOU and ME. As long as we (sheeple) wake up to brand named coffee and come home to our HD TV we care little about much else. Until we take the initiative and insist that all peoples (Earth born and not) and sentient beings, regardless of race, birth and creed are seen and treated the same we are doomed to play this nonsense of unnecessary fear out. How quickly policy would change in the world, national level, and state level affairs if we chose the path and system of True Constitutionalism. Berney Frank was quoted today as saying, "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government (re: financial system).” It seems like a bad dream but it is OUR ignorance and complacency that has gotten us here. Nothing else is to blame.

I look to you ATSers for ideas on how to launch such a movement. In all sincerity, how could such a movement begin? It's time for the dubbed "conspiracy theorists" to become the heralders of the Neo-Constitutional movement.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by AnotherSon

summary: the world sucks,no one cares, i want us all to do something about it

theres got to be at least 6 of these threads a week and i think the general consensus is that no one is ever going to do anything. i think a movement would be impossible if for no other reason the leaders will say things like "It is time to evolve to what we Truly are – DIVINE MEMBERS OF THE COSMOS" and scare potential followers away.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
reply to post by AnotherSon

summary: the world sucks,no one cares, i want us all to do something about it

theres got to be at least 6 of these threads a week and i think the general consensus is that no one is ever going to do anything. i think a movement would be impossible if for no other reason the leaders will say things like "It is time to evolve to what we Truly are – DIVINE MEMBERS OF THE COSMOS" and scare potential followers away.

Thanks. Sorry, new to the site. Just figuring out more than the Home posts. I'll sit back and observe before I pontificate such nonsense.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by AnotherSon

The fed govt will not allow such a scenario to happen, can't really do anything drastic without looking like the bad guy. What I would like to see is letting states make their own rules and not let the feds interfere. If you don't agree with the rules of one state, you can always move to a state that is more in line with your views. The fed govt can still get it's share of money via state taxes and let them control a national army. This is the greatest country in the world folks. Not trying to offend people from other countries who feel that their country is the greatest country in the world but the U.S. is better than your country. We've just been too busy being distracted by shiny things. Sooner or later, people here will get a clue and focus on being #1 in everything as a nation. Let's start with getting rid of congress, they're useless as it is. Keep the executive branch and limit their power. No need for the supreme court either, state rights is what should matter. It goes without saying that it must be a peaceful transition. I don't see any of the above happening, maybe in a movie.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 12:52 PM
The rumors of the death of democracy and capitalism are greatly exaggerated.

Ever since Marx introduced the idea of dialectical materialism, and perhaps before, people have been waiting for capitalism to collapse and it hasn't happened.

Businesses have failed, people have failed, economies have faltered, but the basic principles of the free market are alive and well.

What has failed miserably is communism and at the cost of some 100 million innocent lives.

You may give up on freedom and there are many places where you can live happily under some dictatorial rule.

As for me, I choose liberty or death.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by AnotherSon
It is time to end this failed experiment of Capitalism and Democracy (Greek: mob-rule). It is time to DEMAND pure Constitutionalism.

Even the framers of the Constitution did not believe in the Constitution. While drafting the document they saw it as a Truth, “Self evident” to anyone with the faculties of observation and applicable to those incapable to or the less advanced. Universal Truths transcend lower levels of emotions such as beliefs, patriotism, pride, etc. Yes, there are the Constitution's historical scares of racism and sexism that will be overcome in this new movement. It is time to evolve to what we Truly are – DIVINE MEMBERS OF THE COSMOS.

Have you observed lately all that has gotten in the way of your “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness?” It is not difficult to start listing off that which is in the way of your Divinity: money, law, crime, taxes, war… We are no different than the vassals before and after Magna-Carta. We have yet to free ourselves from the confines of those chains and maintain our Liberty. Yes, I am talking about YOU and ME. As long as we (sheeple) wake up to brand named coffee and come home to our HD TV we care little about much else. Until we take the initiative and insist that all peoples (Earth born and not) and sentient beings, regardless of race, birth and creed are seen and treated the same we are doomed to play this nonsense of unnecessary fear out. How quickly policy would change in the world, national level, and state level affairs if we chose the path and system of True Constitutionalism. Berney Frank was quoted today as saying, "We Are Trying On Every Front To Increase The Role Of Government (re: financial system).” It seems like a bad dream but it is OUR ignorance and complacency that has gotten us here. Nothing else is to blame.

I look to you ATSers for ideas on how to launch such a movement. In all sincerity, how could such a movement begin? It's time for the dubbed "conspiracy theorists" to become the heralders of the Neo-Constitutional movement.

I wholeheartedly agree!!!!

Now let's kill all the poloticians and corporate mongrels...Just kidding...I do not condone violence!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

There has never been "true" communism. In order for there to be a "true" communism there would be no need for a federal government.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by DaMod

It really sucks that 100 million people had to die because of a fake communism.

Too bad that real communism runs so counter to human nature that it is unachievable.

[edit on 2009/10/30 by GradyPhilpott]

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