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Ron Paul has Real Healthcare Reform

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posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 02:18 AM
Ron Paul has measures to really reform Healthcare. We don't need a fascist power grab. Here are legislative measures, a letter from John Tate from Campaign for Liberty

October 24, 2009

Dear Patriot:

Campaign for Liberty believes it is time to reform the way health care is delivered in America. Years of ruinous government intervention, excessive regulation, and corporatism have damaged the patient-doctor relationship and driven up consumer costs.

The solution to our health care dilemma will not come from some grand scheme concocted by the same people who ran our economy into the ground and who continue to accumulate trillions of dollars in debt.

It will come from choosing freedom by ending government meddling in health care, protecting patient privacy, returning more of our hard-earned tax dollars to us, and ensuring the federal government does not block any information about alternative treatments.

Congressman Ron Paul, an OB-GYN who has delivered more than 4,000 babies, has introduced several pieces of legislation in Congress to bring true change to health care and to protect the American people from further government intrusion.

H.R. 2629, the Coercion is Not Health Care Act, stops government from taking even more of our money and railroading us into its health care scheme by preventing any individual or agency in the federal government from requiring anyone to purchase health insurance. H.R. 2629 also prohibits conditioning the receipt of any government benefit or participation in any government program on the purchase or maintenance of health insurance.

H.R. 1495, the Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act of 2009, allows all Americans to pay their health care bills through the method that suits them best by providing all Americans with a tax credit for 100% of health care expenses (fully refundable against both income and payroll taxes), allowing individuals to roll over unused amounts in cafeteria plans and Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA), providing a tax credit for premiums for a high-deductible insurance policy connected with a Health Savings Account (HSA) and allowing seniors to use funds in an HSA to pay for a medigap policy, as well as making all medical expenses tax deductible by repealing the 7.5% threshold for the deduction of medical expenses.

H.R. 1498, the Freedom from Unnecessary Litigation Act of 2009, addresses rising medical malpractice costs by providing a tax credit for negative outcomes insurance purchased prior to medical treatment and by preventing medical malpractice awards obtained through binding arbitration from being taxed.

As Dr. Paul said in his speech introducing H.R. 1498, “Relying on negative outcomes insurance instead of litigation will also reduce the costs imposed on physicians, other health care providers, and hospitals by malpractice litigation.”

H.R. 2630, the Protect Patients and Physicians Privacy Act, allows patients and physicians to opt-out of any government-mandated or -funded system of electronic health care records and repeals the federal law creating an “unique patient identifier.” It also denies the use of federal funds to advance the use of standard unique health identifiers in any federal, state, or private health care plan.

H.R. 3394, the Freedom of Health Speech Act, requires the FTC to actually prove health care claims are false before preventing those claims from being made, and H.R. 3395, the Health Freedom Act, ends the FDA’s attempts to censure truthful health claims.

These are just a few of steps Congressman Paul has taken in Congress to address the health care crisis.

Click here to get contact information for your representatives and urge them to support Dr. Paul’s health care reform legislation.

And be sure to visit Dr. Paul’s congressional website, where you can get information on all the legislation he has sponsored and cosponsored in the current Congress and several previous ones, read his speeches introducing his legislation and remarking on other efforts, and learn more about his work to restore respect for the Constitution in Washington.

The federal government has meddled in our health care affairs long enough. It’s time to choose freedom.

It’s time to make sure Americans can receive efficient, effective health care by unleashing the power of the free market.

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Contact Congress today and let them know it’s time to bring true change to health care by supporting Ron Paul’s health care reform legislation. And be sure to remind them of your opposition to all attempts to further raise taxes on any American to pay for health care or to force us to purchase a government-approved health insurance plan.

This message was intended for:

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 03:32 AM
i wish we had a true american patriot and upholder of the constitution like ron paul in the oval office. would surely change america for the good. unfortunatly, the ptb hate freedom and america, so unless people wake up and realize they are slaves, we will continue down a trechorous path until we no longer have any freedom.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by chrisd250
i wish we had a true American patriot and upholder of the constitution like Ron Paul in the oval office. would surely change America for the good. unfortunately, the ptb hate freedom and America, so unless people wake up and realize they are slaves, we will continue down a treacherous path until we no longer have any freedom.

Some of us voted for the guy, man, some of us campaigned for the guy.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by Happyfeet

Originally posted by chrisd250
i wish we had a true American patriot and upholder of the constitution like Ron Paul in the oval office. would surely change America for the good. unfortunately, the ptb hate freedom and America, so unless people wake up and realize they are slaves, we will continue down a treacherous path until we no longer have any freedom.

Some of us voted for the guy, man, some of us campaigned for the guy.

i too voted for him and also tried to get everyone i knew to vote for dad wouldnt vote for anyone but the front runner of the gop as always, and since i live in cali everyone was in obama-mania...who knows, maybe whats going down now will prove to the masses that ron paul knew what he was talking about all along, and maybe they will vote accordingly next election...

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by m khan

Besides one aspect of the bill, alot of it is just giving the healthcare corporates more power to dictate and increase premiums collectively like they have done for years. In ten years time healthcare premiums will be double they are now, and by that time are folks going to complain about the costs?

But in anycase, there is one aspect of the bill I am interested in:

H.R. 1495, the Comprehensive Health Care Reform Act of 2009, allows all Americans to pay their health care bills through the method that suits them best by providing all Americans with a tax credit for 100% of health care expenses

Although taxes off healthcare expenses will assist in the cost, it still will not prevent the collective premium hikes the healthcare corporations are doing and thats ultimately the issue here. You can cut out taxes, leave the premiums as they are and they will continue to increase for families.

Over the past 10 years, premiums have risen 131 percent while wages have increased just 38 percent. In that time, inflation has gone up 28 percent.
For families, from $5,700 in 99' to an increase of over $13,000 in 2009.

You can take out taxes, it still wont stop the cost of premiums rising and costing families. Its going up more than twice that of income increases and its costing. Ultimately thats the issue here. I do commend the idea of taking out taxes of healthcare costs, I think they should do that.

If Im missing anything here I would like to know. But the major issue here is the collective hikes in premiums by the healthcare industry, and nobody can tell them to stop because quiet frankly free marketers want them to have their monopoly.... yes I said monopoly because healthcare corporations dont really compete with eachother, they work collectively to reap the maximum from their hikes in premium costs.

So yes, it'd be good to get $25 off the weekly cost of my healthcare premiums, but if its going to increase by $12 every year pritty soon I'll be back to square one and this issue... let alone the fact $25 isnt going to solve my issue of pre-existing conditions.


[edit on 26-10-2009 by Southern Guardian]


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