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The Doctrine of the Hypostases

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posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 09:27 PM
For many years, around 15 now, I have been researching and studying metaphysical philosophy, Forteana, and history. I have always sought a deeper understanding of reality, anomalous phenomena and acausal events such as synchronicity.

Our world is filled with so much wonder and awe. Most people pass it by as if bound by some type of tunnel vision. People go on their daily routines never stopping to contemplate their reality or existence. Its as if most people are operating on autopilot, completely oblivious to the anomalies and phenomena that surround us.

I have personally experienced some of these anomalies and phenomena. Many of them are involved in my motivations for trying to understand reality and existence. I know there is more to our world than our mundane daily routines or the animalistic behavior of those who can't see beyond a life of hedonism.

As I researched, studied, and meditated on events in my life and works of philosophy, I begin to realize that patterns were emerging. There are things around us actively working. There seems to be a transcendent order that exists all around us. It seems to be the source of acausal events. At times it seems to guide and inspire us. It seems to act as a source of benevolence, comfort, and compassion.

Yet there is also something else that appears to be actively engaging humanity in a manner neither benevolent or comforting. I touched upon a hypothesis here on ATS that dealt with this Other in a thread titled "They Come From Within", which can be found here:

The basis of this hypothesis dealt with the idea of entities interacting with humanity throughout history in a deceptive and manipulative manner. These entities, that I now refer to as "The Watchers at the Threshold", seemed to have been the source for various myths and legends of parallel beings around the world. The most recent incarnation of this mythology can be found in the lore of UFO cults and the New Age movement. Regardless of their form, there are certain constants that seem to remain the same. These constants include an amorphous nature, the ability to be invoked and channeled, an association with human abductions, delivering false prophecies, connections to liminal times-spaces, and having cults of followers.

In addition to hypothesizing the nature of these entities, I also briefly touched upon a few other important concepts. These included the holistic-phantasmal nature of our reality and an Ultimate reality beyond it.

Those concepts really weren't exactly part of the Threshold hypothesis but more philosophical in nature. I didn't really go very far into them due to their nature.
I did touch further on some of the ideas in a few other threads, which can be found here:

Mandalas, Form Constants and Platonic Solids

The Divine Singularity?

3D Shadows and other High Strangeness

I have never quite fully addressed the phantasmal nature of our reality or the transcendent order that is the foundation of it. I have hinted at it or briefly touched on it, but I havn't ever really tried to fully explain it.

The purpose of this thread will be to do just that. To outline and explain the metaphysical doctrine that not only underlies my Threshold hypothesis, but also serves as a practical paradigm for those seeking more in life than mundane daily routines and animalistic instincts.

I call this "The Doctrine of the Hypostases". The discussion will be divided into parts. It will deal with a number of important metaphysical concepts and doctrines. Among these are the Hypostases themselves. The word Hypostasis comes from the Greek, meaning an underlying essence, reality or foundation. Its usage here denotes the transcendent reality and foundation of our phantasmal reality.

I will also use two other terms when dealing with these concepts of transcendent and phantasmal realities. The first is "cosmic" which comes from the Greek cosmos, meaning order and beauty. It refers to the Cosmos as we understand it as our reality. So in this outline "cosmic" and "phantasmal" will both refer to our subjective reality. The reason I use the term cosmic also has a deeper meaning. As the Cosmos is ordered it is also quantifiable, meaning it can be expressed in numbers and mathematics. This includes such mathematical concepts as dimensions. The second term is "hypercosmic". This expresses the idea of beyond the Cosmos or the ordered and quantifiable universe. The transcendent Hypostases are "hypercosmic". This means They are not quantifiable. They are not dimensional and transcend both space-time and what some call "hyperspace".

I will also discuss the "Self" and its components and how these components relate to the Hypostases. Also discussion will be included in how one of these components is recycled.

The Theurgy of the Hypostases and its ultimate goal of "Transcendence" will also be introduced. Theurgy in this sense involves practices which seek a transcendence of our subjective reality. It will discuss various practices and concepts which are designed to expand the consciousness.

Lastly I will cover "Pseudognosis" or false gnosis and how it relates to the Threshold hypothesis. Emphasis will be placed on one especially dangerous pseudognosis, whose goal is to "Immanentize the Eschaton" or try to mimic objective reality at the phantasmal level.

Bear in mind that these concepts can be found all over the world. They have many names and titles, but they are universal concepts that essentialy mean the same. One example is the Pneuma or "breath" , a component of the Self. This can also be found as "Spiritus" in Latin, "Prana" in Sanskrit, "Qi" in Chinese, and "Nephesh" in Hebrew. They all mean "Breath". The Hypostases themselves also appear to be universal. In other words this a discussion of universal concepts that can be found all over the world.

I hope that others will find this as fascinating as I have and maybe it will open the eyes of some to the anomalous phenomena that fills our world with wonder and awe.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 11:12 AM
Fascinating, I'm looking forward to reading your findings and the ensuing discussions with the experts on this board.


[edit on 10/27/2009 by seentoomuch]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 11:51 AM
Hypostasis (ὑπόστᾰσις) "That which stands beneath"

In ancient Greek philosophy it was used to refer to the Objective reality of universal forms or ideas. The philosophers theorized that our subjective reality and the subjects within were a simulacrum of universal forms, sometimes called archetypes, that existed outside time and space. In this sense hypostasis is the foundation and essence of reality.

Comparable belief can also be found in Hindu philosophy, also known as the Vedanta, in the concept of Brahman. In the Vedanta, Brahman as the Absolute contains the infinite potential and universal forms that form the foundations of our physical reality.

The Source of the univeral forms would also be seen as hypostatic. In the Platonist philosophy of the great philosophers Plotinus and Proclus, the universal forms existed as "thoughts" in the hypostatic Intellect that had emanated from an ineffable concept refered to as the the Monad (The One). The Monad originates from Pythagorean philosophy and represents the Absolute to both the Pythagorean and the Platonists. Once again there are parallels between ancient Greek philosophy and the Hindu Vedanta. Both the Brahman and the Monad are the hypostatic Absolute from which all reality and existence emanates.

To the Platonist there were three hypostatic components. The first being the Monad mentioned from above that was the ultimate Source of all. The Monad was beyond thought or being. The second was the hypostatic Nous (Intellect) of the Monad, also known as the Logos. The parallel in the Hindu Vedanta is the Hiranyagarbha, which is identified with Brahma, and is the source of creation.

To the philosophers, the hypostatic Nous is the grand architect and engineer of the Cosmos. It was recognized as Supreme Being and the Creator. Cosmos in the ancient Greek was defined as order and beauty. The musica universalis or symmetry of the universe, which are the mathematical harmonies found in music, sacred geometry, fractals, aesthetics, and many other places originate from the hypostatic Intellect. This musica of the cosmos also operates as a sign to humanity. We are drawn to it. We define our aesthetics by it. Innately when we see and hear it, we sense and feel the hand of the Creator. We may try to deny it, but this musica has shaped everything that we are.

The last of the hypostatic components of the philosophers was known as the "World Soul" or Anima Mundi. It was the dynamic Vital Aether immanent in the universe. Its analog in Hindu philosophy is Shakti, the dynamic universal force. It overlaps with the concept of Aether or "divine air" and the Pneuma or "breath". A comparable overlap appears in Hindu philosophy in the relationship between Akasha (Aether), Prana (Breath) and Shakti. This Hypostasis is numinous in nature. It "flows" through all things in the universe.

These Hypostases arn't limited to just the Greek and Hindu. They can be found all over. The Greek and the Indian philosophies just appear to have the most written information in regards to them. More analogs can be found in the Abrahamic and Taoic faiths. The Trinity of Christianity is a good example from the Abrahamic faiths. Among the Taoic faiths, Wuji (the Infinite), Taiji (The Supreme) and Qi (Breath) are analogous concepts.

What I have been doing the past few years is studying and contemplating the Syncretic nature of these concepts. The end result was this metaphysical "Doctrine of the Hypostases".

In this metaphysical doctrine, there are three Hypostases.

The "first" Hypostasis is what I call "The Singularity". It isn't quantifiable. It is undefined mathematically which is why I don't refer to the Singularity as "The Monad or One". On the other hand It could be called the Infinite.

The second Hypostasis is the Logos, which is responsible for the symmetry or "musica" in the universe. It is an acausal principle that is also the source of synchronicitic events.

The third Hypostasis, the Numinous "Aether" or essence of the universe. It exists and flows in all things. It is dynamic in nature.

Later today I will make a post that goes further in depth into the nature of these Hypostases. I will also go into some depth of the pseudognosis that has developed around them that has obscured Their natures.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Later today I will make a post that goes further in depth into the nature of these Hypostases. I will also go into some depth of the pseudognosis that has developed around them that has obscured Their natures.

Personally, I can't wait.
But I hope (mostly for my own sake, but also for others) you'll take it slow, in relatively small installments - so people can properly "absorb" them before moving on.

I think one of the main threats to threads like this one - and, it could be argued, to "gnosis" itself - is precisely the vertiginous perspectives they offer.
People initially get a dizzy "rush" out of them - but at some point they become "too much" (of a good thing), and eventually everything slides back into the comfortable zone of the well-established (by the rational mind).

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:40 PM
you are not alone in the persuit of gnosis. i, you, and many others on ATS, are slowly putting this together piece by piece.

i seem to have hit a brick wall with a recent thread of mine, and it is this:

"what does it do?"

i have spent a decade clarifying the nature of reality in my own head, but come up short when trying to make anything useful out of it. so my question to you is: is a metaphysical model enough? do you intend to go further than modelling?

nevertheless, i am quite interested in what you have to say. particularly in regard to the pseudo-gnosis.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by tgidkp
do you intend to go further than modelling?

I don't know about the OP, but I can tell you I have no interest in such topics unless I can explore them in my everyday life.
In fact, that is my main pursuit in life.
(And no, it does not involve as much navel-gazing as you'd think...

P.S. The reason I am saying this (talking about myself - uninvited, at that) is simply to let people know - other people who may be thinking about the same "practical" approach - that it is doable.

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Fascinating! From your opening post one can really sense that you have put real effort in measuring the existence.

I have yet to read your OP comprehensively, I merely skimmed it through; following is what caught my eye:

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
The most recent incarnation of this mythology can be found in the lore of UFO cults and the New Age movement. Regardless of their form, there are certain constants that seem to remain the same.

Here I began to think Jungian archetypes. Could it be, that these entities that seem to be so influential in human existence, spawns from collective subconsciousness? It is - or might be - some kind of common lore to whole mankind, varying in form, yet always constant in some manner?

I could imagine that this constantly varying lore is the living word, often misinterpret as god. The individual subconsciousness is the personal unknown, the Atman (if speaking in these terms) and the collective one is what is referred as Brahman in Hinduism or was it Buddhism? Of course, I am not very sure, for this just started to emerge in my mind when I am typing this. Furthermore, I am only familiar with eastern philosophy through texts of Jiddu Krsihnamurti and some theosophical texts.

Whatever the case, I will be reading the OP with greater vigilance.


posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by Vanitas

I agree. I don't want to go so fast as to confuse people. I am also a full time college student and ROTC cadet, so I can only go as fast as that allows me.

I would like a pace where I can make a major post every other day. I'll still take part in the daily discussion like I'm doing now though. Some of the information does take time to digest and the pacing will allow for more discussion and commentary.

The discussion and commentary are very important. Further on as I get into theurgical practices and exercises this will become more evident.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by tgidkp
you are not alone in the persuit of gnosis. i, you, and many others on ATS, are slowly putting this together piece by piece.

i seem to have hit a brick wall with a recent thread of mine, and it is this:

"what does it do?"

i have spent a decade clarifying the nature of reality in my own head, but come up short when trying to make anything useful out of it. so my question to you is: is a metaphysical model enough? do you intend to go further than modelling?

nevertheless, i am quite interested in what you have to say. particularly in regard to the pseudo-gnosis.

I fully intend to outline more than just the theoretical, but actually get into the applicable and practical concepts. The most important of these is Symmetry and how it is applicable to everything and I really do mean everything that exists in our subjective reality.

The Golden Mean of Aristotle and the Middle Path of the Buddha are an example of practical and applicable wisdom that exhibit Symmetry. Applying this Symmetry and moderation to one's own life puts one on a path where we no longer struggle with universal order, but become one with it. This Symmetry can be applied to any subject and functions as a guide to right living. So it will have a very practical side to it.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Further on as I get into theurgical practices and exercises this will become more evident.

This is what is usually missing from the great majority of such speculation.
(And I am using this word in its literal, original - positive - sense.
After all, we are all speculi...

I can't wait.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Vanitas]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by v01i0

interesting stuff going on here.
i have been reading a lot on the subconscious which makes a whole lot of sense and testing it on my own experiences it really falls into place. check it out, but be prepared to let go of some personalized ideas. i had noticed that i was judging everything against my own ideas about things. now i understand what they mean by letting go.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by johnpaulbelmonde
[but be prepared to let go of some personalized ideas. i

I suspect this might be merely a minor semantic glitch, but... isn't everything (and I mean that literally) a "personalised idea"?

And. Mike: couldn't you, please, just throw us a bone to chew on, while we wait for the main course...?

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by johnpaulbelmonde

Originally posted by johnpaulbelmonde
reply to post by v01i0

i had noticed that i was judging everything against my own ideas about things. now i understand what they mean by letting go.

Yea, I see what you mean. This indeed so with most people and in a way, it is quite natural. Of course one judges things from one's own perspectives, yet it would would be 'enlightening' (sorry, I personally don't like the word, but decided to use it for it's relevance in this matter) to even time to time step out of that circle.


posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
The second Hypostasis is the Logos, which is responsible for the symmetry or "musica" in the universe. It is an acausal principle that is also the source of synchronicitic events.

Unless you already haven't, you might want to take a look of G.I. Gurdjieff's views on the law of octaves. There is a comprehensive book (on that matter), made by one of his most notorious students, P. Ouspensky; In The Search of The Miraculous. But since it is not freely available on internet, we have to do with secondary sources:

G.I Gurdjieff; The Key Concepts, in Google Books.

Basically it proposes that universe works in law of octaves - or law of nine - according to G; One octave is made of 7 notes and 2 shocks, hence the name 'law of nine'. Everyone knows the notes in octaves (DO, RE and so on), but Gurdjieff proposed that in order to move between various notes, a shock is required. I can't really recall all this explicitly since I have read the book only once and it was sometime ago, so I'll explain no further as I might do it incorrectly.


[edit on 1-11-2009 by v01i0]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 11:28 AM
My compliments to you friend, and thank you for your supreme efforts in posting your highly disciplined work and findings.

It is encouraging to see people putting extensive thought and contemplation in to such structured and quantified annalysis.

I look forward to reading your material and to commenting when appropriate after having digested it.

Big star and flag and encouragement for your work and efforts along with it.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS

The basis of this hypothesis dealt with the idea of entities interacting with humanity throughout history in a deceptive and manipulative manner. These entities, that I now refer to as "The Watchers at the Threshold", seemed to have been the source for various myths and legends of parallel beings around the world. The most recent incarnation of this mythology can be found in the lore of UFO cults and the New Age movement. Regardless of their form, there are certain constants that seem to remain the same. These constants include an amorphous nature, the ability to be invoked and channeled, an association with human abductions, delivering false prophecies, connections to liminal times-spaces, and having cults of followers.

This would be quite a lucid insight in my estimation. I call them "lower-astral-entities" for lack of a better word. I dont talk or write about them much because focussing on them too much as detrimental effects on me.

Theurgy in this sense involves practices which seek a transcendence of our subjective reality. It will discuss various practices and concepts which are designed to expand the consciousness.

Yeah, teach it

Lastly I will cover "Pseudognosis" or false gnosis and how it relates to the Threshold hypothesis. Emphasis will be placed on one especially dangerous pseudognosis, whose goal is to "Immanentize the Eschaton" or try to mimic objective reality at the phantasmal level.

It takes a lot of psycho-spiritual sophistication to spot counterfeits. Good luck.

[edit on 1-11-2009 by Skyfloating]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:34 AM
I'll try and link two tables from George Gurdjieff, another one is table of octaves and the other is table of hydrogens. In my opinion, these tables - even not scientific in modern standards - are interesting nonetheless.




posted on Jun, 25 2012 @ 02:41 PM
Found through a link from your other thread. Using this comment as a bookmark to track it for further study after work today. Thank you for posting this!

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