posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 04:46 PM
Greetings, fellow Earthling's! This is my first thread, hopefully it will be a good one!
This thought became an idea a few days when I was engaging in an experience that TPTB would condone as a misdemeanor. Although this has been
decriminalized in my county, it is still against the law. This is where it hit me. I questioned myself, "why is it I could get in trouble for
partaking in something that is safer than alcohol and produces feelings of happiness for me?" What gives people the right to tell me what I can and
cannot do?
Maybe the people are more interested in my well being, or perhaps it's just a scam to create revenue and maintain control. I really don't honestly
believe things are the way they are because of a interest in our well being. If this were true, they would outlaw alcohol immediately. It really
baffles me... our system that we govern ourselves by. It makes me want to say "America, Land of the Greedy, Home of the Slave."
I wonder if things will get better in the future. I imagine a future without any laws expect three.
1. Life is sacred, do not kill others.
2. Life is meant to be an experience, so do whatever interests you! Unless the desired experience conflicts with Law 1.
3. Have fun, live abundant and prosperous, & care for your fellow being. For we are all here together.
Hopefully this short thought on obedience has opened some new perspectives on our system of governance. Would love to hear your thoughts & opinions
on this subject.
With that, I would like to wish you all a peaceful & prosperous life.